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    We would like to great this fine ini­tia­tive by Brian Mar­tineau in the States. For all of you who are based there, please have a look and sup­port /​join this effort to help the con­ser­va­tion of the parosphromenus species in The united States

    Handover from M. Reinecke to animal keeper K. Kappel at Tierpark Berlin.P. Quindecim Photo M Reinecke P. Quindecim Photo M Reinecke P. Quindecim Photo M Reinecke

    Species con­ser­va­tion Parosphromenus Quin­decim in the Tier­park Berlin — a mes­sage recieved from our mem­ber M. Rei­necke — THANK YOU ?

    HELLO dear mem­bers of the Parosphromenus project.
    The Tier­park Berlin (Markus Klamt) con­tacted me this year about the project, because I offered off­spring of the species Parosphromenus Quin­decim for sale via the Census.
    In Novem­ber a meet­ing on site in Berlin has now taken place and I was able to hand over a few pairs to the zoo. I am happy that the Tier­park Berlin wants to con­tinue the con­ser­va­tion of this Parosphromenus species and that we could sup­port them. I could get an excit­ing look behind the scenes of the zoo dur­ing the han­dover and hope that we can con­tinue the good inten­sive contact.
    You can find more infor­ma­tion about Tier­park Berlin here:
    Tier­park Berlin – Tier­park Berlin https://​www​.tier​park​-berlin​.de/​d​e
    As I learned from Helene, Rafael, Benni and Went­ian, coop­er­a­tions are very valu­able for the project.
    There­fore I would like to encour­age other mem­bers to make their off­spring known for sub­mis­sion in the Cen­sus. The more we are and the more good coop­er­a­tions the project can build up through off­spring, the higher is the chance to get some species in suf­fi­cient numbers.
    I wish all par­tic­i­pants and part­ners of the project a good aquar­is­tic start into 2023.
    Kind regards M. Reinecke
    Pho­toS: Han­dover from M. Rei­necke to ani­mal keeper K. Kap­pel at Tier­park Berlin. + P. Quin­decim Photo M. Reinecke

    Arter­hal­tung Parosphromenus Quin­decim im Tier­park Berlin

    HALLO liebe Mit­glieder des Parosphromenus Projekt.
    Der Tier­park Berlin (Markus Klamt) hat mich in diesem Jahr über das Pro­jekt kon­tak­tiert, da ich Nachzuchten der Art Parosphromenus Quin­decim über den Cen­sus zur Abgabe ange­boten habe.
    Im Novem­ber ist nun ein Tre­f­fen vor Ort in Berlin zus­tande gekom­men und ich kon­nte einige wenige Paare an den Tier­park übergeben. Ich freue mich, dass der Tier­park Berlin den Arter­halt dieser Parosphromenus Art weit­er­führen möchte und wir dabei unter­stützen kon­nten. Ich kon­nte bei der Über­gabe einen span­nen­den Blick hin­ter die Kulis­sen des Tier­parks bekom­men und hoffe, dass wir den guten inten­siven Kon­takt weit­er­führen können.
    Weit­ere Infos zum Tier­park Berlin findet ihr hier:
    Tier­park Berlin – Tier­park Berlin (https://​www​.tier​park​-berlin​.de/​d​e
    Wie ich von Helene, Rafael, Benni und Went­ian erfahren habe, sind Koop­er­a­tio­nen für unser Pro­jekt sehr wertvoll.
    Daher möchte ich auch weit­ere Mit­glieder dazu ani­mieren ihre Nachzuchten zur Abgabe im Cen­sus ken­ntlich zu machen. Je mehr wir sind und je mehr gute Koop­er­a­tio­nen das Pro­jekt durch Nachzuchten auf­bauen kann, desto höher ist die Chance einige Arten in aus­re­ichen­der Stück­zahl zu erhalten.
    Ich wün­sche allen Teil­nehmern und Part­nern des Pro­jek­tes einen guten aquar­is­tis­chen Start ins Jahr 2023.
    Viele Grüße M. Reinecke
    Pho­tos : Über­gabe an Tierpfleger K.Kappel im Tier­park Berlin + P. quin­decim M. Reinecke
    We wish you all a very happy New Year, ???
    At the same time we would like to wel­come Malmø Museum Akvar­ium as a new partner.
    On dec.1.20226 breed­ing pairs of P. deiss­neri trav­elled from Copen­hagen to Malmø, where they will be part of a breed­ing project. Below you see some pho­tos of the begin­ning pro­ces of set­ting this breed­ing sta­tion up, — its look­ing good and promising.
    Also some P. linkei is now in Malmø, to be part of an exhi­bi­tion tank, where the plan is also to intro­duce the vis­i­tors of the museum to the crit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion of the nat­ural biotopes of parosphromenus, the peat swamps etc. We are look­ing for­ward to fol­low­ing this project as well along the way, as it develops.
    Thanks to the ded­i­cated team at Malmø for engag­ing in this work — its exting to see
    .Photo Jonas Björklund Photo Jonas Björklund Photo Jonas Björklund
    Photo Jonas Björklund Photo Jonas Björklund P. deissneri young male Photo Helene Schoubye Johansen P. deissneri young male Photo Helene Schoubye Johansen

