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Photos, musings, and flashes of brilliance from the staff at The Ruth Bancroft Garden
Trichocereus peruvianus
This cactus from the Andes is a close relative of the San Pedro Cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi), but its stems are more blue in color. For a time, all the plants in Trichocereus were put into Echinopsis - and with this naming...

Trichocereus peruvianus

This cactus from the Andes is a close relative of the San Pedro Cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi), but its stems are more blue in color. For a time, all the plants in Trichocereus were put into Echinopsis - and with this naming scheme the name for the plant became Echinopsis peruviana. However, this has been un-done, so we are back to the original name. The large white flowers open at night, but stay open into the following morning.


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