Maximum size : 5 cm

Black Ruby Barb - Pethia nigrofasciata : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Black Ruby Barb (Pethia nigrofasciata) is an impressive fish that graces freshwater aquariums with its vivid colours and playful demeanour. This petite fish is the quintessential choice for an assorted community aquarium, thanks to its adaptability to various water parameters and hardy resilience. Their striking colouration reaches its peak brilliance given the proper tank conditions, further complementing their active personalities.

Black Ruby Barbs typically exhibit a disposition characterized by peacefulness, occasionally bordering on a mild reticence. Given their inherent inclination toward shoaling dynamics, it is imperative to uphold group sizes consisting of no fewer than 6 individuals to ensure their optimal well-being. Tetras, other Barb Species, Danios, Catfish, and Gouramis are typically compatible choices for cohabitation with Black Ruby Barbs. Additionally, Livebearers constitute suitable companions within the same tank environment. Notably, Black Ruby Barbs present an aesthetically pleasing contrast when mixed with schools of vertically striped Barb variants.

To cultivate a serene atmosphere, incorporate dark aquarium decor and a generous assortment of plants, including floating species that offer sheltered areas. However, bear in mind their propensity to nibble on plants with delicate leaves, so opt for more robust aquatic vegetation. Black Ruby Barbs' sensitivity to suboptimal water conditions and swift changes in water chemistry necessitates consistent partial water changes rather than sporadic large ones. Attention to these details will yield a flourishing and balanced habitat for these captivating Barbs.

A pointed, rich purple-red head, a pronounced ruby-red underbelly, and jet black body of the males result in one of the most beautiful Barb species available for fishkeeping hobby. 


Black Ruby Barb Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism in mature Black Ruby Barbs makes the task of distinguishing males from females very easy. Males are identifiable by their intense black and red colouration, a feature not limited to their bodies but also extending to their dorsal and anal fins. In contrast, females bear a more subdued colour palette, with three vertical strips down their bodies. Furthermore, females are characterized by more rounded abdomens and a slight length advantage compared to males.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Pethia nigrofasciata
Year Described 1868
Other Names Purple-Headed Barb, purple head barb, ruby barb, black barb
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes
Family Cyprinidae
Genus Pethia
Origins Sri Lanka
Max Size 5 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle
Difficulty Beginner
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 5+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 6 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 5.5 - 7.5
GH 5 - 12
TDS 36 - 268
Ideal Temperature
72 - 79
22 - 28

Natural Habitat

Black Ruby Barbs are an intriguing species originating from the tranquil, crystal clear mountain streams of the Nilwala and Kelani River Basins in Sri Lanka, South Asia. These magnificent beings favour soft acidic, cooler waters, often shaded and slow-flowing, establishing them as a truly distinctive and exotic species.

In their natural surroundings, Black Ruby Barbs are found in densely vegetated areas, thriving on a substrate of fine sand or gravel. An ideal setting for them is characterized by a layer of leaf litter, fallen branches, and twigs, creating a diverse and dynamic ecosystem conducive to their growth and maturation. Altogether, Black Ruby Barbs are an extraordinary species that provides a fascinating insight into the abundant and stunning world of aquatic life.

Regrettably, Black Ruby Barbs are deemed vulnerable in their natural habitats. As a result, the commercial trade solely offers captive-bred specimens to help preserve and protect the remaining wild populations, ensuring the longevity of this entrancing species in their native environment.


Breeding Black Ruby Barbs is straightforward if you adhere to the suitable conditions. These fish can breed in both group settings or pairs. The breeding tank should contain soft, acidic water and be populated with fine-leaved plant species like Java moss. If these aren't accessible, spawning mops may serve as a suitable substitute.

It's crucial to maintain dim lighting conditions, given the eggs' sensitivity to bright light. Feeding the barbs live or frozen foods such as bloodworms or brine shrimp can stimulate spawning and enhance the production of high-quality eggs, leading to the birth of healthy fry.

The commencement of spawning can be discerned when the male courts the female, swimming around her while flaunting his fins. This courtship ritual may span several hours, and the pair may produce upwards of 100 eggs, scattering them among the plant life.

Much like many other aquatic species, it's critical to relocate the adult fish post-spawning to safeguard the eggs from being consumed. The eggs usually hatch within a 24-hour window, and the fry exhibits free-swimming behaviours approximately a day or two post-hatching.

Diet & Feeding

Black Ruby Barbs possess undemanding dietary preferences, facilitating straightforward nutritional management. Nonetheless, to preserve their vivid coloration and promote optimal physiological condition, it is advisable to periodically administer modest servings of live and frozen feed, such as Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworms. The foundational component of their diet should comprise premium-grade dried granules and flakes, enriched with algae or vegetable matter, to support their nutritional requirements comprehensively.

Frequently asked questions

Black Ruby Barbs can grow up to a maximum length of 8 centimetres, with the female usually being slightly longer than males.

Black Ruby Barbs generally have a peaceful disposition and can be somewhat shy. Therefore, these fish are best kept in groups of 6 or more individuals. However, these Barbs misbehave in small groups as the stress from being isolated virtually always comes out as aggression towards other tankmates.

In the aquarium, Black Ruby Barbs are unfussy and easily fed. However, suppose you would like the best condition and colours of your fish. In that case, you should offer regular meals of small live and frozen foods such as artemia, bloodworm and daphnia, alongside high quality dried food such as flakes and granules, some of which must include additional plant and algal content.

When it comes to Black Ruby Barbs, the choice of decor is not particularly critical; however, these fish seem to display better colouration in a heavily planted aquarium with a dark substrate. Adding some driftwood roots or branches, floating plants, and leaf litter also appears to be appreciated and adds a more natural feel. Strong filtration is not required; however, they seem to enjoy a certain level of water movement and will thrive in a hill stream-type aquarium set-up.

Black Ruby Barbs are endemic to the Nilwala and Kelani river basin alongside other more minor drainages between them in the southwestern islands of Sri Lanka in South Asia. Their natural habitat consists of several small, pristine streams containing clear or slightly stained, shallow water. Not much sun can penetrate the forests floor, so these aquatic habitats are shaded, and the water temperature is usually relatively cool.

Black Ruby Barbs have no unique demands in terms of water chemistry; therefore, you can combine them with a majority of popular fish in the aquarium hobby, such as other small Cyprinids as well as Livebearers, Rainbowfish, Tetras, Loaches, Anabantoids and Catfish.


Black Ruby Barb/Purplehead Barb - Pethia nigrofasciata -  Aquarium Fish Species Spotlight Thumbnail

Other Barbs

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