    Shar­ing here a link to a youtube video from a con­fer­ence in VDA recently, where Ben­jamin Wilden par­tic­i­pated from the Parosphromenus Project. The video is in ger­man, but we will later post some more infor­ma­tion about this con­fer­ence, and other pre­sen­ta­tions on the con­fer­ence, which has some impor­tance for the PP as well.


    Parosphromenus spe­cial behav­iour 3
    How much can you bend a fish : ?
    Just look at these pho­tos of small paro-​males when they embrace the females dur­ing the actual mat­ing, — and you will see how much the male and female can bend around each other in mat­ing — it is quite impres­sive if you have the luck to see it or catch it on photo.
    Also impres­sive is how the male, after the female have pro­duced the egg, will bend it body so as to catch the eggs on his side, before together with the female, putting them in the bub­blen­est cave which he has build for this purpose.
    Pho­tos Olivier Per­rin 1. P. alfredi 2. P. parvulus
    P. nagyi spawning copyright David Jones P. nagyi copyright Helene Schoubye P. alfredi Copyright Haji BadaruddinP. bintan ’mimbon’ (Karen Koomans)
    Parosphromenus spe­cial behav­iour 2
    Sexy eyes
    Flash­ing in paro species, is known as one of the fas­ci­nat­ing and won­der­ful char­ac­ter­is­tics of the parosphromenus species. The way the male tries to impress a cho­sen female is often spec­tac­u­lar and often done with a lot of energy
    But did you know, that when the male and female are approach­ing actual mat­ing, — they show their readi­ness in par­tic­u­lar ways, — one of these fea­tures being the appear­ance of a black bar occur­ring ver­ti­cal in the eyes. This is both male and female that does that.
    It gives the fish a cer­tain look, quite ‘cheeky’, — and for those who have had paros for some time, they know it as – and call it it — ‘sexy eyes’.
    We show you a few pho­tos here, and you can judge your­self what do you think  ?
    Pho­to­cre­dit 1. P. nagyi (David Jones) 2. P. alfredi (Haji Badarud­din) 3. P. nagyi (HS Johansen) 4. P. bin­tan ’mim­bon’ (Karen Koomans)
    Parosphromenus parvulus copyright Helene Schoubye Johansen Parosphromenus sumatranus copyright David Jones Parosphromenus ornaticauda copyright Horst Linke Parosphromenus sp. bintan  copyright Helene Schoubye Johansen
    Parosphromenus spe­cial behav­iour. 1
    Do all parosphromenus species stand on their head when flash­ing ? – some­one asked me the other day at a presentation.
    No – they don’t.
    It’s a pecu­liar thing, that most of the paro-​species we know do stand head down when flash­ing, yet we know of 3 species that do the oppo­site. When the males do their lit­tle dance in front of the female they stand head up.
    These 3 species are ornat­i­cauda, parvu­lus from Bor­neo and suma­tranus from Sumatra.
    Ornat­i­cauda and parvu­lus are nor­mally thought of as paro-​species that dif­fer from the oth­ers paro-​species, in not only this way, — but also in bodyshape, size and gen­eral demands.
