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The Good Wife

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My husband has been accused of something terrible. But what I’m about to do is much worse…

I’m sick to my stomach when I hear about the young woman found dead outside my husband’s music studio the night of our wedding anniversary. She and Theo were close, so when the police knock on the door as our daughter sleeps peacefully upstairs, I think they’re just trying to rule him out. But then I see the panicked look in his eyes…

“That’s not possible. I just saw her—”. I watch my perfect husband freeze. Just moments earlier, he had told the cops he hadn’t seen her. Why is he changing his story?

Most women would leave him—take their child and run for the hills. But I won’t. Theo and I have been together a long time. I know his secrets. And he knows mine… well, most of them. I’m the best lawyer in this town and I’m his only chance. I will defend him, whatever the cost.

As the police begin to pick apart our relationship, they don’t paint a pretty picture, and even some of our so-called friends begin to tell stories. My whole life has been a lie.

Can I really trust the man I love?

And when push comes to shove, can he trust me?

Fans of Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train and The Housemaid will love this spine-tinglingly tense psychological thriller with a mind-blowing twist!

366 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 25, 2022

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About the author

Ellery A. Kane

16 books408 followers
Forensic psychologist by day, novelist by night, Ellery Kane has been writing--professionally and creatively--for as long as she can remember. Just like many of her main characters, Ellery loves to ask why, which is the reason she became a psychologist in the first place. Real life really is stranger than fiction, and Ellery's writing is often inspired by her day job. Evaluating violent criminals and treating trauma victims, she has gained a unique perspective on the past and its indelible influence on the individual. And she's heard her fair share of real life thrillers.

Ellery lives in the San Francisco Bay Area of ​​California, a picturesque setting that provides the backdrop for many of her novels. If you don't find Ellery interviewing murderers behind prison walls or pecking away at her latest novel, she is probably at the gym landing a solid jab-cross to a punching bag; riding bicycles with her special someone; or enjoying a movie the old-fashioned way--at the theater with popcorn and Milk Duds.

Ellery was previously selected as one of ten semifinalists in the MasterClass James Patterson Co-Author Competition and is the author of the Doctors of Darkness, Rockwell and Decker, and Legacy Series, with two standalone thrillers from Bookouture coming in 2022.

If you'd like to receive a notification when new books are released, please sign up for Ellery's newsletter at ellerykane.com. Ellery also signs e-books on authorgraph.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 135 reviews
Profile Image for Lisa.
870 reviews
May 12, 2023
4.5 stars
I was invested in this psychological,legal domestic drama from the very first page I was hooked I just could not put this down.
Theo Copeland is a former Musician in the band The Sluggers now he is a devoted father to his daughter Abby, but when a body is found out the back of his music studio The spot, the main suspect is Theo.

His wife Cassie is a corporate lawyer for Stone & Fabre in Noe Valley San Francisco decides to represent her husband,the body the police found was Elise a friend of Cassie, which Theo knew also but could Theo be capable of Murder?

There is a lot of twists & turns all characters are flawed & have agendas this was a gritty read that I enjoyed the final reveal I worked out early hence not the full 5 ⭐️ but this will keep you on your toes till the end.
Profile Image for Debra.
2,708 reviews35.8k followers
October 26, 2022
4.5 Stars

I was instantly gripped by The Good Wife. This proved to be a riveting thriller/courtroom drama that I could not get enough of!

Cassie and Theo have been married for two years and have an 18-month-old daughter. They appear to be the perfect couple. Theo is a former rock star who enjoys being home with their daughter and giving the occasional guitar lesson. Cassie is a corporate attorney who has just made partner at her law firm. A knock on their front door changes everything. The police are there and inform them that a woman's body has been found in a dumpster outside of his music studio.

The woman turns out to be Elise, described as being a young nanny and yet it is later revealed that she and Cassie went to high school together. Theo and Elsie met at the park where he takes his daughter and Elsie takes the twins she looks after. After recognizing Theo, she inquiries about taking lessons from him.

When Theo is arrested for Elise's murder, Cassie must question if her husband is guilty? Is he telling her the truth? Is he hiding anything from her? When Theo asks Cassie to defend him in court, she agrees.

