Maximum size : 45 cm

Fahaka Pufferfish - Tetraodon lineatus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Fahaka Pufferfish (Tetraodon lineatus) is a fascinating and distinctive freshwater species hailing from the Nile River and various river basins in East and West Africa. Renowned for its striking appearance and charismatic behaviour, this species is a prized addition to the aquarium hobby. Fahaka Pufferfish exhibit a robust and unique personality, making them a captivating choice for experienced aquarists seeking an engaging and visually appealing aquatic companion. With their distinctive markings and intriguing behaviours, Tetraodon lineatus is a remarkable representation of the fascinating world of pufferfish.

The Fahaka Pufferfish is a formidable and notably aggressive freshwater species renowned for its substantial growth. Pufferfish, while exhibiting varying temperaments, generally display a disposition of high aggression, necessitating unique care in the aquarium setting. These voracious predators exhibit a complete intolerance towards any tankmates, compelling their solitary confinement in a species-only aquarium. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for Fahaka Puffers to display aggressiveness even towards neighbouring tanks, posing potential risks to fishkeepers during routine maintenance. 

Due to their rapid growth and substantial size in adulthood, these formidable predators require exceptionally large tanks with robust filtration systems. Aquascaping should incorporate ample shady hiding places amidst rocky caves, with subdued lighting to cater to their preferences. A smooth substrate is advisable due to the extended periods these pufferfish spend resting on it, especially after sizable meals. Managing their considerable metabolic rates necessitates powerful filtration and aeration, accompanied by frequent partial water changes. 

Special care should be taken with heater placement to prevent damage. Fahaka Pufferfish often exhibit a penchant for nibbling on plants, particularly those with slender shoots. Hardy plant species such as Anubias, Java Fern, Bolbitis, and Amazon Sword are preferred choices. Floating plants like Amazon Frogbit provide appreciated dappled shade. These sensitive creatures may display stress patterns, including faded colouration, a darkened line between the eyes and dark bars across the back when agitated. 

It is imperative to avoid provoking them into inflating, a behaviour that should never occur above water due to potentially fatal consequences. The Fahaka Pufferfish features a brownish-grey dorsal region transitioning to an off-white underbelly, adorned with lighter horizontal stripes extending from the tail to the pectoral fin.

Fahaka Pufferfish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Currently, there are no established methods available to home aquarists for discerning the gender of the Fahaka Pufferfish. However, when females are carrying a significant number of eggs, they exhibit a distinct, rounded appearance. Additionally, shortly before the spawning process, a small ovipositor becomes visible. It is worth noting that females may, on occasion, release unfertilized eggs into the aquarium environment. In such cases, it is advisable to promptly remove these eggs from the aquarium.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameTetraodon lineatus
Year Described1758
Other NamesNile Puffer, Globe Fish, Lineatus Puffer
OriginsEgypt , Kenya , Sudan , Senegal , Ghana , Gambia , Cameroon , Niger , Nigeria , Chad , Sierra Leone
Max Size45 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
Best kept asLoners
Diet & FeedingCarnivore
Average LifespanUp to 20 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater/Brackish
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 5 - 15
Ideal Temperature
72 - 79
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Fahaka Pufferfish is indigenous to a range of regions in Eastern, Northern, Northeast, and Western Africa, including Egypt, Kenya, Sudan, Senegal, Ghana, Gambia, Cameroon, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Sierra Leone. These puffers are versatile in their habitat preferences and can be found in a diverse range of environments, such as large rivers, open water regions, weed beds, and vegetated fringes that extend along the entirety of the Nile River. While they are capable of inhabiting both freshwater and brackish waters within river systems, they tend to thrive best in freshwater conditions when kept in home aquariums.


Breeding Fahaka Pufferfish in aquarium settings has been documented, albeit infrequently, primarily due to their inherent intolerance towards conspecifics. Additionally, challenges arise during the fry-rearing process, as their aggressive tendencies become apparent at an early stage, leading to the dominance of the stronger individuals over the weaker ones.

Diet & Feeding

The Fahaka Pufferfish primarily feeds on a diverse array of prey found in its natural habitat, including crabs, shrimp, snails, worms, and benthic creatures. Additionally, it consumes American crayfish, which have become invasive in its native environment. 

To ensure the well-being of captive Fahaka pufferfish, it is essential for fish keepers to replicate their natural diet as closely as possible. Offering a variety of suitable foods not only enriches their diet in terms of flavours and textures but also provides a broader spectrum of essential nutrients necessary for their health, growth, development, and longevity. 

Suitable foods for this species encompass frozen-thawed freshwater crabs, crayfish, large terrestrial and aquatic snails, insects such as gut-loaded cockroaches, crickets, locusts, and woodlice, earthworms, Repashy foods, and high-quality sinking pellet food. 

A recommended dietary breakdown includes approximately 55% freshwater crabs and crayfish, 25% freshwater snails, 10% insects, 5% earthworms, and 5% of a mix containing Repashy and high-quality sinking pellet food. Responsibly sourced cockles can also be included but should be limited to the suggested 5% mix of food.

Other Pufferfish

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