    Sci­en­tific work by Went­ian Shi, shown in this paper, also sug­gests that parvu­lus is a very old species, and in a dis­tinct evo­lu­tion branch from other species, which might explain the dif­fer­ence. (see https://​mapress​.com/​z​t​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​v​i​e​w​/​z​o​o​t​a​x​a​.​5060​.​1​.​3​/​45781 )
    But suma­tranus is dif­fer­ent from that , — it reminds of most other species, — as far as we know — except for this one fea­ture with the head-​up flashing.
    Why the evo­lu­tion hap­pened like this we don’t know, we can just accept that this is a curi­ous dif­fer­ence between some of the parosphromenus species.
    Below pho­tos of the 3 species + one ‘ordi­nary’ head down flash­ing species for com­par­i­son, P. sp. bintan
    Pho­tos 1. Parvu­lus (credit Helene Schoubye Johansen) 2. Suma­tranus (credit David Jones) 3. Ornat­i­cauda (credit Horst Linke) P. sp. bin­tan (credit H.S.Johansen)
    Parosphromenus linkei copyright Rafael Eggli Parosphromenus linkei copyright Rafael Eggli Parosphromenus linkei copyright Rafael Eggli Parosphromenus linkei copyright Rafael Eggli Parosphromenus linkei copyright Rafael Eggli
    P. linkei Kot­te­lat 1991
    Parosphromenus linkei inhab­its mainly the south­ern low­lands of Kali­man­tan Ten­gah, north of Suka­mara and south of Pudukali. Also occours near Pan­gal­abuun. Although wide dis­tri­b­u­tion the species is highly endan­gered, as the area where it could be found has no nat­ural veg­e­ta­tion any longer and is drained for agri­cul­tural purposes.
    P. linkei is one of the most attrac­tive parosphromenus species, with its speck­led unpaired fins, long fil­a­ment of both male and females, and it is also one of the less shy and less demand­ing species of all, and often referred to as a good ‘begin­ner’ paro.
    The cau­dal fin of the male is larger and has a sig­nif­i­cantly long fil­a­ment (up to nearly 1.5 cm), most sig­nif­i­cant in the males. Both male and female have spot­ted unpaired fins and on the side of the body, 03 (often 2) con­sec­u­tive thick black spots. Some males have sev­eral small red dots around these black spots. The body col­oration varies from light beige to bronze or even burgundy.
    Breed­ing with parosphromenus linkei is rel­a­tively easy com­pared to other parosphromenus species, it is known to be robust and less sen­si­tive. Some­times very large bub­ble nest is built, a clutch can be large for big ani­mal (up to 100 eggs or more)
    Source : Peter Finke
    Pho­to­cre­dit 2+3 Orig­i­nal habi­tat of P. linkei, Suka­mara, photo Kishii
    1 Male, 4 female, 5. nest, 6 fry, 7 male Photo Rafael Eggli
    P. paludicola pair Copyright Wentian ShiP. paludicola habitat Copyright Mohd Illiam Norhakim Lokman P. paludicola habitat Copyright Mohd Illiam Norhakim Lokman Paludicola 'Paka' (Copyright Christian Hinz) P. paludicola Copyright David Jones

