America's Next Top Model Rankings

This is where I rank the models and photos from Cycles 1-23 of ANTM.

Feel free to send me messages! I hope you enjoy!

(P.S. My blog is best viewed on a computer or mobile browser for navigational purposes, not the mobile app.)


#10: Samantha Francis

I think the problem Samantha had on the show had absolutely nothing to do with her modeling abilities, it was her personality (or lack of it as Tyra would say). Basically, Samantha is an obvious introvert, and that’s the kiss of death on this show. Tyra seems to believe that extroversion is the only way to live life (probably because that’s the way she lives hers) and it really pisses me off. Samantha was one of the people in the cycle (especially with her quote about feeling alone when around a lot of people) and I was really sad to see her go so early on in the competition.

Samantha only got to take two photos during her time on the show, but in those two photos I could see that she had potential. Neither of the photos were particularly strong, but there was just something about the way her features were captured in the photos that made think she could have flourished if she had been given half a chance.

Post-ANTM, Samantha has had a pretty big career for someone eliminated so early on in the show. She was signed with Fusion Model Management in New York City, Apple Model Management in Bangkok and Style International Management in Hong Kong. She used to be signed with Elite Model Management in New York. She has done a good amount of print work, catalogue work, and test shots.

Favorite Photo:


Tyra basically openly admitted that Samantha took better shots in this shoot and that she happened to pick the “blah” one. Even then, getting eliminated for this photo was ridiculous.

Least Favorite Photo:


I just don’t believe the relationship here and these two aren’t creating flattering angles with their bodies.

  1. antmrankings posted this
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