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Max Size: 6cm
Diet: Carnivore
Temperature 25ºC
PH: 6.0–7.5
Temperament: Peaceful
Origin: Equatorial Africa
Approximate purchase size: 1.5 - 2.5cm


How easy are they to keep? African Dwarf Frogs are a great addition to a peaceful community set-up. They are fully aquatic so will spend all of their time under water apart from coming up from time to time for a gasp of air. Add some plants for cover and use larger sized gravel so that they cannot swallow it.

How big do they grow? African Dwarf Frogs will grow to 5-6cm

What is the best sized tank for these? We recommend a minimum of 20 litres per frog, they do best in small groups so a slightly larger set up will be required for a small group of 2-3, however the bigger the better when it comes to fish tanks.

What is best to feed them? African Dwarf Frogs are carnivores and enjoy bloodworm, tubifex or any small meaty pellets. A varied diet is best for these little frogs.

What water conditions do they require? We would recommend a pH of 6-7.5 and a temperature between 22-25ºC.

What can they be kept with? A great community fish, can be kept with a variety of peaceful fish such as other Tetras, Otocinclus, Live-bearers, Corydoras and many more. Not to be kept with small shrimp like Cherry Shrimps, as they will try hunt them.

Where are they from? Native to parts of Equatorial Africa

Gold African Dwarf Frog - (Hymenochirus boettgeri)


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