Maximum size : 6 cm

Black Venezuela Corydoras - Corydoras schultzei Black Venezuela : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Prepare to be enthralled by the captivating allure of the Black Venezuela Corydoras (Corydoras schultzei "Black Venezuela"), an exquisite colour variation derived from the esteemed Gold Flash Cory Catfish. Originating from the efforts of German aquarists in the 1990s, this rare species has since captivated hobbyists worldwide, although it is not as commonly bred commercially compared to other Corydoras species.

The Black Venezuela Corydoras exemplifies peacefulness, activity, and resilience traits, rendering it a remarkable addition to any well-established community aquarium. However, given their shoaling nature in the wild, it is highly recommended to maintain them in a group of at least five individuals, preferably more, to ensure their optimal well-being. When selecting tankmates for these striking Cory Catfish, consider smaller species such as Rasboras, small Barbs, Pencilfish, Dwarf Cichlids, Angelfish, and Tetras. It is advisable to avoid housing them with larger, more boisterous, or aggressive species, as these may cause intimidation and competition for food resources.

To create an ideal habitat for the Black Venezuela Corydoras, provide ample shady areas within the aquarium. This can be achieved by adding driftwood, bogwood, smooth rocks, and areas of dense planting. These elements not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the tank but also mimic the natural environment in which these captivating fish thrive.

It is important to note that Black Venezuela Corydoras can be slightly prone to barbel infections and erosion. Therefore, providing them with a soft sandy substrate rather than gravel is essential to safeguard these delicate sensory organs. In addition, routine maintenance, including frequent partial water changes, should be diligently carried out to promote the well-being and vitality of these remarkable fish.

Prepare to be mesmerized by the exquisite appearance of the Black Venezuela Corydoras. Their entire body displays a captivating blend of black and dark maroon hues, while their fins boast a reddish colouration that deepens as they mature, adding to their allure and visual appeal.

Black Venezuela Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between the male and female Black Venezuela Corydoras poses a certain degree of challenge due to their similar physical appearance. However, observable differences can be discerned as they reach sexual maturity. Mature females exhibit a larger overall size and present a more rounded appearance when viewed from above, particularly when they are carrying a substantial load of eggs. These subtle characteristics provide valuable cues for distinguishing between the sexes of these captivating fish.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras schultzei Black Venezuela
Other NamesBlack Venezuela Cory Catfish, Black Cory, Black Schultzei
Max Size6 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 5+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 8 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 2 - 15
TDS 36 - 268
Ideal Temperature
72 - 82
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

Prepare to delve into the captivating world of the Black Venezuela Corydoras; a striking variant developed through dedicated line breeding from its ancestor, the Corydoras Schultzei. While the Black Venezuela Corydoras lacks a specific natural habitat of its own, it is essential to trace its roots back to its progenitor, the Corydoras Schultzei, which hails from the enchanting landscapes of Peru in South America.


Breeding Black Venezuela Corydoras can be accomplished utilizing a method similar to that employed with many other Corydoras species. To encourage spawning, initiate a significant water change of slightly cooler temperature. This change triggers the pair, prompting them to assume the distinctive 'T position' characteristic of Corydoras mating behaviour. During this time, the male fertilizes the eggs held by the female between her pelvic fins.

Following fertilization, the female deposits the adhesive eggs onto various surfaces such as decor, plants, or the aquarium walls, repeating the process as needed. Once spawning is complete, a crucial decision must be made regarding removing either the adults or the eggs and transferring them to a separate tank. Carefully rolling the eggs along the glass with your finger is often an effective relocation method. The new tank should be filled with water identical to that of the spawning tank, ensuring a similar level of oxygenation. Due to the susceptibility of these eggs to fungus, it is advisable to add a small amount of methylene blue to the tank as a preventive measure.

Typically, the eggs hatch within a span of 3 to 4 days. Once the fry has fully absorbed their yolk sacs, you can introduce finely powdered first foods or microworms to initiate their feeding regimen. After a few days, the fry will be ready to consume baby brine shrimp, further supporting their growth and development.

Embark on a rewarding breeding journey with the Black Venezuela Corydoras, employing these carefully curated steps to foster successful reproduction and the propagation of this captivating species.

Diet & Feeding

As primarily bottom-dwelling inhabitants, Black Venezuela Corydoras thrive on a diet primarily composed of sinking pellets and wafers, serving as their staple nourishment. However, to promote their optimal health, it is advisable to supplement their diet with periodic feedings of live and frozen foods such as bloodworms, white mosquito larvae, and brine shrimp. This varied culinary offering contributes to their overall well-being.

While these fish possess scavenging tendencies, it is vital to ensure they receive a diverse range of high-quality foods rather than relying solely on leftover or neglected food from other tank inhabitants. Providing a well-rounded and nutritious diet is key to maintaining the health and vitality of your Black Venezuela Corydoras.

Other Corydoras

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