Things get juicy, tension mounts and I could not put this book down! I loved the drama and how it played out. The secrets, the lies, the mother-in-law, all made for interesting reading. The author tells the story in "before" and "after" sections as we are given Cassie's and Theo's POVs. Very nicely done.

This was a captivating page turner which made this reader happy. It was fast paced, tense, and so very enjoyable. I can't wait to read what Kane writes next!

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com

Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,327 reviews1,933 followers
May 29, 2023
I enjoyed this but saw the big twist a mile off. Thankfully didn’t really spoil it, just made me anticipate it. Good tense scenes, especially in the courtroom.
October 17, 2022
A domestic thriller you say? A courtroom drama you say?
I'd never read any Ellery A. Kane prior to The Good Wife, but off the back of this one, I want them all!
Gripping, dramatic, full of surprises that just keeps you reading into the early hours!
I loved the characters, they were completely believable and this reminded me so much of the TV series of the same name!
Legal thriller fans would love this one!
Profile Image for Susan .
489 reviews162 followers
December 13, 2022
All the Good Ones are Taken.

I’m not complaining that the title was recycled from one of my favorite TV shows ever.

You may remember ‘The Good Wife’ based on the true story of a female attorney whose husband was caught with his political pants down.

His name was Anthony Weiner (yes really) and he was the US representative for New York State when he was pressured to resign because of his indiscretions.

This book takes the idea of a faithful and supportive wife into an unexplored territory and snakes into marital felicity.

Who’s right and who’s at fault here? With each piece added, I was constantly evaluating where the story was headed and whether I was guessing correctly.

Although not as salacious as a front man with an appendage moniker, I loved that this was a true psychological thriller and didn’t veer off the path or over the cliff somewhere. A quick and even pace throughout with an ending flowing with the rest of the book.

The story also incorporated several of my favorite elements:

An intelligent and crafty wife
She’s a corporate attorney no less. (I love lawyers in books)
Domestic Drama
Courtroom scenes

And did I mention that her husband was a B list rock star?

So nope, not complaining one little bit.

An Amazon Kindle Unlimited read.
Profile Image for Jonann loves book talk❤♥️❤.
870 reviews157 followers
September 18, 2022
The Good Wife by Ellery Kane is a twisty whodunit that held my interest and kept me quickly flipping pages. A domestic situation interlaced with a courtroom drama that keeps you guessing. Although I figured out the ending, it did not lessen the intrigue of the book.

A lawyer's husband is arrested for the murder of a young woman. The case quickly intensifies as the evidence against him builds. Is the husband guilty? What secrets is he hiding?

With lies and deception at every turn, readers are left trying to figure out who is telling the truth. Ellery Kane is a master at writing juicy domestic drama that always delivers. This is my second book by the author and both provided an intense read.

The Good Wife is available on October 25th.

Thank you, Bookouture and NetGalley, for sharing this exciting novel with me. Your kindness is appreciated!
Profile Image for Lori Collins.
141 reviews6 followers
September 26, 2022
Cassie, a corporate lawyer, and Theo, a retired musician, turned full time stay at home dad, to daughter Abby, face their worst nightmare. Theo is accused of killing a neighborhood nanny, and his wife’s former best friend, Elise. The kicker, Cassie agrees to represent her husband in the court of law. Is Theo guilty? Can Cassie win their case to save her family?

I so wanted to love this book. I love the cover art! I love a domestic thriller. But this fell short for me. It reminded me of another popular domestic thriller I read this summer, won’t give away the title, but just wasn’t done as well, in my opinion.

I guessed the whodunnit very early on, hindering my excitement as I read, but was intrigued enough to keep reading to see how the author would ultimately unfold the plot twist. For me, the twist was meh. I wanted more. I also wanted more of an explanation of Cassie’s past. I felt like the author talked it up so much and then just breezed through it.

Overall, I would say this is a quick read, would still recommend if you are a fan of domestic thrillers.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Kimberly R .
282 reviews
September 23, 2022
Cassie, a lawyer, defends her husband Theo for the murder of her friend Elise. The story goes back and forth between past and present and was an enjoyable read with some major twists and turns. Thanks NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC
Profile Image for Amanda.
948 reviews279 followers
August 22, 2023
Theo a former rock star in the band The Sluggers, is now a stay at home dad to Abby, whilst Cassie his wife is a corporate lawyer.

