Maximum size : 3 cm

Glowlight Rasbora - Trigonostigma hengeli : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Glowlight Rasbora (Trigonostigma hengeli) is a small but captivating fish that will add a pop of color to any aquarium. They are a perfect choice for beginner aquarists looking to create a peaceful community tank. Not only are these Rasboras visually stunning, but their active and fast-paced nature makes them a joy to watch.

Ensuring the well-being and vitality of these specimens necessitates their maintenance in a collective assembly comprising no fewer than eight individuals. Their flourishing can be facilitated within the confines of either a nano tank or a meticulously vegetated aquarium environment. The Glowlight Rasboras typically manifest an affable temperament, rendering them amenable to cohabitation with a diverse array of species, provided the latter neither pose a predatory threat nor evoke undue alarm, thereby fostering a harmonious synergy.

Optimal aquarium embellishment entails the strategic incorporation of luxuriant vegetation positioned along the lateral and rear aspects, meticulously balanced with an unobstructed midsection expanse to facilitate the uninhibited movement of the fish. Employing a dark-hued substrate underneath serves to accentuate the chromatic vibrancy of the fish. Preferably, the inclusion of shaded enclaves among bogwood and plants is advised to align with their predilection.  Additionally, it is important to keep the aquarium carefully covered as these fish are prone to jumping when startled or agitated.

The bodies of Glowight Rasboras range from translucent ivory to a pink-blushed orange, with sharp lemon-yellow fins. The most striking feature of these Rasboras is a brilliant strip of neon orange that runs just above a thin black marking along the back half of their body.

Glowlight Rasbora Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

The determination of sex in Glowlight Rasboras can prove to be challenging. However, typically, males exhibit a slimmer physique and more vibrant hues than their female counterparts. Conversely, mature females tend to have a larger and deeper body.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameTrigonostigma hengeli
Year Described1956
Other NamesHengel's Rasbora, Glowing Rasbora, Rasbora Hengeli
OriginsSingapore , Indonesia
Max Size3 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 8+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 1 - 15
TDS 0 -179
Ideal Temperature
73 - 82
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

The Glowlight Rasbora hails from the lush waterways of Southeast Asia, specifically the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo, Thailand, and Cambodia. In their natural habitat, these Rasboras are often found in colossal shoals that fill entire streams.

These fish prefer a peaceful and calm environment with slow-moving, heavily-vegetated water that is slightly acidic and soft. Typically, their habitat features decaying organic matter that imbues the water with yellow-brown hues from tannins and other chemicals. The lush vegetation also provides a shaded haven from the sun's glare, creating a serene haven for these stunning fish to thrive in.


Breeding the Glowlight Rasbora requires a controlled approach for a successful yield. While these fish can breed without intervention in a well-established aquarium, maximising the yield requires a separate breeding tank with mature water, low lighting, and a bottom covered with mesh or plastic grass matting or plenty of fine-leaved plants or spawning mops. The water should be slightly acidic, with oxygenation and water flow provided by an air-stone or air-powered sponge filter. 

Condition the adult group with live and frozen foods until the females look gravid, and then introduce one or two pairs into the breeding tank. Alternatively, you can spawn the fish in a group of half a dozen individuals of each sex, although a larger aquarium may be necessary. Once the eggs are noticed, remove the adults, as they are likely to consume the eggs.

The eggs will hatch within 18 to 48 hours, and the fry will become free-swimming 3-4 days later. You should feed the fry infusoria-type foods until they are big enough to accept artemia, nauplii, and microworms.

Diet & Feeding

The feeding regimen for Glowlight Rasboras is straightforward and requires minimal effort. These fish have a hearty appetite and are not particularly fussy eaters, readily accepting most types of food. However, to ensure optimal growth and coloration, it is recommended to provide them with a well-balanced diet consisting of high-quality dried flakes and granules, along with frequent small servings of small live and frozen fare such as artemia, bloodworm, and daphnia.

Other Rasboras

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