3 Green Kubotai Rasboras (MICRODEVARIO KUBOTAI)

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3 Green Kubotai Rasboras (MICRODEVARIO KUBOTAI)

Green Kubotai Rasboras, also known as Kubotai Rasboras (Sundadanio axelrodi), are small and colorful freshwater fish that are popular among aquarium enthusiasts. These fish are native to the Sundaland region in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and Malaysia. They are highly regarded for their striking appearance and peaceful nature, making them a great addition to community aquariums.

Here are some key characteristics and details about Green Kubotai Rasboras:

  1. Size: Green Kubotai Rasboras are relatively small fish, typically reaching a size of around 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 centimeters) when fully grown.

  2. Coloration: These rasboras are named for their vibrant greenish-blue coloration, which is a prominent feature. Their bodies are adorned with a distinct greenish hue, and their fins often have iridescent blue or green accents. This striking coloration makes them stand out in an aquarium.

  3. Markings: They have a series of horizontal stripes that run along their body, adding to their visual appeal. These stripes are usually black or dark green and provide a contrast to their overall greenish color.

  4. Behavior: Green Kubotai Rasboras are known for their peaceful and non-aggressive behavior. They are social fish and should be kept in groups of at least six or more to promote their well-being and reduce stress. They tend to swim in the middle and upper levels of the aquarium.

  5. Diet: They are omnivorous and will accept a variety of foods, including high-quality flakes, pellets, frozen or live foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, and small insects. Providing a varied diet will help ensure their health and vitality.

  6. Aquarium Requirements: To create an ideal habitat for Green Kubotai Rasboras, it's recommended to have a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and open swimming areas. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-26°C).

  7. Compatibility: These rasboras are peaceful and can be kept with other small, non-aggressive fish species that share similar water parameter requirements. They should not be housed with aggressive or large fish that might harass or prey on them.

  8. Breeding: Breeding Green Kubotai Rasboras can be achieved in a dedicated breeding tank with specific water conditions and plenty of hiding places for the eggs. Once the eggs are laid, they should be removed to prevent predation by adult fish.

Green Kubotai Rasboras are a captivating addition to a well-maintained aquarium, and their striking appearance and peaceful demeanor make them a favorite choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists. Proper care and attention to their habitat and diet will help ensure their health and longevity in captivity.

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