Maximum size : 5 cm

Bleeding Blue Tetra - Hyphessobrycon margitae : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Bleeding Blue Tetras (Hyphessobrycon margitae) grace the aquascapes with their peaceful nature, making them splendid additions to the verdant embrace of a well-planted community aquarium. These Tetras harmoniously coexist with a multitude of fish species, their serene presence fostering an ambience of tranquillity. In addition, their hardiness further solidifies their appeal, making them a splendid choice for novice aquarists embarking on their aquatic journey.

In their sociable nature, Bleeding Blue Tetras thrive in the company of their peers, flourishing when housed in groups of no less than six individuals. Enthralling onlookers with their synchronized movements, these schooling fish create a mesmerizing display that mimics the enchanting rhythms of nature. Harmonizing with other schooling fish, their collective presence paints a tableau of authenticity within the aquatic realm.

Amidst the harmony of the school, occasional disagreements may emerge, a testament to the Tetras' spirited nature. However, fear not, for a spacious aquarium adorned with abundant hiding places and visual barriers ensures a peaceful resolution. Harm finds no foothold in this haven of retreat, leaving the tranquil waters undisturbed.

When selecting tankmates for Bleeding Blue Tetras, care should be taken to match their peaceful temperament and size. Their harmonious companions may include small Tetras, Pencilfish, Hatchetfish, gentle Cichlids of modest proportions, Corydoras Catfish, and small Loricariids. Yet, it is prudent to avoid the company of boisterous giants, for these delicate Tetras are not equipped to navigate such energetic waters.

In the realm of aesthetic allure, Bleeding Blue Tetras bewitch with their silvery bodies adorned with iridescent scales. Their scales shimmer in light blue, indigo, and violet hues, an ethereal dance with the ever-changing light. A golden shimmer crowns the apex of their caudal peduncle, while a bold black band stretches gracefully, cascading into the embrace of their tail fin. Yet, the males possess an additional allure as they vie for the affections of their female counterparts. In a captivating display of courtship, their pectoral, ventral, anal, and caudal fins ignite with vibrant hues of passionate red, a mesmerizing spectacle of affection and desire.

Bleeding Blue Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between the male and female Bleeding Blue Tetra is a straightforward task, as distinct characteristics set them apart. The males exhibit a slender physique adorned with vibrant colours that extend to their anal, caudal, dorsal, and pelvic fins, showcasing striking red hues. In contrast, the females possess a more robust build, with slightly elevated bodies, and lack the beautiful red colouration in their fins, offering a visually distinct contrast to their male counterparts.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameHyphessobrycon margitae
Year Described2016
Other NamesRed-Blue Peru Tetra, Imperial Blue Rainbow Tetra, Blue Peru Redfin Tetra
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 5 - 15
TDS 36 - 179
Ideal Temperature
75 - 79
23 - 26

Natural Habitat

Bleeding Blue Tetras are native to Peru, South America's captivating Rio Nanay drainage. While these Tetras were initially found in their natural habitat, most of the specimens available today are bred in captivity. In their native environment, these Tetras inhabit tranquil blackwater ecosystems, specifically minor tributaries and forest streams. These enchanting waterways are characterized by a soft sandy riverbed adorned with submerged driftwood and a generous carpet of leaf litter. The unique charm of these habitats is further accentuated by the water's brownish hue, resulting from tannins released from decaying leaves and wood. It is believed that during periods of high water, Bleeding Blue Tetras seek refuge in the flooded forests, showcasing their adaptability to diverse environments.


Breeding Bleeding Blue Tetras presents a rewarding yet somewhat challenging endeavour. A dedicated breeding tank must be prepared to embark on this journey, fostering the ideal conditions for successful reproduction. Creating a dimly lit environment adorned with bundles of delicate, fine-leaved plants such as Java Moss, or employing Spawning Mops, synthetic grass matting, or a layer of glass marbles, provides the necessary spawning sites for these delicate Tetras. Ensuring the bottom of the tank is covered with a mesh, carefully designed with holes large enough for the eggs to drop through yet small enough to deter parental intrusion, safeguards the precious eggs.

Water parameters within the breeding tank must be delicately balanced, with a slightly acidic to neutral pH level and a slightly elevated temperature compared to the community aquarium. Employing an air-powered sponge filter or an airstone enhances water movement and oxygenation, fostering a conducive environment for successful breeding.

Bleeding Blue Tetras can be spawned in a group, ideally consisting of half a dozen individuals of each sex. Prioritizing their physical conditioning through ample nourishment of live and frozen foods prepares them for the imminent spawning process. Alternatively, breeding pairs can be established by conditioning male and female groups separately, providing them with a high-quality diet of live and frozen foods. Once the females exhibit signs of gravidity and the males display their most vibrant colours, the most robust female and the most striking male can be carefully selected and transferred to the breeding tank. A harmonious union shall occur, resulting in spawning the following morning.

Vigilance is essential, for adult Tetras pose a risk to the precious eggs. Therefore, Swift removal of the adults upon egg deposition is advised to safeguard the survival of the offspring. The eggs will incubate for a period of approximately 24 to 36 hours before hatching, followed by the emergence of free-swimming fry within 3 to 4 days. During these critical early stages, providing nourishment in the form of infusoria-type foods ensures the proper development of the fry until they reach a size suitable for accepting baby brine shrimp and microworms.

Awareness of the sensitivity of both eggs and fry to light during the initial stages necessitates a dimly lit environment. Optimal conditions are achieved by keeping the lights dim or even turned off, providing a nurturing atmosphere that enhances the survival and development of the offspring.

Diet & Feeding

In their natural habitat, Bleeding Blue Tetras exhibit an omnivorous diet, consuming a diverse range of food sources, including crustaceans, small invertebrates, fallen fruit, and algae. In the home aquarium, providing a well-rounded diet is crucial for the optimal health of these Tetras. While they can subsist on high-quality dried foods like flakes or granules, it is highly recommended to supplement their diet with live and frozen offerings. Bloodworms, mosquito larvae, daphnia, Moina, and similar options provide essential nutrients and mimic their natural feeding habits, promoting vibrant colouration and overall vitality. Offering a varied menu ensures the nutritional needs of the Bleeding Blue Tetras are met, contributing to their overall well-being in the aquarium setting.

Other Tetras

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