Maximum size : 5.5 cm

Cochus Blue Tetra - Boehlkea fredcochui Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Cochu's Blue Tetras (Boehlkea fredcochui) are truly remarkable and vibrant fish that will add a pop of colour to any aquarium. These gentle and active creatures are relatively low-maintenance, making them perfect for novice aquarists. However, it is worth noting that these Tetras may nip on the fins of larger, slower-moving fish if there isn't enough space for them to swim.

If you're looking for an ideal community aquarium fish, the Cochu' s Blue Tetra is an excellent choice for medium to large-sized tanks, especially those with plenty of plants. It is highly recommended to keep them in groups of six or more as they thrive in shoals. Be mindful of keeping them with aggressive fish, as these Tetras may struggle to compete for food. 

The aquarium enclosure should be thoughtfully arranged, characterized by dense vegetation interspersed with open spaces. Favourable conditions entail subdued lighting, while a dark substrate for the tank bottom is preferred.

In terms of appearance, the Cochu' s Blue Tetra boasts a stunning silvery blue streamlined body that ranges from sky blue to dark, shiny blue. A blueish horizontal stripe at the lateral line, coupled with a dark spot at the caudal fin, adds to their beauty. They also have curved tails and translucent fins, and sometimes, you may spot pink colouration at the base of their tail.

Cochus Blue Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

A distinction can be made between male and female Cochu's Blue Tetra based on characteristic differences in their physical appearance. The male fish exhibit a more slender and streamlined body type, and their colours tend to be more vivid than those of their female counterparts. In contrast, females tend to have a broader and less streamlined body type and are typically less vividly coloured than males.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Boehlkea fredcochui
Year Described 1966
Other Names Blue King Tetra
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Characiformes
Family Characidae
Genus Boehlkea
Origins Peru
Max Size 5.5 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level All Levels
Difficulty Beginner
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 5 - 15
KH 2 - 4
Ideal Temperature
71 - 80
21 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Cochu's Blue Tetra originates from the stunning River Marañón, situated in the heart of Peru's Amazon Basin. These tetras thrive in an array of aquatic conditions, ranging from varying water temperatures to acidity levels, allowing them to flourish even in the harshest of environments. In their natural habitat, Cochu's Blue Tetras prefer streams and rivers that are rich in tannins and leaf litter. These conditions create an ideal environment for these beautiful fish to exhibit their stunning colours and thrive in their natural ecosystem.

 Marañón River - Peru
Peru Flag


The Cochu's Blue Tetra (Tetragonopterus cochu) is an egg scatterer, and breeding them is relatively uncomplicated. To maximize their breeding potential, a dimly lit aquarium with fine-leaved plants and soft, acidic water is necessary for the successful hatching of the eggs. Well-conditioned females will deposit their eggs on the broadleaf plants' bottoms. However, the parents consume the eggs, making it essential to transfer the eggs to a separate grow-out tank immediately after spawning. After hatching, the fry can be fed with finely crushed flake food, infusoria, or newly hatched brine shrimp to ensure healthy growth and development.

Diet & Feeding

Cochu's Blue Tetras are not discerning eaters and are easily maintained with a diverse diet of high-quality flakes, granules, and micro pellets. Supplementing their diet with frozen, live, or freeze-dried foods, such as mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, tubifex, and bloodworms, is also recommended for their optimal health and vibrancy.

Other Tetras

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