Maximum size : 5 cm

Aureofuscus Goby - Stiphodon aureofuscus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Aureofuscus Goby (Stiphodon aureofuscus) is a recently discovered fascinating species within the Gobiidae family, native to the fast-flowing streams of the Indonesian islands of Java, Bali, and Lombok. Characterized by their adaptability to dynamic aquatic environments, these Gobies exhibit a slender body and are known for their agility in navigating the currents of their native habitats. In the realm of aquaculture, they are prized for their unique appearance.

For Aureofuscus Gobies housed in a captive environment, selecting appropriate tank mates is crucial for maintaining a harmonious aquarium. These Gobies thrive best with species that share similar environmental preferences, particularly those accustomed to fast-flowing, well-oxygenated waters. Ideal tank companions might include other small, peaceful fish that do not compete aggressively for food or territory. 

It is advisable to avoid housing them with larger, predatory fish or overly active species that could stress the gobies or outcompete them for resources. Additionally, considering the bottom-dwelling nature of Aureofuscus Gobies, tank mates that inhabit different water column levels, such as mid-water or surface-dwelling species, can ensure a well-balanced aquarium community. 

Aureofuscus Gobies exhibit a preference for an environment rich in hiding places such as nooks, crannies, caves, and small openings where they can establish their own territory. While not essential for their survival, these Gobies display a fondness for burrowing in fine sand substrates, an activity that aligns with their natural behaviours. They burrow gently, making them suitable for planted tanks, as they tend to submerge themselves horizontally in the sand, leaving only their heads and tails visible.

In terms of aquarium care, Aureofuscus Gobies are relatively easy to maintain, provided their need for a clean, oxygen-rich environment is met. Ensuring the aquarium is well-maintained with efficient filtration and adequate water flow is key to their well-being. These fish are best introduced into mature, well-established aquariums, as they are sensitive to fluctuations in water quality, particularly ammonia or nitrite spikes commonly found in newer tanks.

The adult male Aureofuscus Goby showcases a striking colour pattern, predominantly golden and black, with red dorsal fins accented with a yellow upper margin. Females, on the other hand, display red colouration at the anterior parts of the dorsal fins and at the base of the caudal fin, contributing to the species' visual appeal. 

Aureofuscus Goby Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Aureofuscus Gobies exhibit distinct sexual dimorphism, which becomes particularly noticeable during the breeding season. Typically, male Aureofuscus Gobies are more vibrant in colour compared to their female counterparts, displaying brighter and more pronounced hues that play a crucial role in courtship rituals.

Males also tend to have slightly larger and more ornate fins, which they use to attract females and to display dominance over other males. On the other hand, females generally have a more subdued colouration and lack the flamboyant finnage of the males. They are often slightly larger in body size, especially when gravid, indicating their readiness for spawning. 

Quick Facts

Scientific NameStiphodon aureofuscus
Year Described1995
Other NamesGolden-Black Goby
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept as2 Females per Male
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 12
Ideal Temperature
72 - 82
22 - 28

Natural Habitat

The Aureofuscus Goby, a species endemic to the regions of Java, Bali, and Lombok in Indonesia, is found in specific freshwater habitats characterized by their clarity and high gradient. These fish predominantly reside in streams with rocky substrates, particularly favouring areas where the water flows swiftly. 



Sexually mature Aureofuscus Gobies reproduce in freshwater streams. Upon hatching, the larvae are in a very early developmental stage, not yet mature enough to be classified as fry. These larvae are carried downstream to the ocean, where they integrate into the plankton cloud. In this marine environment, they feed on a variety of microscopic organisms. After a period of growth and development in the ocean, the juvenile fish undertake the journey back upstream, returning to their freshwater origins. 

Diet & Feeding

In captivity, the Aureofuscus Goby's diet should emulate its natural predilection for small aquatic invertebrates to ensure optimal health and well-being. In their native habitats, these gobies predominantly feed on insect larvae, crustaceans, and similar microorganisms. To replicate this in an aquarium, a varied diet is essential, incorporating high-quality live or frozen foods such as daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms. These not only provide essential nutrients but also stimulate the goby's innate foraging behaviours.

Additionally, incorporating high-quality dried foods into their diet can offer convenience and variety. It's important to select dried foods that are specifically formulated for small carnivorous or omnivorous fish to ensure they meet the nutritional needs of the Aureofuscus Goby. While dried foods can be a practical part of their diet, they should not be the sole food source. Instead, they should complement live and frozen foods to provide a balanced and diverse diet.

Other Gobies

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