    Parosphromenus palu­di­cola Tweedie 1952

    P. palu­di­cola was the sec­ond form after ‘deiss­neri’ recog­nised clearly as a dis­tinct species due to its struc­tural pecu­liar­i­ties. It was dis­cov­ered only around 1950 in Tereng­ganu by the cura­tor of the Raf­fles Museum, M.W.F. Tweedei and got its first descrip­tion in 1952.
    The dis­tri­b­u­tion is very large extended in the north-​east of the Malaysian penin­sula (province Tereng­ganu), occur­ing even in south­ern Thai­land as the only licorice gourami species.
    The almost total absence of light colours in this unusual species shows that its cen­tre of dis­tri­b­u­tion is not sit­u­ated in black water. Like other Parosphromenus some of their local vari­ants inhabit black water habi­tats as well, but oppo­site to almost all other Parosphromenus forms, they live in clear water, too (but mainly in tran­si­tional areas). They pre­fer lighter biotopes, com­pared to other species of the genus: their adapt­abil­ity to man-​made water bod­ies (road­side chan­nels, reser­voirs, pond-​like struc­tures) is much higher.
    P. palu­di­cola is described as quite an unusual species of parosphromenus, as it has some char­ac­ter­is­tics which is dif­fer­ent from other species. This can par­tic­u­larly be observed in the fin struc­ture and in the lack of flu­o­res­cent col­ors in the unpaired fins (with few excep­tions). The body appear more elon­gated. (see https://​www​.parosphromenus​-project​.org/​e​n​/​p​a​l​u​d​i​c​o​l​a.)
    Within the species, though, vari­a­tions occurs quite often in col­oration, with beige-​brown, bluish-​pink, or brown-​red or almost entirely red colour. Fur­ther­more fish of most pop­u­la­tions are elon­gated and thin, while oth­ers appear com­pact with higher backs. The ven­tral fins of all males have very long fil­a­ments. The cau­dal fins of some males are also oval or tri­an­gu­lar elon­gated with sev­eral fil­a­ments, while oth­ers are more rounded with just one mid­dle fil­a­ment ray
    Usu­ally one of the least demand­ing licorice gouramis, because it is not nec­es­sar­ily depen­dent on the sim­u­la­tion of pure black water con­di­tions. The species is there­fore (together with P. fil­a­men­to­sus or P. linkei) par­tic­u­larly well suited for begin­ners in the licorice gourami aquar­ium hobby. The con­duc­tiv­ity of the water should be less than 100 micro Siemens /​cm, a value between 30 and 50 is con­sid­ered ideal. The pH value can range between 4.0 and 6.5, the height of the value is not cru­cial, but a low value can be use­ful for its antibi­otic effect. The addi­tion of humic sub­stances or humic acid-​emerging mate­r­ial is also help­ful. That the species is not found in pure black water, does not mean that humic sub­stances can be dis­pensed entirely.
    P. palu­di­cola clutches may be among the largest in the genus (up to 100 eggs). A bub­ble nest is built, but often it remains rudimentary.
    P. palu­di­cola is one of the species which the Parosphromenus Project has good suc­cess with, — it is being safely kept in good num­bers in our CCP programme.
    Pho­tos 1. Male and female (Went­ian Shi) 2 + 3 Palu­di­cola habi­tat (Mohd Illiam Norhakim Lok­man) 4. male (David Jones) 5 Palu­di­cola ‘Paka’ (Chris­t­ian Hinz)

    UK coordinator Kevin Marshall and Chester Zoo manager Hannah Thomas Adult paludicola photo David Jones

    Almost a year to the day after receiv­ing a gift of 6 young P. palu­di­cola from Chester Zoo our UK co-​ordinator Kevin Mar­shall is pleased to wel­come Chester Zoo’s man­ager Han­nah Thomas to his fish house to hand over fry back to the zoo in order to bol­ster their breed­ing program.

