Mystery Echinodorus

So almost 2 months ago I picked up this little potted plant from the Petco near me. It was unlabeled and the employees had no idea what it was.

This is what it looked like when I brought it home:

fishNAbowl suggested that it was a Echinodorus red flame, and I'm inclined to agree. But I just wanted to see if anyone else had any suggestions.

About a week ago, I noticed that it shot up this fantastically colored leaf:

I looked closer and there seems to be a few more starting to sprout as well!

Now, what's really wierd is that Echinodorus red flame is supposed to grow rather large, like most swords. However, this little mystery plant has stayed small and compact. Don't get me wrong, it has grown quite a bit, just not in the typical fashion that you would expect a sword to. Do sword plants stay small and compact under high light? Right now it sits about 18" under a Finnex Ray2, with EI dosing of Seachem Flourish Comp.

Here's a full tank shot from this morning for a little scale.

On a side note, I moved one of my tanks and rearranged it a bit. Current stock is just 2 pea puffs and an ABN for now, but my room is incredibly relaxing now.


It does look relaxing. Awesome!!

I like the ONE red leaf of the sword. Perhaps you'll get even more red out of the plant due to high lighting.

Gotta do something with your signature. It caught me being stUpid. I was actually staring at it waiting for it to go to 100% ,(it only took a moment to catch on though  :suspect: ) HAH!
fishNAbowl said:
Gotta do something with your signature. It caught me being stUpid. I was actually staring at it waiting for it to go to 100% ,(it only took a moment to catch on though  :suspect: ) HAH!
Trust me, it's great when it loads to 100%. Maybe you should check your internet connection if it's not loading?

Anyways, I think I figured it out. Someone on Reddit suggested that it was a Echinodorus 'Kleiner Bar.'

Here's a picture of a Kleiner-Bar:


Looks pretty similar!

Other than the fact that my little plant is staying so...small! Supposdly the kleiner bar grows to about 18". Ironically, Kleiner bar is German for 'little bear,' which I find somewhat ironic given the normal size of a sword plant.

I'm hoping that this plant stays like this and doesn't have a growth profile similar to something like a Bolbitis. You know, where it looks like the plant has barely grown at all but then it quadruples in size overnight?


The plant would go real well in the spot you have it now if it stayed smaller. And would contrast nicely if it developed a reddish hue.
Just wanted to share an update with you guys:

Still have no idea what this plant is. It's grown rather slowly, as you can see the emersed growth leaves near the bottom. The thing has stayed rather small, as far as swords go. I do think that the color pattern looks like digital camo though!
Missgrumpygills said:
I have one. Mine stays small as well, or is very slow growing.
This is seriously one of the slowest growing plants I've ever had. Things like Fissidens Fontanus (Phoenix Moss), or Bolbitis have all grown quicker than this bad boy. I plucked one of the larger leaves, it's only about 7-8" long.

Where's Roy when you need him? I thought he knew everything about every aquatic plant in existence.


It got pretty big but then it started melting back when I moved it to a new tank. Now its healthy again but only about 2in high.