When a body is found outside the back of Theo's studio he is the main suspect. The victim was Elise, a friend of theirs, who he had spent time teaching how to play the guitar.

There are a lot of twists and turns in this gripping read.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for theliterateleprechaun.
1,690 reviews27 followers
September 22, 2022
Lawful wife I, Cassie, take you, Theo, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does us part. ... Kane will stretch those bonds for you and have you wondering how far is ‘too far’?

Twisty, good and unpredictable!

Ellery Kane has a firm grasp on the precarious balance needed for suspense writing! She has the perfect combination of excitement and apprehension. I was desperate to know who killed the girl in the dumpster and what would happen to the suspect, but I also wanted that sense of dread and mood that Kane is so adept at creating.

At the core of her suspense is hope; hope that the killer will be caught and hope that the protagonist finds happiness. The internal narrative and conflict drive the plot and add to the stakes, often pitting one hope against the other. Kane manages the ‘hope’ aspect very well.

Her thriller is composed of layers of secrets, each unveiled in flashbacks and specifically designed to have you gasp and think ‘now what?’ as the impact of them hits you. You’ll love the tension and impending doom while, at the same time, wishing for the lawyer to get her retribution. As the suspect’s sentence comes into focus, you suddenly see the irrevocable changes and damage it has the potential to create. All of a sudden you can see both sides of the situation and your allegiance shifts.

Kane has ensured that I’ll be thinking about this story for days to come. I’ll be hashing out motives and trying to figure out if her characters are more heroes than villains or vice versa.

Kane has quickly become an auto-read author for me! I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us next and am prepared for more thrills, chills, and sleepless nights.

I was gifted this advance copy by Bookouture and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.
Profile Image for Danielle B.
966 reviews172 followers
September 20, 2022
Cassie is a lawyer and Theo is a retired musician who now stays at home with their daughter, Abigail. A body is found of a nanny, who was an old friend of Cassie's. Theo becomes the prime suspect, when they find evidence against him. Cassie is beside herself and offers to defend her husband in court. Will she find out more about her husband than she knew? Is he a murderer or is someone else to blame?

Wow, talk about a page turner! This goes back and forth, before and after the murder. I loved the different perspectives between Cassie and Theo. Don't believe all you read and you will surprised by the ending. Another win for this book by Ellery Kane. She really knows how to tell a great story!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC.

This review will be posted on my Instagram (@coffee.break.book.reviews) in the near future.
Profile Image for Debbie DiFiore.
2,328 reviews264 followers
April 24, 2023
So twisted! I loved it!

I have to say the twists were good even if I suspected a few. New author for me about a woman defending her husband for murder of his....girlfriend? Or not? It reminded me of the book by Scott Throw that turned unto a movie with Harrison Ford. Or was it someone else!?!? I can't remember it but it's the basic storyline almost. Of course there were differences. And I truly did not like Elise at all. Nor Shaun but please! That was intense. I am not sure I liked the day before the murder, after, two weeks before the murder, after, or three months before the murder, etc. I am not a fan of back and forth but this worked a little bit better for me for shock value alone. That last chapter was just so epic to me. And the epilogue!?!? Please Lila leave Theo alone. He's not worth it! Or is he? Lol.
Profile Image for Courtney (caffeinereadrepeat).
417 reviews160 followers
September 23, 2022
Sinfully Lucious! 😳😯🤯😳

I'm gonna be honest, at first I wasn't sure with this one for the first half. Some of it seemed to be predictable and wasn't too shocking, but the ending definitely rectified itself big time for me. With that being said, it didn't pack quite as big of a punch as I had hoped from this novel. A lot of the plot felt "been there, done that" and a lot of predictability. I even figured out the "who" half way through. But Kane still did an excellent job with her writing, the subplot, the weaving & combining of characters and their story. It was definitely a fun read where you didn't have to think too much, and sometimes it's a nice change! This novel gave me some very similar vibes of The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose, which I didn't mind at all. While this wasn't all I had hoped, it had potential and I'll definitely give this author another shot. A fun, twisty thriller!

Mყ 𝐒ყɴ𝐨ρѕιѕ: When a couple is put to their utmost limits, can you truly trust they have your back? Theo is a stay-at-home Dad to toddler Abby & Cassie is an attorney for corporate law at a prestigious firm. But everything is rocked to the core when Elise, a family friend, is found murdered behind Theo's music studio. Cassie decides to defend her husband and be his attorney. But can she separate wife from attorney? And is she ready for what's to come?