    In the Parosphromenus Project we also some­times have the oppor­tu­nity to go out and present our work in dif­fer­ent places. We greatly appri­ci­ate this.
    Yes­ter­day I vis­ited Malmø Akvariefören­ing, in Swe­den, to talk about parosphromenus species and the work of the Parosphromenus Project. An alto­gether pleas­ant evening with inter­ested lis­ten­ers, and also a fine day walk­ing around in spring­time Malmø cen­ter. Heres a few pic­tures ? — Helene
    P. nagyi copyright Martin Hallmann P nagyi 'kuantan' Copyright Vierke P nagyi copyright Helene Schoubye
    P. nagyi Schaller 1985
    P. nagyi from ranges of the east coast of West­ern Malaysia. The species has a rel­a­tively large area of dis­tri­b­u­tion; it is found from Pekan in the south going north via Kuan­tan and Cher­at­ing up to the area north of Cukai.
    Although the species has a large dis­tri­b­u­tion area, most of the nat­ural habi­tats have been mas­sively altered by human activ­i­ties. Nowa­days the fish is found mainly in remain­ing resid­ual habi­tats and road­side canals that are still fed by rem­nants of for­mer black water swamps.
    When the males show courtship colours, they can­not be con­fused with other species. In nor­mal colours males are still dis­tin­guish­able by their mor­pho­logic dif­fer­ences. The risk of con­fu­sion is higher for the females, because mor­pho­log­i­cal dif­fer­ences are less sig­nif­i­cant, but on close obser­va­tion they are still eas­ily iden­ti­fi­able. The pat­tern is com­pletely dif­fer­ent from other species: a hor­i­zon­tal two-​part coloura­tion, below black­ish, top dark to golden brown. Also the very short look­ing cau­dal, in which the fin rays exceed the fin area by about 1mm of and where the turquoise edge appears fur­ther for­ward, is char­ac­ter­is­tic of this species.
    Unusu­ally short fil­a­ments of the ven­tral fins, which show a dark spot are also very typ­i­cal for both sexes.
    Two habi­tat types are known in which the males are eas­ily dis­tin­guish­able by the eye-​catching band in the tail: in the form of terra typ­ica (Form “Kuan­tan”) this is white, and thus shows a dif­fer­ent colour as the blue rib­bons in dor­sal and anal. In the north­ern form “Cher­at­ing” the band is blue as well. In addi­tion the above-​described exten­sion of the tail fin rays is less clear in this form, and there­fore the cau­dal appears to be longer. “Kuan­tan” males also carry a sig­nif­i­cant dark spot in the rear part of the dor­sal fin. (photo 3)
    The species is rarely seen in trade today; only the Kuantan-​form. The aquar­ium stock depends almost com­pletely on pri­vately imported fish. P. nagyi is one of the more eas­ier species to breed.
    Pho­to­cre­dit 1. Mar­tin Hall­mann, 2. Helene Schoubye, 3. Vierke


    Our last inter­na­tional meet­ing in per­son was 2019 in Chester (UK). Due to the global pan­demic sit­u­a­tion, we were not able to arrange another meet­ing since that time. Today we still have issues with the risc of plan­ning and later can­celling a meeting.

    How­ever, we feel the need to meet in per­son again and sensed a chance when the IGL invited us to join their meet­ing in Ver­den (DE). So if you are inter­ested, save the date June 17th, 2022!

    As the IGL is mainly a ger­man organ­i­sa­tion, most talks will be held in ger­man. But we asked the speaker to use eng­lish slides if they give the talk in ger­man. Apart from that, you will have the chance to meet and get to know us in the evening in an infor­mal Parosphromenus-​Project meeting.

