Maximum size : 10 cm

Gold Ram Cichlid - Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi var. "Gold" : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Gold Ram Cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) are characterized as a serene and captivating addition to community aquariums. Their dazzling appearance, along with their hardiness and ease of care, makes them an excellent choice for those new to the hobby. Similar to their German Blue counterparts, these Cichlids thrive in pairs or small groups, and a calm environment is vital for their well-being. It's prudent to avoid housing them with larger or more aggressive tank mates, as Gold Rams can be easily overpowered.

Creating a comfortable home for Gold Ram Cichlids requires thoughtful preparation. This includes providing soft, acidic water and waiting for the aquarium to reach biological maturity before its introduction. Mirroring their natural habitat with a dark substrate and dense planting is beneficial, allowing for ample hiding spots and territorial areas among objects like rocks, driftwood, inverted flower pots, coconut shells, and other aquarium decor. Floating plant cover may also be added to diffuse light and create a peaceful ambience.

The use of peat filtration and the addition of dried Indian Almond Leaves can enhance the preferred conditions for these fish. Additionally, the filtration should be efficient while allowing for gentle water movement. Regular partial water changes will help maintain water quality and keep nitrate levels in check. Gold Ram Cichlids are known for their striking appearance, showcasing shades of gold, yellow, and orange, often with a unique black marking on their body. This visual allure, coupled with their charming personalities, contributes to their popularity among aquarium enthusiasts, making them a delightful focal point in any aquatic setting.

Gold Ram Cichlid Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Identifying the differences between male and female Gold Ram Cichlids is typically straightforward and unambiguous, thanks to clear distinctions in their physical characteristics. Females are often smaller in size and may exhibit a more pronounced golden or yellow hue on their ventral area. The anterior rays in their dorsal fins are generally less prominent compared to those of males. Additionally, females may have a more rounded tailfin edge and a plumper body shape.

On the other hand, male Gold Ram Cichlids can be recognized by their v-shaped tail fins, pointed dorsal and anal fins, and more substantial bodies. A particular trait that may further aid in distinguishing males is the presence of a longer second ray in their dorsal fin. These specific features enable aquarists to effortlessly determine the gender of Gold Ram Cichlids, facilitating appropriate pairing and breeding within the aquarium setting. Understanding these differences not only adds to the enjoyment of keeping these fish but also plays a crucial role in their care and breeding success.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameMikrogeophagus Ramirezi var. "Gold"
Year Described1948
Max Size10 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
Best kept asPairs
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 4 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.0 - 7.5
GH 5 - 12
Ideal Temperature
78 - 85
25 - 29

Natural Habitat

The Gold Ram Cichlid, a commercially bred variant of the species, offers a captivating alternative to natural wild types. Unlike their wild counterparts from the scenic Orinoco River basin in South America, Gold Rams have been carefully cultivated for their specific colouration and are products of selective breeding. This human-made variant thrives in conditions similar to those of the wild types, often favouring warm, slow-flowing waters. Their brilliant golden-yellow hue adds a touch of splendour to any aquarium, reflecting the meticulous breeding process they have undergone.

Though they hail from a controlled breeding environment rather than the lush aquatic landscapes of South America, Gold Ram Cichlids still exhibit the charming personalities that make them beloved among aquarists. This unique blend of human ingenuity and natural beauty makes the Gold Ram a fascinating and attractive addition to the aquarium hobby, providing a glimpse of both innovation and the wonders of aquatic life.


Breeding Gold Ram Cichlids is generally an achievable endeavour, but it might necessitate a few attempts for the parent fish to skillfully hone their nurturing abilities. Once they have adapted, breeding can occur roughly once a month without issues, with sexual maturity usually attained between four and six months of age.

The process of encouraging breeding among Gold Rams includes specific measures, such as offering soft water and marginally increasing the water temperature. Utilizing a timer for the aquarium lights can support regularity, harmonizing with their innate breeding cycles. The inclusion of flat stones is crucial, serving frequently as breeding sites, though some pairs may prefer to dig small pits in the gravel.

Even though Gold Rams are typically gentle, they might display augmented aggression during breeding periods, requiring sufficient hiding spots and natural barriers within the aquarium. As they are ready to spawn, noticeable changes may appear, and the mating pair will either clean a flat stone or create a pit where the female will attach her adhesive eggs. Capable of laying up to 300 eggs, both parents engage in the joint responsibility of protecting and caring for their brood.

To defend against bacterial and fungal infections, one parent will regularly moisten the eggs with fresh water, also removing any that are infertile. The eggs will hatch in about 35-40 hours, and the fry will become free-swimming after five more days. The parental fish will shepherd the fry together, taking turns guiding them as they forage.

Initially feeding the fry with infusoria-type foods and gradually introducing crushed flake food and small live feed as they grow will ensure a supportive environment. This method encapsulates the natural behaviours and distinctive qualities of Gold Ram Cichlids, facilitating a successful breeding process.

Diet & Feeding

Gold Ram Cichlids are similarly recognized for their flexible eating habits, appreciating an extensive range of foods within the aquarium. A well-rounded diet is key to their well-being, encompassing high-quality dried flakes, granules, and pellets, complemented by live and frozen treats such as brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, bloodworms, earthworms, and artemia. The addition of vegetables and aquatic plants helps to complete their nutritional needs.

To promote a healthy habitat and maintain optimal water quality, it's wise to implement a feeding routine with small, frequent servings throughout the day. This feeding pattern is more aligned with their natural eating habits and helps preserve water cleanliness, compared to offering a large amount of food at one time. The adaptable and easy-going dietary inclinations of Gold Ram Cichlids make them an appealing choice for aquarium enthusiasts. This adaptability not only simplifies their care but also allows for a nutritious and varied diet that contributes to their vibrant appearance and overall health.

Other South American Cichlids

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