Thank you to NetGalley & Bookouture for this ARC.
Release Date: October 25, 2022

𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐭: 3.5 / 5 Autumn Leaves! 🍂
Profile Image for Paigelauren Forrester.
286 reviews4 followers
October 20, 2022
I started this book a little hesitantly sure it would be like the rest of the books in this genre but I was shocked right up until the very end.
Cassandra is a great character to get behind I loved watching her grow and develop over the course of this book. With every new bit of information she puts on a brave front and fights them I was rooting for her all the way through. If you love to hate a character there someone in there for you but make up your own mind. This book brought a lot of different emotions in me I was screaming at one point, it’s a roller coaster all the way and I love that in a book. This will grip you from the firsts chapter packed full with surprises to keep you engrossed for hours to come.
As the story unfolds the secrets and lies come out for all to see, I was left gob smacked by some of the twists in the story. Another author from Bookouture that is fantastic I can’t wait to see more from this author.
Thank you to Netgalley/Ellery Kane/Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for the honest review.
Profile Image for Kay Oliver.
Author 13 books175 followers
October 26, 2022
Thanksgiving 2022 Read #2

This story started with a mystery, one of life altering proportions. I was hooked! A dead woman is found in the dumpster at Cassie's husband's music studio--how could I not be.

I really liked Cassie. A strong, independent woman with her work at the forefront. A smart lawyer who just made partner at a prestigious big city firm. Except now she has decided (stupidly) to defend her husband in the courtroom for murder but she's not sure in her heart of hearts that he's innocent.

"How could I be jealous of a dead girl?"

I loathed Theo more and more. And I felt for Cassie more and more. The story unfolds through both of their POVs in different timelines. There always felt like something very big was missing, aside from past skeletons, present hangups, and the immediate drama.

The ending was delicious but I wish it hadn't been so slow going. There were some parts that crawled. The pacing needs a speed up but otherwise a darn good thriller.
Profile Image for Bridget.
2,789 reviews116 followers
October 24, 2022
The Good Wife is fast-paced, tense, twisty and unpredictable. Theo Copeland is a stay-at-home dad while his wife Cass goes out to work; she is a lawyer and the married couple has a seventeen-month-old daughter, Abby. One morning, the police knock on their front door asking questions about a property - 865 Church Street. A young woman's body has been found in a bin there.

This exciting and compelling domestic thriller and courtroom drama blend kept me guessing right until the end. I was gripped and in a state of apprehension all the way through and I couldn't put it down, reading it in one fell swoop. Very highly recommended.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel from Bookouture via NetGalley at my request and this review is my own unbiased opinion.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,277 followers
November 22, 2022
3 Who Has Secrets Stars
* * * Spoiler Free-A Quick Review
The Good Wife takes the view of how much do we really know our partners. We have the opposite roles of the mother and wife being the one out working as a lawyer and the husband being the one taking care of their child. The role reversal opens the opportunity for the husband to meet a woman who is one of the nannies in the area.

This is the way we see this couple, a driven lawyer and a once rock star/musician who now has a music studio.
The main thrust is when the wife comes home to find her husband being led away and accused of murdering the nanny, who was found in the trash container behind the music studio.

Instead of the wife doing the kneejerk action of running with her child away from the husband, instead, she holds firm and becomes her husband's defender and lawyer. Is she doing it because she believes in him or is she protecting her own secrets?

The Good Wife by Ellery A. Kane The Good Wife

A gifted copy was provided by Bookouture via NetGalley for an honest review

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Profile Image for Faith Hurst-Bilinski.
1,604 reviews14 followers
October 29, 2022
Man, I don’t know if I like Ellery Kane. Back and forth and back and forth. The Good Wife took me way longer to read than it should have. I just could not get into the story. The murder wasn’t much of a mystery. The twists weren’t really very twisty. I felt like I trudged through a lot of details about nothing until we got to the obvious conclusion. There weren’t even any likable characters for me to back in this one.
Profile Image for Lavender.
547 reviews17 followers
November 6, 2022
For me this was an OK read. It is entertaining enough and it kept me interested although there is nothing really surprising happening. It is a domestic drama interlaced with a courtroom drama told from two points of views.