    More infor­ma­tion about place and time here

    Parosphromenus ornaticauda Copyright Wentian Shi Parosphromenus ornaticauda Copyright Wentian Shi Parosphromenus ornaticauda Copyright Wentian Shi Parosphromenus ornaticauda Copyright Wentian Shi
    P. ornat­i­cauda Kot­te­lat 1991
    In the future we will try to intro­duce a bit of each species to our audi­ences each month, so keep­ers can find answers to some com­mon ques­tions eas­ier. For more details please visit our species page on our web­site. https://​www​.parosphromenus​-project​.org/​e​n​/​p​-​o​r​n​a​t​i​c​a​u​d​a
    P. ornat­i­cauda, from down­stream Kapuas, West Kali­man­tan. From Anjun­gan to Man­dor. Found in very typ­i­cal black peat water swamps. (pH 4.5, con­duc­tiv­ity 39 micro-​Siemens, tem­per­a­ture 27.6 degrees C, Linke) We con­firmed a even lower pH of 4.1 at 2017.
    Ornat­i­cauda is one of the two smaller species (parvu­lus group), which is quite dif­fer­ent from other Parosphromenus species. They will not cross with other big species, and thus, can be found together with P. anjun­ga­nen­sis in the same habi­tat in the wild. In aquar­ium they are also peace­ful room­mates of other Paros (except parvulus).
    Thus, in com­par­i­son to oth­ers big con­geners, ornat­i­cauda is a bit more sen­si­tive. The keep­ing and breed­ing attemps require more patient and con­trol of the water qual­ity, espe­cially clean­li­ness. The clutches are usu­ally small (10 to 20 eggs, rarely more) and they are often “rearranged” (from one cave to another) or “dis­ap­pear” com­pletely over night. The courtship dance of the male (see below) needs a lot of space, so small tanks (around 10l) are less suited then tanks with 20l or more. The con­duc­tiv­ity of the water should not be above 40 micro-​Siemens. The sen­si­tiv­ity of the eggs towards harm­ful bac­te­ria is high, so it is advis­able to have a low pH value (between 3 and 4) and a high con­tent of humic acids. How­ever, suc­cess­ful breed­ing has been recorded at pH 6.5 in clear water. Still, suc­cess­ful ornat­i­cauda breed­ing is regarded as the “high school” of licorice gourami hobby.
    Although P. ornat­i­cauda appears today occa­sion­ally in high num­bers in the inter­na­tional trade, and although sig­nif­i­cantly more loca­tions are known com­pared to the time of its dis­cov­ery, it has to be accepted that the species is highly endan­gered. Part of the orig­i­nal habi­tat is already destroyed and has been trans­formed to palm oil plan­ta­tions. Many of the still exist­ing P.ornaticauda – biotopes have been badly dam­aged by con­t­a­m­i­na­tion with pes­ti­cides. Mainly these habi­tats are more or less affected rem­nants of swamps, still hold­ing black water, but these refuges are get­ting smaller and smaller. After all, this area is one of the most devel­opped area of this island. Human activ­i­ties are destroy­ing peat swamps and forests along the Kapuas river. Thus, it is now an IUCN CR species.
    We hope more and more of them can be main­tained and dis­trib­uted within the aquar­ium com­mu­nity instead of col­lect­ing from wild.

    artemia hatching setup - photo Kevin Marshall artemia hatching setup - photo Kevin Marshall

    Feed­ing Parosphromenus

    .… means that you have to fig­ure out many dif­fer­ent ways of pro­vid­ing good live food as it is dif­fi­cult to get them to take any other kinds of foods. Hatch­ing brine shrimp is one of the foods which is often used, and we are often asked how to do this.

    Depend­ing on which way you look at it, brine shrimp hatch­eries can be as sim­ple or as com­pli­cated as you like and there are many designs on the mar­ket. These home­made hatch­eries are used by our UK co-​ordinator Kevin Mar­shall who has made them from 1 litre juice bot­tles along with a push fit on/​off valve and a few odds and ends. While the over­all design is one that has been around for a num­ber of years the con­struc­tion method is sim­ple and cost effective.

    I am cer­tain there are many other ways of doing this, you are wel­come to show us your way along with any tips and tricks that you have about brine shrimp in the com­ments below.

