Maximum size : 5.5 cm

Glowlight Danio - Celestichthys choprae : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Glowlight Danios(Celestichthys choprae) is a captivating freshwater species belonging to the Cyprinidae family. Native to the lush, forested streams of Northern Myanmar, this diminutive fish is celebrated for its vibrant coloration and dynamic energy. The Glowlight Danio's resilience and peaceful demeanor make it a favored choice among aquarists, particularly those inclined toward creating biotope aquariums that replicate natural habitats.

Glowlight Danios thrive in the company of similarly sized, peaceful fish, while more vigorous companions may lead to their withdrawal. Consistent with the behavior of other Danio species, it is advisable to avoid pairing them with long-finned species due to potential nipping issues. Optimal companions for Glowlight Danios include other diminutive Cyprinids, Tetras, Livebearers, Rainbowfish, Catfish, and gentle Loaches. Being a gregarious species, it is recommended to maintain Glowlight Danios in groups of 8 to 10 to foster a stable social hierarchy and mitigate stress. Larger assemblies also provide sanctuary for subordinate individuals from the assertiveness of dominant males, ensuring a harmonious community aquarium.

To ensure the well-being of your Glowlight Danios, provide a well-planted aquarium or a setup that replicates a flowing river or stream. Incorporate a substrate of various-sized rocks and gravel, along with large, smooth boulders. Additional powerheads or filter outlets can be used to generate moderate water flow, but super fast conditions should be avoided, as these fish naturally inhabit calmer waters and marginal zones. Glowlight Danios appreciate sturdy aquatic plants that can be attached to decor, as well as branches and driftwood roots. A tight-fitting lid for the aquarium is essential, as this species is known for its adept jumping ability and can escape through even the smallest gaps.

The slender, torpedo-shaped bodies of Glowlight Danios boast greenish-golden hues, adorned with blue vertical bars and a blue horizontal stripe running dorsally across the entire body. In contrast, translucent fins accompany a black and gold-tipped caudal fin. A yellow line spans horizontally across the dorsal fin, and a white line graces the anal fin.

Glowlight Danio Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Glowlight Danios is generally a straightforward process. In sexually mature specimens, females tend to exhibit rounder bellies, less vibrant colouration, and slightly larger size compared to males. During spawning conditions, these differences become more pronounced, as males display intensified colouration and females appear visibly engorged with eggs.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Celestichthys choprae
Year Described 1928
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes
Family Cyprinidae
Genus Danio
Origins Myanmar
Max Size 5.5 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle - Top
Difficulty Beginner
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 1 - 12
TDS 20 - 250
Ideal Temperature
64 - 75
17 - 23

Natural Habitat

Glowlight Danios are indigenous to the Mogaung Chaung River and adjacent minor rocky streams within Myanmar, set against the rich tapestry of Southeast Asia. In their natural habitat, they exhibit a preference for diminutive mountainous streams characterized by substrates of gravel and assorted rock sizes, providing an ideal setting for their prosperity. Notably, these aquatic environments appear to be sparse in vegetation, a factor that has significantly influenced the evolution of the distinct traits and behaviors observed in Glowlight Danios.



Breeding Glowlight Danios is a relatively simple endeavour, with spontaneous spawning often occurring in community tanks. However, to maximize fry yield, it is advisable to designate a separate breeding tank for these fish. Ensure that delicate plants such as Willow Moss, Java Moss, or Cabomba are present in the aquarium, as females will scatter their eggs among them.

Alternatively, incorporating elements like marbles, small rocks, or coarse substrate can provide additional protection for the eggs by making them less accessible to the parents. Following the completion of the spawning process, promptly remove the adult fish from the tank.

The fry should hatch within approximately three days and subsequently become free-swimming. Upon hatching, the newly born fry can be nourished with a diet consisting of either liquid or powdered fry-specific food formulations.

Diet & Feeding

Glowlight Danios exhibits flexible dietary habits, accommodating an extensive array of nutritional choices. It is advisable to establish their nutritional regimen on a cornerstone of premium dry foods, such as flakes and granules. To augment their vitality and intensify their colouration, incorporating routine supplements of petite live and frozen fare, including Daphnia, bloodworms, and Artemia, into their diet is paramount.

Frequently asked questions

Glowlight Danios typically live between one and three years, depending on their quality of life. However, with the proper care, these fish could live up to 5 years.

You can house a small school of Glowlight Danios in a 45-litre aquarium, although a 90-litre aquarium will suit them better. Another fact that might be good to know is Glowlight Danios can appear somewhat washed out if the tank does not have enough decor, so make sure you have plenty of plants and suchlike. Finally, to display this fish's best colours and make them stand out, you should use a darker substrate.

Glowlight Danios are omnivores that will accept most fish food. However, these fish are pretty active and have high nutrient requirements, so choose good quality dry food that will accommodate their needs. This could include flakes and granules alongside regular meals of small frozen and live food such as Daphnia, bloodworm, and Artemia to get the best condition and colouring from your fish. Glowlight Danios will do best when offered food several times a day; however, only give them what they can eat in under 3 minutes. If you can only feed your fish once a day, provide them with what they can consume in around 5 minutes.

Glowlight Danios are somewhat shy fish; therefore, you should keep them with small peaceful fish or in a species only aquarium. Large tankmates, friendly or not, usually scare them into hiding. However, they thrive with other small Cyprinids and Danios, except for the Giant Danio, which is much bigger and will often harass smaller fish. You can also mix them with most Tetras, Rainbowfish, Livebearers, Catfish, Loaches and Anabantoids.

Glowlight Danios are one of the smallest Danio species, reaching just under 3 cm in length, with the males being slightly smaller than the females.

Glowlight Danios are a small fish with a sleek body and a barbel at the tip of each lip. Glowlight Danios have stunning colouration and patterning composed of bars, stripes and spots. This fish looks very similar to the Pearl Danio with its yellow, brown, and green colouring. However, Glowlight Danios have bright orange stripes on the back half of their body with green, red, turquoise and gold spots.


Glowlight Danios, Celestichthys Choprae Aquarium Danio Fish Species Profile & Care Guide Thumbnail

8 tank mate ideas for the Glowlight Danio

Looking for some awesome tank mate ideas for your Glowlight Danio? Look no further! Here are 8 of the most captivating & fascinating options that will liven up your aquarium!

Other Danios

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