Maximum size : 6 cm

Chocolate Gourami - Sphaerichthys osphromenoides : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Chocolate Gouramis (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides) are gentle, slow-moving fish with a shy disposition, making them vulnerable to more assertive or boisterous tankmates who may outcompete them for food. These Gouramis are sensitive to water conditions and prone to bacterial infections and skin parasites, making them less suitable for beginner aquarists.

To promote a peaceful environment and help them thrive, house Chocolate Gouramis in larger tanks with compatible tankmates opt for species characterized by their diminutive size, serene disposition, and affinity for soft and acidic water parameters. Favourable selections encompass congregations of petite Cyprinids, including Rasboras and Dwarf Barbs. Additionally, the inclusion of Kuhli Loaches is deemed appropriate within this context.  It is best to house these Gouramis in groups of six or more, as they can become aggressive towards one another. Before introducing the delicate Chocolate Gourami species, it is crucial to ensure that the aquarium is biologically mature. 

Provide ample hiding spots by incorporating tangles of bogwood, rocky caves, and dense planting, including floating plants, to help diffuse the light. Utilizing a dark-coloured substrate and background will not only boost the fish's confidence but also enhance their vibrant colours. Although filtration should be efficient, it is essential to maintain gentle water movement. Incorporating aquarium botanicals can help mimic the fish's natural water conditions. Adding leaf litter, such as dried Indian Almond leaves, will further contribute to replicating their natural habitat. Maintaining excellent water quality is vital for Chocolate Gouramis, as they cannot tolerate elevated nitrate levels or fluctuations in water chemistry. To ensure optimal conditions, perform small, frequent partial water changes.

Chocolate Gouramis possess an oval-shaped, flat body, a pointed mouth, and a small head. Their name is derived from their dark chocolate brown colour, which can range from a reddish-brown to a greenish-brown hue. The fish also features three to five light yellow to white stripes running vertically across its body. The fins are elongated and bordered in yellow, with a slightly forked caudal fin.

Chocolate Gourami Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Identifying the gender of Chocolate Gouramis is quite simple due to the distinct characteristics each sex displays. Males are generally larger, with more developed and pointed fins and a pronounced yellow edge on their caudal and anal fins. They also exhibit a brownish-red hue. Conversely, females have a rounded throat, while males possess a straighter throat, possibly to aid in mouthbrooding. These differences make it uncomplicated to discern between male and female individuals.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Sphaerichthys osphromenoides
Year Described 1970
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Anabantiformes
Family Osphronemidae
Genus Sphaerichthys
Origins Indonesia , Malaysia
Max Size 6 cm
Temperament Semi-Aggressive
Aquarium Level Middle - Top
Difficulty Intermediate - Advanced
Shoaling No
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Mouthbrooder
Average Lifespan Up to 8 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 4.0 - 6.0
GH 2 - 10
Ideal Temperature
77 - 84
25 - 28

Natural Habitat

The majestic Chocolate Gouramis can be found in the exotic lands of Sumatra (Indonesia), Borneo, and the Malaysian Peninsula in South East Asia. These exquisite creatures inhabit the soft, acidic, and mineral-poor blackwater peat swamps and adjacent streams that are unique to their region.

Not limited to just one type of aquatic environment, these gouramis can also be discovered in clear water areas that are tannin-stained to a rich, dark brown colour by decomposed organic materials. This adds to the allure of their natural habitat and provides a stunning backdrop for observing their elegant movements. 


Breeding Chocolate Gouramis presents a challenging endeavour. A dedicated tank is necessary, with precise water conditions and ample vegetation for fry to seek shelter when needed. To optimize breeding outcomes, condition the pair with high-quality foods, particularly the female.

Although predominantly mouthbrooders, these Gouramis may occasionally create a bubble nest. When female Gouramis are prepared to spawn, they lay a limited number of eggs at the tank's base. The male then fertilises the eggs, after which the female collects them in her mouth for incubation, lasting approximately two weeks.

The male assumes the role of protector during this period. Upon the fry's full development, the female releases them. At this stage, nourishment, such as freshly hatched brine shrimp, rotifers, and cyclops, is essential. Chocolate Gourami fry are particularly sensitive to water changes and exhibit slow growth.

Maintaining a warm air layer between the cover slides and the water surface is crucial during the first few weeks of their lives as they develop their labyrinth organ. Consistent monitoring and care are vital to ensure their well-being and survival.

Diet & Feeding

The Chocolate Gourami necessitates a well-balanced diet to sustain optimal health and well-being. Although they generally accept a variety of foods, these fish seldom consume dried flakes. As a result, it is essential to provide them with small live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods, such as Daphnia, brine shrimp, or mosquito larvae, as the foundation of their diet. Incorporating algae-based foods is also crucial to ensure a comprehensive and nutritious diet for the Chocolate Gourami.

Frequently asked questions

A single Chocolate Gourami would be most comfortable in a minimum tank size of 20 gallons. For each additional fish, it's recommended to increase the tank size.

Chocolate Gouramis prefer soft, slightly acidic water with a pH range of 4.0 to 6.0, a hardness level of 1-5 dGH, and temperatures between 25-30°C (77-86°F).

Chocolate Gouramis are omnivorous but feed primarily on insects. They enjoy a diet of small live foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and mosquito larvae, as well as high-quality flakes and micro pellets.

Yes, they are generally peaceful and do well with other small, non-aggressive fish. However, Chocolate Gouramis are somewhat shy and might get stressed if kept with overly active or boisterous species.

Male Chocolate Gouramis are slimmer with more pointed dorsal and anal fins, while females are rounder and have more rounded fins.

Yes, Chocolate Gouramis can be bred in home aquariums, though they are mouthbrooders and their breeding habits are somewhat unique. Females incubate the eggs in their mouth for about two weeks before releasing the fry.

With proper care, a Chocolate Gourami can live up to 5-8 years in captivity.

Maintaining stable water parameters, providing a well-balanced diet, and keeping the tank clean are essential for their health. Additionally, they thrive in tanks with plenty of plants and hiding spots. Regular health checks can help detect and address any potential issues early on.

9 tank mate ideas for the Chocolate Gourami

Looking for some awesome tank mate ideas for your Chocolate Gourami? Look no further! Here are 9 of the most captivating & fascinating options that will liven up your aquarium!

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