Thursday, July 19, 2012

Law Enforcement Armored Vehicles.

Alameda County Sheriff's Grizzly MRAP.

Concord Police Dept's MAMBA MRAP.

New Orleans Metro Police LAV-25 C2 Vehicle.

Chicago Police Golan? MRAP

Doraville Police M-113A3

Lakeland Police M-113 Command Post.
I'm just trying to catalog all the different armored vehicles in the law enforcement agencies around the US. More to come as I find them on the net.


  1. I live in Louisiana and didn't know that NOPD has an LAV. As bad off as New Orleans is I think they'd do better with an M1A2 TUSK.

    1. There are good reasons why they haven't. One, they won't ever get one. And two, remember how badly the Abrams did in Baghdad. They'll just be screwing themselves in N.O.

  2. More here for you, SNAFU. MPD has one LAV-type of unknown origin:

    Cobb County, GA(?) has an LAV-300 (also mentions two other countries with armored vehicle systems):

    There's a BearCat in Gilroy, CA:

    I believe that is a V-150 in the photo gallery of the UT Shooting Incident, unknown owners:

    BearCat in Keene County and in "many [other] NH towns"; and incite on other LAV-types in the area:

    More on that Alameda MRAP. It has a light LRAD mounted to the turret:

    Intel on that LAV for the NOPD, it's a borrowed LANG piece of kit. So, it's not actually entirely a PD vehicle. Louisiana also has a high count of V-150s in various cities:

    And, of course, don't forget that the NOPD has that Ferret Scout that they asked Will Hayden, from RFJ / Sons of Guns, to modify.

  3. when the goverment start selling MRAPs here soon that would be a smart time for these city swat teams to look at buying one, get a good deal more than likely, not that its a very well...covert vehicle to use for a raid but hey you got some armor for once.

    1. the DoD isn't selling these to Police Depts....they're giving them away for free. the problem is that most police units want flashing instead of practical the M-113 would be a better tactical vehicle thanmraps

    2. Sol, I don't mean to discredit you, but that's not entirely accurate. DoD isn't giving any of the MRAPs away, as a matter of fact, the first official word of anything happening was some MRAPs were moving to Korea.

      Either the DoD, or Homeland, is issuing grants to the PDs so that they can buy a vehicle; new from the factory or used from a surplus line (V-150s, namely), or some private owners who have done the second option themselves. However, it's simply bad reporting that's making it seem like DoD is issuing used war vehicles to PDs, as it's simply not the case.

      Again, no disrespect meant, partner. =)

  4. On the Doraville Police Department's website there is a picture of their M113 towing trucks in bad weather. Considering the US's geography I think the M113 is a sensible purchase.


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