Maximum size : 12 cm

Flash Plecostomus - Panaqolus albivermis Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The captivating Flash Plecos (Panaqolus albivermis) are revered and sought after by aquarium enthusiasts for their exquisite allure, peaceful disposition, and remarkable resilience. In addition, these charismatic Plecos have earned their place as a beloved choice among hobbyists due to their availability, captivating appearance, and ability to thrive in diverse aquatic environments.

While Flash Plecos exhibit remarkable compatibility within the community tank, it is important to note that males can display a touch of territorial behaviour, especially during feeding time. Therefore, it is recommended to house these Plecos alongside lively shoaling species to create a harmonious aquatic community. Tetras, small Cichlids, Hatchet Fish, Pencilfish, Rainbowfish, and Corydoras Catfish, are all ideal companions, ensuring a lively and dynamic underwater realm. However, exercise caution when selecting tankmates to avoid species that may nip at the ornate tail fin extensions of these splendid Plecos.

Providing an average-sized aquarium that meets a few essential requirements will ensure the optimal habitat for Flash Plecos. A biologically mature aquarium, adorned with sand or a small smooth gravel substrate, serves as a solid foundation. Abundant driftwood or bogwood is necessary, both for aesthetic appeal and as an integral component of their diet. Creating ample private retreats with carefully arranged bogwood and smooth rocks will give these Plecos a sense of comfort during daylight hours. Consider incorporating floating plants and strategically positioned driftwood and caves to provide shaded areas, helping to diffuse the light, as Flash Plecos prefer subdued illumination.

When considering plant selection, robust varieties such as Java Fern and Anubias are recommended, as they can withstand the plecos' exploratory nature. However, it is advisable to refrain from incorporating soft-leaved or delicate plants, as these may fall prey to their foraging instincts. Employing a powerful filtration system capable of handling the abundant wood waste and maintaining a suitable water current will ensure excellent water conditions. This, in turn, promotes oxygenation, benefitting the overall health of the fish and potentially enticing them into breeding behaviours.

Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of Flash Plecos as they grace your aquarium with their presence. Admire their dark brown to black base colouration, accentuated by slender white to yellow vertical lines that traverse their upper to lower body. As these magnificent fish mature, these lines may transform into striking spots, adding further intrigue to their appearance. Delight in the thin white to yellow bands adorning their fins, showcasing nature's impeccable artistry.

With their alluring charm and remarkable adaptability, Flash Plecos epitomize the epitome of aquatic elegance, captivating the hearts of aquarists worldwide. Create an aquatic sanctuary that fulfils their essential needs, and revel in the privilege of witnessing their natural beauty unfold before your very eyes.

Flash Plecostomus Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Flash Plecos can pose a modest challenge. Males exhibit a slender physique compared to their female counterparts and possess a broader head structure. Notably, males showcase odontodes, small pointed structures positioned on the posterior part of their body, behind the gill covers, and on their pectoral spines. However, these odontodes tend to be shorter in females. Furthermore, as males mature, they develop fine body denticles that create a distinct furry texture, further distinguishing them from females. In contrast, females present a more rounded body shape, particularly when carrying a clutch of eggs.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePanaqolus albivermis
Year Described2013
Other NamesL204, Emperor Pleco, Peru Striped Flash, Pinstripe Panaques
Max Size12 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
Best kept asPairs
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionCave Spawner
Average LifespanUp to 12 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 5 - 15
KH 0 - 5
Ideal Temperature Range
76 - 86
24 - 30

Natural Habitat

Flash Plecos, scientifically known as Panaqolus albivermis, are indigenous to the beautiful waters of the Rio San Alejandro. This remarkable River is nestled among the lush landscapes of Peru, serving as a tributary to the upper reaches of the magnificent Rio Ucayali. It is within these dynamic, fast-flowing waters that the Flash Plecos find their natural habitat.

Thriving amidst submerged bogwood and driftwood, these plecos engage in fascinating behaviour. With an appetite for exploration, they graze upon the biological organisms that flourish on the surfaces of these woody structures. Immerse yourself in their natural habitat, where their gentle grazing reveals the harmonious interplay between these fascinating creatures and the thriving ecosystem that envelops them.

 Ucayali River - Peru
Peru Flag


Flash Plecos exhibit cave-spawning behaviour and their successful breeding has been accomplished numerous times within the controlled environment of an aquarium. Stimulating the spawning process can be achieved through a significant water change accompanied by an overnight temperature decrease, often triggering the plecos into their reproductive cycle.

Typically, spawning commences after a male and female pair separates from a larger group and choose a specific cave, which the vigilant male fiercely guards against any potential challengers. Engaged in an intricate courtship dance, the male actively swims in and out of the cave, demonstrating his commitment to the breeding process. Once the couple has chosen their sanctuary, the female proceeds to lay a batch of approximately 50 yellow eggs within the protective confines of the cave. Demonstrating unwavering dedication, the male diligently stands guard at the cave's entrance, ensuring the eggs remain safe until hatching, a process that usually spans 6 to 7 days.

Remarkably, throughout this entire reproductive journey, the male abstains from eating, wholly devoting himself to the safeguarding of the eggs. As the eggs hatch, the pleco fry emerges as miniature replicas of their adult counterparts, and their nutritional requirements align with those of the mature individuals. However, when breeding Flash Plecos in a community tank alongside other fish species, it is highly recommended to rear the fry in a separate tank or a specially designated breeder box within the aquarium. This segregation ensures the young plecos receive adequate nourishment to facilitate their healthy development.

Aquarists can partake in the remarkable journey of witnessing new life unfold within their aquatic realms by comprehending the intricacies of Flash Pleco breeding. Embrace the artistry of nature as the male diligently guards the precious eggs, paving the way for a new generation of these captivating Plecos.

Diet & Feeding

Flash Plecos are classified as primarily wood-eating herbivores, though they possess an omnivorous nature. While they do consume certain crustaceans and insect larvae in their natural habitat, it is crucial to prioritize a vegetarian diet for their overall well-being. Excessive reliance on live food without an adequate intake of plant-based nutrition can lead to significant health issues. Occasional supplementation of live foods, such as brine shrimp, Mysis shrimp, and grindal worms, can be incorporated into their diet, particularly during the conditioning phase for breeding, as it aids in the maturation of eggs in the female.

For optimal nutrition, Flash Plecos thrive on a diet consisting of sinking wafers, spirulina wafers, and fresh vegetables such as courgette (zucchini) and cucumber. These food items should be readily available to them, accompanied by an ample supply of appropriately sized bogwood pieces. Aquarists can ensure the long-term health and vitality of their Flash Plecos by providing a well-balanced and varied diet enriched with plant-based nutrition.


Flash Pleco L204 (Panaqolus albivermis) Freshwater Aquarium Fish Profile & Care Guide Thumbnail

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