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Living plants for home

From tall tropical plants to spiky succulents and all the varieties in between, living plants can help transform your house into a cozy home. Make your space feel more vibrant and inviting and bring home some character, big or small, with our ever-updating collection of indoor plants in an array of varieties.

Add literal life to your space with living plants 

Instantly elevate the look and feel of your home with IKEA’s beautiful house plant collection. Our live plants are available in an array of sizes, hues and varieties to suit your space and style— from the climbing plants to the floor plants!

Popular varieties of indoor plants

Enhance the look and feel of any room with our wide selection of beautiful plants for home. We strive to keep a variety of potted plants in stock at IKEA locations across the country. Our selection can vary from location to location depending on the current season, supply and shopper demand, but you’re always sure to find something special worth a spot in your space!

Some of the popular potted plants you might find at your local IKEA include…

Snake plants

With their vertical leaves shooting up from their pots like a group of green swords, snake plants combine the exotic with a bit of the familiar. Snake plants are a low-maintenance house plant that only need to be watered sparingly.

Aloe vera plants

This succulent plant featuring thick and fleshy leaves makes for a great visual pairing with snake plants. Use sandy soil and water sparingly. Aloe vera needs about 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight, but some filtered light can be suitable.


Find a variety of small potted bonsai trees that you can care for and trim to give the impression of a full-sized tree from a natural landscape. Enjoy the calming sensation and the reward that comes with weekly miniature landscaping.  


The robust, spiky leaves of succulents have a soothing and exotic appearance. Live succulents grow in shades of green, gray and blueish green and sometimes feature colorful flowers. Succulent plants require very little watering as they’re native to typically arid regions.

Choosing the best plants for home

While it’s always important to choose indoor plants that you personally find beautiful, there are some practical considerations to make in ensuring they have the right conditions to prosper. But don’t fret—there are plenty of potted plants suited to both direct and partial light situations to choose from!

  • If you want low maintenance potted plants, succulents are a great choice as they rarely need watering.
  • A lack of direct sunlight in your home could call for something like the dragon tree, which can thrive in partial light conditions.
  • For decorative purposes, you may consider impressive climbing vines that you could drape across a floating shelf.
  • An additional factor to consider is how safe your plants are for pets. For some pets, ingesting the leaves or flowers of certain house plants will make them very sick, so it’s worth double checking that your preferred plants won’t cause harm to any curious cats or pups sharing your home. 

Consider where you want to add living plants in your home, and make a note of how much light the area receives throughout the day. Armed with this information and your personal preferences, browse our live plants and see which will thrive in your home!