Maximum size : 5 cm

Celebes Ricefish - Oryzias celebensis : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Celebes Ricefish (Oryzias celebensis), with its captivating colours and ease of care, has become a favoured choice among aquarium enthusiasts. Its peaceful nature and straightforward breeding habits make it an ideal addition to community tanks. Proper care, a balanced diet, and suitable water conditions will ensure the well-being and vibrant beauty of these delightful freshwater fish.

Celebes Ricefish are generally characterised by their peaceful nature, making them a suitable addition to specific community setups due to their small size. For optimal compatibility with other fish species, it is advisable to choose small counterparts that thrive in similar conditions, such as Dwarf Gouramis, Dwarf Barbs, Microdevario, smaller Rainbowfish, and certain Danios. Additionally, Dwarf Shrimp like Caridina and Neocaridina, along with most snail species, serve as compatible tank mates.

If the objective is breeding, it is recommended to keep the Celebes Ricefish in isolation to avoid potential hybridisation issues, which have already been documented in laboratory experiments.

While Celebes Ricefish generally display non-aggressive behaviour towards their conspecifics, rival courting males may exhibit aggression towards each other. To foster a more harmonious social dynamic, a group of eight or more individuals tends to be more effective, with the males showcasing their best colours and confident behaviour in such arrangements.

Creating an ideal habitat for Celebes Ricefish involves maintaining a heavily planted aquarium with a dark substrate. Dense patches of vegetation and some open areas provide suitable hiding spots and exploration opportunities. Decorative elements such as driftwood and bogwood can be added, and surface vegetation is appreciated by the fish. In such well-designed environments, they are more likely to display their vibrant colours, and planted setups offer a conducive environment for fry survival alongside adult fish.

The Celebes Ricefish is characterised by its slender and elongated silvery body, adorned with distinctive yellow to orange submarginal bands on the caudal-fin lobes. Additionally, dark brown to black vertically-oriented markings adorn the lower part of the flanks, adding to its unique and visually appealing appearance.

Celebes Ricefish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Celebes Ricefish is a straightforward process owing to distinct visual characteristics. Adult males are notably more vibrant in colouration, possess longer dorsal and anal fins, and exhibit a slender body shape compared to females. 

The anal fin margin of males tends to be slightly convex regarding its distal edge, whereas its distal edge tends to be concave in females. These observable differences in physical traits facilitate easy and reliable identification of the gender within this species.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Oryzias celebensis
Year Described 1894
Other Names Celebes medaka
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Beloniformes
Family Adrianichthyidae
Genus Oryzias
Origins Indonesia
Max Size 5 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 8+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg Depositor
Average Lifespan Up to 4 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 7.0 - 9.0
GH 2 - 10
TDS 90 - 447
Ideal Temperature
71 - 86
22 - 30

Natural Habitat

Celebes Ricefish are native to the Maros River in southwestern Sulawesi, Indonesia, and have been observed in rivers and streams across the island's southwest region, including Lake Tempe. Additionally, they have been documented in the Mota Talau River, located in the East Timor state on the nearby island of Timor.

In the wild, Celebes Ricefish are primarily found in slow-moving to stagnant waters, particularly in areas where aquatic vegetation proliferates. They have a preference for habitats that flow over limestone formations, although they can also inhabit water bodies without such geological conditions. 


Celebes Ricefish exhibit a relatively straightforward breeding process and display considerable prolificacy, with females capable of producing batches of eggs every few days or even daily under favourable conditions. Typically, spawning takes place in the early morning hours, with males assuming a darker colouration and establishing small, temporary territories while vying for female attention.

The eggs, which are adhesive, are generally expelled as a cohesive mass and fertilised simultaneously. Subsequently, they remain attached to the female's genital pore for a period before being deposited singly or in small clusters among vegetation or other suitable substrates. Fine-leaved plants serve as ideal spawning sites, although synthetic spawning mops or artificial alternatives can also prove effective.

The incubation period of the eggs is influenced by temperature and usually spans one to three weeks. While the adult fish tend to disregard the eggs, they may prey upon the free-swimming fry. However, creating a densely-planted environment can increase the chances of fry survival. Alternatively, breeders can opt to remove the eggs or fry from the main aquarium and place them in a separate rearing container filled with water from the adult's tank. 

Once the fry becomes free-swimming, they can be fed microworms and baby brine shrimp. Care should be exercised when cohabitating juveniles of differing ages, as older individuals may prey upon smaller, younger ones if there is a substantial size discrepancy.

Diet & Feeding

In their natural habitat, Celebes Ricefish exhibit micro-predatory behaviour, preying upon small insects, worms, crustaceans, and other naturally occurring zooplankton. When kept in an aquarium setting, these fish are not picky and will readily accept appropriately sized dried foods. 

However, to ensure their optimal nutrition and well-being, it is essential to provide them with a varied diet that includes small live and frozen offerings, such as Daphnia, Artemia, and chopped bloodworm. Additionally, supplementing their diet with high-quality flakes and granules are suitable dietary choices to keep them healthy and thriving.

Other Ricefish

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