Maximum size : 3 cm

Flame Tetra - Gold - Hyphessobrycon flammeus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Flame Tetra (Hyphessobrycon flammeus), particularly its gold variant, is an exemplary addition to any aquarium, offering both aesthetic appeal and ease of care. Renowned for their vivacious yet peaceful nature, these Tetras are adaptable to a broad spectrum of water conditions, making them an ideal choice for aquarists at the novice level who possess fundamental knowledge in fish-keeping. Their resilience and minimal care requirements allow them to flourish even in basic aquatic environments.

It is imperative to house Flame Tetras in groups of no fewer than six individuals, as they naturally exhibit shoaling behavior. It is advisable to exceed this number for optimal well-being. These Tetras are exceptionally suited for communal tanks, showing minimal territorial tendencies towards other aquarium residents. However, caution should be exercised when housing them with larger or overly active fish, as this may result in undue stress for the Tetras. Their amiable nature makes them compatible with other Tetra species and similarly tranquil fish that can coexist harmoniously within their environment.

To accentuate their striking coloration, an aquarium setup with live plants, dark substrates, and elements such as driftwood roots and branches is recommended. This not only provides an aesthetically pleasing environment but also replicates their natural habitat. Incorporating dried leaf litter can further enhance a biotope-style aquarium, adding authenticity and promoting a natural ambience. Flame Tetras thrive in settings with floating vegetation and subdued lighting, which fosters a serene and healthful atmosphere. Maintaining pristine water conditions is critical for their health, necessitating regular water changes. These Tetras are sensitive to the buildup of organic waste, thus requiring a biologically mature aquarium for optimal health.

In terms of physical appearance, the gold variant of the Flame Tetra is distinguished by its elongated, slightly compressed high body. The fish features a golden yellow head, an orange upper body with two distinct dark vertical bars, and a fiery red lower body extending from beneath the spine to above the pelvic fins. The dorsal fin is predominantly red with a white leading edge, while the anal and pelvic fins exhibit a gradient of red, deepening at the base and fading towards the edges. The caudal fin varies from red to nearly transparent, and the pectoral fins are typically colorless.

Flame Tetra - Gold Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

The characteristics used to distinguish between male and female Flame Tetras, including the gold variant, generally apply across the species, but there may be some specific nuances for different color morphs. For the gold variant of the Flame Tetra (Hyphessobrycon flammeus), the primary distinguishing features between males and females would likely remain similar to those of the standard coloration. However, the intensity of coloration and specific shades may vary due to the unique coloration of the gold variant.

Typically, in fish species, color morphs still exhibit similar sexual dimorphism in terms of body shape and fin structure. So, while the gold variant may have differences in hue and vibrancy, the basic principles of identifying males and females through aspects like fin shape, body size and shape, and fin coloration should still apply. It's important to observe the fish closely, as these differences can be subtle and may require a practiced eye to discern.

If you're specifically interested in the nuances of the gold variant of the Flame Tetra, consulting a specialized breeder or a detailed resource on this specific morph would provide the most accurate information. These sources could offer insights into any unique characteristics that the gold variant may exhibit in terms of sexual dimorphism.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Hyphessobrycon flammeus
Year Described 1924
Other Names Red Tetra, Rio Tetra, Red Flame Tetra, Von Rio Tetra, Fire Tetra
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Characiformes
Family Characidae
Genus Hyphessobrycon
Max Size 3 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle - Top
Difficulty Beginner
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 5.5 - 7.5
GH 3 - 15
Ideal Temperature
72 - 82
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

The Flame Tetra, scientifically known as Hyphessobrycon flammeus, originates from the diverse aquatic ecosystems of eastern Brazil, South America. This species is typically found in the Paraiba do Sul and Guandu River Basins near Sao Paulo, as well as around the Rio de Janeiro in the Guanabara Bay region. In these natural settings, Flame Tetras inhabit shallow, slow-moving waters such as creeks, river tributaries, streams, and backwaters, often thriving amidst dense vegetation which provides them with shelter and food.

Unfortunately, the Flame Tetra faces the threat of endangerment in its native habitats, primarily due to factors like habitat destruction, pollution, and the encroachment of invasive species. As a result of these environmental challenges, Flame Tetras are increasingly rare in the wild.

In the aquarium trade, most Flame Tetras are now products of captive breeding programs. These programs have also led to the development of various selectively bred color variations, such as golden, orange, and albino. It's important to note that these color variants, especially the gold variant, are not found in the wild. They are exclusive to the aquarium trade, created through selective breeding to enhance specific aesthetic traits. These variations, while visually appealing, represent a divergence from the Flame Tetra's original, wild-type coloration and are not reflective of the species' natural appearance in their native Brazilian habitats.


For the successful propagation of the gold variant of Flame Tetras, a dedicated breeding aquarium should be established. This tank should contain mature water and be illuminated with subdued lighting, supplemented by an abundance of aquatic plants or spawning mops to support the breeding process. Prior to spawning, it is advantageous to condition the breeding pairs with nutritious live or frozen foods, such as mosquito larvae or bloodworms, to stimulate their reproductive readiness.

As spawning commences, the female Flame Tetra will exhibit enhanced swimming activity, while the male may engage in gentle nudging behavior. The female proceeds to disperse her eggs amidst the foliage, with the male following closely to fertilize them. A single spawning event can result in the deposition of up to 500 eggs. These eggs may adhere to plant surfaces or descend to the aquarium bed.

Upon completion of spawning, it is crucial to relocate the adult Flame Tetras from the breeding setup to prevent them from consuming the eggs. Additionally, maintaining a dimly lit or dark environment is imperative, as both the eggs and the subsequent fry are light-sensitive. The incubation period of the eggs is typically brief, hatching within a day, subject to the prevailing water temperature and conditions. The fry will commence free swimming approximately three to four days post-hatching.

In the initial week following hatching, it is advisable to keep the aquarium lighting minimal, gradually intensifying it thereafter. The fry initially derive nourishment from their yolk sacs. Once depleted, transitioning them to a diet of infusoria and rotifers will provide essential nutrition during their early developmental stages.

Diet & Feeding

To ensure the Flame Tetra (Hyphessobrycon flammeus) maintains its vibrant coloration and optimal health, a diverse and nutrient-rich diet is crucial. Their diet should primarily consist of high-quality commercial fish foods, such as flakes, granules, pellets, or tablets, formulated for tropical fish. This provides a stable base of essential nutrients.

However, the diet should be enhanced with regular servings of live or frozen foods. Foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, and daphnia are excellent choices. These not only offer rich protein content but also stimulate natural feeding behaviors and contribute to the overall health and color vibrancy of the Tetras.

In addition to these, Flame Tetras benefit from occasional access to organic matter, such as algae or detritus. This can be facilitated by incorporating live plants in the aquarium, which naturally produce such organic matter, or through specialized foods designed to simulate this aspect of their diet.

Feeding practices are also vital for their health. It's advisable to feed the Tetras several times a day but in small quantities that they can consume within a few minutes. This approach prevents overfeeding and ensures that there's no excess food left in the aquarium, which can degrade water quality. By adhering to these dietary guidelines and providing a balanced and varied diet, Flame Tetras will not only thrive but also exhibit their most vibrant and striking colors.

Other Tetras

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