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San Pedro Trichocereus Pachanoi

24 August 2009 7 Comments

The mother San Pedro cacti in flowerSan Pedros are large plants, as you can see from these and my other photos. They will grow many side-shoots and grow into large clumping plants. If planted in the garden San Pedros will they grow very quickly and do not require any water. Mine flower profusely for many months over summer and are never watered. Planted in pots their growth is contained and they will happily be a feature plant in a pot for years if not decades.

San Pedros flower for months San Pedros are hardy plants and as you can see the large plants in the photo have flourished outside in Melbourne. I never water or fertilise these plants. Once established San Pedros require no watering or care and will simply keep getting more magnificent every year.

San Pedro in flowerIf you’re interested in getting into these ancient Peruvian sacred cacti, then I regularly list them on eBay and will one day get around to making them available here. If you want to buy some I have a large selection available for sale now. Leave a comment with what you;re interested in and I get in contact with you.

The flowers of this species are absolutely spectacular.

Towering San Pedro

Every year I think my San Pedros can’t grow any taller and every year I am surprised by their growth. More branches and taller main columns every year!

The San Pedro Cactus (Trichocereus panchanoi) is the most common and well known of the Trichocereus and can be found naturally in the Andes of Peru andEcuador. The San Pedro Cactus is a very hardy and easy to grow branching columnar cactus with 4 – 8 ribs. They often grow over a foot per year and can reach heights of over 5 metres when planted in the ground.
Trichocereus Pachanoi has been known for over 3000 years and there is evidence to suggest cultivation of Trichocerus Pachanoi in Peru from 2200 B. C.

Checkout these San Pedros for sale at eBay



  • Ryan said:

    Whoa they are some tall san pedros you have there the tallest i have in my backyard is about 1 & 1/2 foot. Also i never knew they grew flowers hopefully i get some this summer on mine :)

  • Todd said:

    Looks to be a happy bunch. I would like to know more about purchase or your ebay info. Thank you

  • admin (author) said:

    Couple on eBay right now.
    I have others for sale in varying sizes and growing tips. Let me know what you want and I can send some photos and prices through.

  • Tristan said:


    Man, those look amazing. Any chance you could sell me some plants or cuttings? Thank you.

  • Lana said:

    Hi! =D

    These cacti look beautiful.
    I’m interested in purchasing a clipping big enough to fit in a medium sized pot, just to decorate the patio.
    Would you happen to have something with a more colourful flower?
    The white ones are still rather pretty though!


  • admin (author) said:

    Hi Lana
    I have lots of rooted San Pedros of various sizes, many of which would look good in a medium sized pot or I could take a fresh cutting for you if you want. The flowers on the Cerus cactus I have are more beautiful. Here are some photos and comments on it. I have two large Cerus cacti that I am happy to sell, but at around 2 metres they are probably too big for a medium sized pot and will quickly become way too large. I have some very young Cerus which have grown from seed but they are only a couple of centimeters so too small. Let me know if you’re interested and I post some photos.

    I am planning on selling some on eBay in the coming weeks.
    Cheers – Dean

  • Anthony said:


    Love your work!

    I’m interested in buying about 120cm of San Pedro cuttings.

    Please let me know if you can supply this, and how much it will cost.

    If you can’t supply this, could you direct me to a site or place that can?


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