    Kevin Mar­shall

    From 1859 to 2022, a jo urney of over 150 years

    (A brief sum­mary of the his­tory of Parosphromenus based on the arti­cle by Prof. Dr. Dr. P. Finke, Father of PP)
    Parosphromenus are both old and young, they have a his­tory of 160 years, but 80% of the species were discovered/​described within the last 40 years.
    In 1859, Dutch Sci­en­tist, Bleeker found the first species from the island Bangka, the famous and leg­endary P. deiss­neri. Unfor­tu­nately the holo­type is a female which is poorly pre­served. The exact look­ing of deiss­neri remained unclear for quite a long time and becomes the ori­gin of many tax­o­nomic night­mares of this Genus.
    Time flies. Only until 100 years later, in 1952, the sec­ond one P. palu­di­cola was found from Malaysia, so spe­cial that they were rec­og­nized as a dif­fer­ent spe­ceis, while many other species, like tweed­iei etc, although dis­cov­ered too, still con­sid­ered as sub­species of deiss­neri. Same hap­pened in 1955, P. suma­tranus was found in an aquar­ium export to Ger­many (as co-​catch), and con­sid­ered as P. deiss­neri sumatra.
    Since then the thing changed. These small fish attracted some Ger­man hob­by­ists and researchers. They made sev­eral expe­di­tions into Bor­neo and Malaysia Penin­sula. Based on their stud­ies many famous species were dis­cov­ered and intro­duced within 20 years. In 1979, parvu­lus, 1981 fil­a­men­to­sus, 1985 nagyi, 1987 allani and har­veyi (by British) . Then pro­fes­sional tax­on­o­mist also joined in, 1991: anjun­ga­nen­sis, linkei and ornaticauda.
    How­ever, there is a big prob­lem remained: the type species of this genus, deiss­neri. It is still kind of unkown. Until 1998, it is redis­coved and described again with P. bin­tan. After that, the thing can go fur­ther, many ear­lier sub­species of deiss­neri turned out to be new species: like tweed­iei, alfredi opal­lios and rub­ri­mon­tis in 2005, together with quin­decim and pahuen­sis. And a tax­o­nomic sys­tem is only until then clearly estab­lished, when the first species has already been dis­cov­ered like 150 years.
    After that sev­eral new species were dis­cov­ered or finally rec­og­nized such as P. gunawani, P. phoeni­cu­rus in 2012, bar­barae in 2020. At last, in 2022, genetic analy­sis was intro­duced into the diag­no­sis of Parosphromenus and indi­cated two more new species: P. jueli­nae and P. kishii.
    Now we have 23 offi­cially valid species in this genus. But of course there are cer­tainly more to be dis­cov­ered. Until then.

    P. filamentosus Photo Wentian ShiP. filamentosus Photo Wentian Shi P. filamentosus Photo Wentian Shi P. cf filamentosus Photo Wentian Shi

