Key Distinct Features Identification System


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Oct 16, 2007
KDF Identification System

The Key Distinct Feature Identification System, or "KDF" for brevity, is a system developed by Filipino hobbyist and 40 year veteran Angel Ampil ( F fishyguy ). This system aims to be able to identify species and even variants of species of fish from one another by providing DISTINCT FEATURES and CHARACTERISTICS such as markings, shapes, colors and the like, in much simpler terms, in order to further distinguish the specie that is being identified.

Most us here are mere hobbyist who are trying our best to sound like ichthyologists in identifying and describing different species of fish. However, scientific terms often does not get across to most hobbyists due to their technical nature. The KDF Identification System aims to bridge the gap by being able to properly identify a specie of fish from one another by using simpler terms.

Using the KDF system in the identification of various fish species is simple. When a question is asked regarding the identification of a certain specie of fish, We first put the Name of the fish (It is recommended that we put both the common and the scientific name of the fish), which is then followed by a quick, bullet-point enumeration of KEY DISTINCT FEATURES the said fish has.

*Credits to Xanderm Vamptrev, et al for the descriptions. Some I paraphrased to demonstrate the KDF system in simpler terms.

(Hydrolycus Armatus)
-Large tail
-Brad body
-Downturned head
-Black bar behind gill plate
-white edged tail
-Clear tail turning to black


(Hydrolycus Scomberiodes)
- Brown tail that becomes transparent towards the back
- Small dark spot behind gill plate
- Fins are small compared to body
- Large pectoral fins


(Hydrolycus Tatauaia)
-Upturned head
-Red/Orange adipose fin, Matches the color of the tail
-Big Black Eyes

*I only included the more commonly available species of Hydrolycus as I would like to demonstrate how it works.

In using the KDF system, not only do we shed light on what specie the fish in question is, we also provide valuable information on what sets them apart from other fishes thus providing a basis on our claims. We simplify the identification process while still being able to explain why such specie is DISTINCT from another through the enumeration of the KEY DISTINCT FEATURES.

This might prove useful especially for the more experienced to moderately experienced members as they try to identify a specie which another member is trying to figure out, they could just ennumerate "KDFs" instead of redirecting the person to the profile sheets. :)

This is my initial draft of it. Let me know what you think:) I am open to any kind of opinion. Than you:)


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA


Senior Curator
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Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Ok. So there is no higher cause?

We just reply in the format you are suggesting.

What would be the advantages if this is not standardized?


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Oct 16, 2007
Ok. So there is no higher cause?

We just reply in the format you are suggesting.

What would be the advantages if this is not standardized?
Basically yes. :))

For the part of the person who's asking:
He'd likely get a more logical answer as the specie/variant is coupled with physical descriptions.
It would be easier for him to understand as the said descriptions are not too technical and are in simpler terms.
Initially, no need to give link in profile sheets. That comes after the identification if the person wants to go more in-depth with regard to the info of the fish.

For the part of the person who's answering in the said format:
He need not (if he doesn't memorize the techinical description) look for another site and copy paste the description nor paraphrase the same.
He will not have to back read on old posts where profiles are which could be time consuming.

Basically, we would like to bridge the gap between the techinicality of scientifically accepted descriptions (but are hard to understand for the "normal" hobbyist), and the simpler understanding and knowledge in fish keeping of the "normal" hobbyist more so, a newbie:)

ps: this was thought of due to the facebook era, where people would ask for id's almost every so often without the benefit of the search function. =( it is a bit tideous yet we would like to remain very considerate and friendly with the hobbyists, especially the newbies.:)


Senior Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
When I see ID threads I most usually know what the fish is or have to look through the resources to figure it out for myself.

So I either state the ID imho straightway or search and state ID with a link(s) that I've just looked at.

This is a fine proposal, I am just under an impression that 99% of those asking don't really care about technical terms or non-technical terms. They just wanna know the ID and look up care / basic facts.

It'd be interesting to hear opinions other than yours and mine though :)


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Oct 16, 2007
When I see ID threads I most usually know what the fish is or have to look through the resources to figure it out for myself.

So I either state the ID imho straightway or search and state ID with a link(s) that I've just looked at.

This is a fine proposal, I am just under an impression that 99% of those asking don't really care about technical terms or non-technical terms. They just wanna know the ID and look up care / basic facts.

It'd be interesting to hear opinions other than yours and mine though :)
Thanks for bringing that up bro:) it's very much appreciated and shall be taken in to consideration. :D yeah, i really wish others could chip in :D


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 13, 2014
I think this is a good idea, but some things like anatomy can't be put much simpler, like for ID'ing the armatus, the adipose fin is an easy way to ID it, but you can't put that much simpler than that. I can't say the fin behind the dorsal fin, that's still using a term that may not be known. Basically not everything can be so simple. But I think this is a good idea. And I agree with what TBTB does, posting links to provide any causation for his response etc.