Maximum size : 6 cm

Glass Bloodfin Tetra - Prionobrama filigera : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Glass Bloodfin Tetra (Prionobrama filigera) is a serene and relatively energetic schooling species that you can comfortably house with a multitude of other fish species that enjoy comparable water conditions, making them an exceptional choice for community aquariums. Their robustness also renders them an ideal option for novice aquarists seeking to bolster their aquatic repertoire.

While rival males may occasionally spar, keeping these Tetras in groups of at least six to eight individuals will circumvent such scuffles, ensuring a harmonious coexistence. Ideal tankmates for these Tetras are other Characins of similar size, smaller Loricariid Catfish, Apistogramma, Corydoras, Mikrogeophagus, and, in suitably sized aquariums, even slightly larger Cichlids like Discus or Angelfish. It is, however, advisable to avoid larger, more boisterous species that inhabit similar tank spaces, as they tend to instigate stress and cause the Tetras to withdraw when competing for swimming space and food.

The aquarium should provide ample open space for swimming, allowing these Tetras to showcase their striking appearance. An aesthetically pleasing setup involves a well-planted aquarium with carefully arranged patches of floating vegetation. The presence of surface plants serves to create a soothing environment, which is beneficial as Glass Bloodfin Tetras can exhibit skittish behaviour, particularly when introduced to a new tank. To enhance the overall aesthetics and mimic their natural habitat, the addition of driftwood branches and scattered leaf litter on the substrate can be considered.

The Glass Bloodfin Tetra, while not adorned with the most vibrant colours, is a captivating species in its own right. Possessing an elongated and slender physique, this Tetra boasts remarkable transparency throughout its body, offering glimpses of its stomach, internal organs, and even bones. Its striking scarlet tail provides a vivid contrast to its translucent appearance, and when gracefully gliding under the aquarium light, it occasionally reveals a captivating bluish iridescence.

Glass Bloodfin Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Glass Bloodfin Tetras is a relatively straightforward task. Males typically possess a slender physique and exhibit a hooked appearance at the onset of their anal fin. Additionally, well-conditioned males often display a dark stripe on their anal fin, accompanied by slightly elongated anal and dorsal fins. Conversely, females tend to have a fuller body, particularly during the breeding season and are noticeably more significant than their male counterparts.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Prionobrama filigera
Year Described 1870
Other Names None
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Characiformes
Family Characidae
Genus Prionobrama
Origins Ecuador , Colombia , Brazil , Bolivia
Max Size 6 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle - Top
Difficulty Beginner
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 5 - 20
Ideal Temperature
71 - 80
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

The mesmerizing Glass Bloodfin Tetras are native to the rich and diverse aquatic ecosystems of the Amazon Basin, found in countries such as Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia. In their natural habitat, these fish tend to avoid the main river channels and prefer the tranquillity of small creeks, streams, and tributaries. Here, they thrive amongst thick aquatic vegetation and under the shaded canopies of trees, creating an inspiring sight to behold.


To breed Glass Bloodfin Tetras, a separate breeding tank is necessary to raise a significant number of fry. This tank should be dimly lit and include clumps of fine-leaved plants like Hornwort, Java Moss, Anacharis, or even spawning mops, providing a suitable surface for the Tetras to deposit their eggs. Alternatively, covering the tank base with mesh would do the trick, with openings big enough for eggs to fall through but small enough to prevent adult fish from reaching them.

The water parameters play a significant role in the breeding of Glass Bloodfin Tetras. The water should be soft and acidic with a pH range between 6.0-7.0, a general hardness of 1-5, and a temperature between 80 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit. Filtration is not necessary; however, a small air-powered sponge filter bubbling away very gently will provide an excellent food source for the fry. 

Spawning in a group is one method of breeding Glass Bloodfin Tetras, with six individuals of each sex being the ideal number. Conditioning the fish with small live or frozen foods will help induce spawning. Alternatively, you can breed them in pairs, preparing the fish in separate tanks according to their sex. Once the females are gravid and the males display their best colours, select the fattest and best-coloured male and transfer them to the breeding tank in the evening. Spawning should occur the following day.

Removing the parents immediately after spawning is essential, as adult Tetras tend to eat their eggs. The eggs will usually hatch between 14 and 36 hours, depending on the temperature of the water, and the fry will become free-swimming after 3-4 days. It is crucial to provide the fry with infusoria-type foods for the first few days until they are large enough to accept microworm or baby brine shrimp.

Diet & Feeding

The upward curvature of the mouth and slightly concave body contour suggest that Glass Bloodfin Tetras predominantly consume small invertebrates sourced from the water's surface in its natural habitat. When housed in an aquarium setting, these Tetras exhibit a preference for live and frozen sustenance, including brine shrimp, cyclops, daphnia, mosquito larvae, and bloodworms. However, to ensure optimal health and vibrancy of colouration, it is strongly recommended to incorporate a diverse diet, encompassing dried alternatives like micropellets and flakes, which are also readily accepted by these fish.

Other Tetras

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