    P. fil­a­men­to­sus 3

    Old vs. New
    Fil­a­men­to­sus is quite an old species, found and iden­ti­fied at 1980s. How­ever, they are not so com­mon in the mar­ket after­wards. Less often col­lected from their type local­ity, around Ban­jar­masin, Kali­man­tan Selatan.
    Since 1990s it is known that there is a sim­i­lar species labeled as cf. fil­a­men­to­sus around Palangkaraya, quite far from Ban­jar­masin. Even not in the same river sys­tem. After that, sev­eral other pop­u­la­tions have been recorded inbe­tween. socalled, sp. Gaw­ing from Sg. Kapuas at the mid­dle, and sp. Ampah from Bar­ito east. To clar­ify this isue, we made a trip into this area, from west to east, across the three main rivers there, Kahayan-​Kapuas-​Barito. The result is interesting.
    All the north­ern ones are sim­i­lar look­ing, which can be con­sid­ered as same, cf. fil­a­men­to­sus Palangkaraya, sp. Gaw­ing, and sp. Bar­ito west, they have a dis­tinct band at unpaired fin and a sim­i­lar col­oration. This is slightly dif­fer­ent from cur­rently remain­ing pop­u­la­tion from the south, Ban­jar­masin: which do not have such band at all or very vague with­out dis­tinct shape. The prob­lem now is:
    All the cur­rent fil­a­men­to­sus com­mer­cial exported are these north­ern ones. The remain­ing south­ern types are old tank breed of a decade or so. We do not know now for sure the true look­ing of these south­ern ones from type local­ity. Maybe this mor­pho­log­i­cal dis­tinc­tion is not real in the wild, but a rea­son of tank breed etc. Maybe there are no cf. fil­a­men­to­sus but all just filamentosus.
    Unfor­tu­nately at our pre­vi­ous expe­di­tion we did­not man­aged to reach far south to Ban­jar­masin, and the habi­tat there is also severely affected by eco­nomic activ­i­ties. If pos­si­ble we would be happy to see fresh sam­ples from their orig­i­nal habi­tat to com­pare with the cur­rent tank lines and their north­ern rel­a­tives. So we can know how fil­a­men­to­sus real looks like.
    Any help is wel­come, if you live in Sela­tan maybe you can try pro­vide some updates of this species.
    P. filamentosus Copyright Thomas BeuFilamentosus male Copyright Thomas Beu P. filamentosus male in cave with nest Copyright Thomas Beu P. filamentosus female Copyright Thomas Beu
    In our last post, we men­tioned Parosphromenus fil­a­men­to­sus, bred by Aqua­zoo Düsseldorf.
    These fish was kindly given to the Aqua­zoo, by Thomas Beu, a long term breeder of paros, and also longterm friend and breeder witin the Parosphromenus Project.
    The P. fil­a­men­to­sus are from trade, and was bred by Thomas Beu since 2010.
    This week we will bring a few more of his pho­tos, — and by the way – did you read his arti­cle about breed­ing p. filamentosus ?
    Nachzuchter­folg auf kle­in­sten Raum
    Its in ger­man, but for those who under­stand ger­man, it’s a really inter­est­ing and great arti­cle which you can find it on our home­page along with other inter­est­ing articles.
    All pho­tos by Thomas Beu

    Parosphromenus filamentosus male - photo Thomas BeuWork­ing together is essential !

    The Parosphromenus Project have estab­lished a coop­er­a­tion with Aqua­zoo Düs­sel­dorf in 2021, and received Parosphromenus fil­a­men­to­sus from Thomas Beu, — a long term mem­ber of PP, — and in the Fall Cen­sus 2021 Aqua­zoo Düs­sel­dorf reported suc­ces with breed­ing these, with 30 off­spring. We con­grat­u­late Aqua­zoo Düs­sel­dorf with this. It is a great achieve­ment, and helps us secure this par­tic­u­lar line of P. Filamentosus.

    P filamentosus fry - photo Thomas BeuBreeding facility p. filamentosus Aquazoo Düsseldorf - photo Dennis Hempelmann Breeding facility p. filamentosus Aquazoo Düsseldorf - photo Dennis Hempelmann

    We also wish to thank Aqua­zoo Düs­sel­dorf for donat­ing a big sum of money to us, — we are very grate­ful for this, thank you ❤️

    For any other who wish to donate an amount, small or large please look here https://​www​.parosphromenus​-project​.org/​e​n​/​d​o​n​a​t​i​o​n



    Happy New Year

    Dear all.
    From the Parosphromenus Project we wish to thank you all for all your ded­i­cated work and coop­er­a­tions on so many dif­fer­ent fronts, pri­vate aquar­ists, with breed­ing, help­ing each other with dif­fi­cult prob­lems, shar­ing, as well as the grow­ing num­ber of insti­tu­tions which sup­ports our work.
    We are exited to enter 2022, we already know exhit­ing new things will unfold and we are look­ing for­ward to shar­ing those with you.
    But first af all, enjoy the last hours of 21 and get well into the next ?⭐️?❤️
    Many kind regards the team behind the Parosphromenus Project.