Cassie and Theo are married and have their first child. Cassie is a corporate attorney and just became partner in her law firm. Theo is a former almost-famous rock star. He stays hat home with their daughter while Cassie makes the money. When Theo becomes friends with a young woman who works as a nanny and whom he met at the park, Cassie is not amused. She feels guilty all the time for working long hours and never be there for her daughter. And she is jealous that Theo might get a wandering eye. It turns out that the nanny is an old friend of Cassie from school. But that makes it even worse for Cassie. Then the girl turns up dead and Theo becomes the main suspect. Cassie is willing to stand by him and defend him in court even she has no experience with murder cases. But lie after lie is exposed and Cassie herself has something to hide, too.

The story is told alternating from Cassie’s and Theo’s POV before and after the murder. While I could warm up a bit for Theo I never connected to Cassie. Her moods are changing from one moment to the next and I never found her as smart as she think she is. She is very self-centered. But the book held my interest although I figured out the end.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Diane Merritt.
813 reviews169 followers
October 26, 2022
Loved it..twisty, domestic and court room drama all pulled together expertly. Fantastic book that draws you in to all the characters and their mistrief.
Profile Image for Christine M in Texas (stamperlady50).
1,352 reviews149 followers
October 25, 2022
When you suspect your handsome husband who is also a loving father is accused of murder, what do you do? Do you protect him, believe him, punish him or represent him? After all you’re the Good Wife! Cassie is a lawyer and she decides to represent him!

Theo is arrested by police! A girl is killed on their block! Cassie and Theo both know each other weaknesses and secrets. Could he be innocent?

This novel goes back and forth before and after the death of the girl. This gripping novel is a page-turner and will keep you guessing. This was my second novel by the author, and I look forward to more novels. Kane delivers a twisty and suspenseful combination.
Profile Image for Katrina Vallett.
293 reviews6 followers
October 9, 2022
Oh heyyyyy now. Look at this domestic thriller with bones and teeth!

Cassie and Theo are married with a baby girl. Theo gave up his career as a Rockstar to be a stay at home dad while Cassie works the ridiculous hours at a law firm. They have ups and downs like any marriage, but they are essentially a cute little family who make it work.

Enter Elise. She was one of Cassie's best friends growing up, but they had not seen each other in many years. Elise lands a job as a neighbor's nanny and slowly starts inserting herself into their lives. That is, until someone bludgeons her in the head and leaves clues pointing at Theo.

Though inexperienced with criminal law, Cassie believes that she will be his best shot at exoneration so she takes a leave of absence from her big fancy job to defend her husband and she doesn't miss a beat in the courtroom (yassss girl!).

We piece together what happened, by listening to Theo's version of events in the months leading up the Elise's murder, and Cassie's after he has been charged with her murder.

This book was fast-paced and twisty with characters who all have a little something to hide.

Thank you #Bookouture #netgalley and #ellerykane for allowing me to read and review this ARC of a novel being published 10/25/22.
Profile Image for Renita D'Silva.
Author 11 books351 followers
November 28, 2022
I absolutely adored this book. A thoroughly satisfying read. Beautifully written, brilliantly paced, packed with twists. Loved this one.
Profile Image for Michele Desoer.
54 reviews
January 2, 2023
I hate to rate a book this low, but after a lot of reflection, I can't rate it higher. I give the author kudos for trying her hand at a "Gone Girl" type of story with unreliable narrators, but it didn't work, and I figured out what had happened within the first half.

That being said, many of the chapters' language is inconsistent with what we learn in the end. That had to be tightened.

Other issues include the ridiculous number of clichés, something they warn against in every writing class.

Also, hello..., this was written in around 2019 or 2020, and the way the law firm is portrayed is a joke. No one calls partners "Mr." especially not other partners. (And you don't go from associate to "senior partner") (I've been an associate, income partner and equity partner at a very large firm). I don't want to give away spoilers but the firm violates so many laws, I lost count. Also, representing your husband in a case like this -- especially when you could/should be a witness and are not a litigator, let alone criminal defense lawyer -- violates so many bar regulations. Yeah, you can represent your spouse for a traffic violation, but in this case it was stupid and reckless. Also, even with a "speedy trial," no murder case goes to trial in 6-7 weeks. The court scenes are so far from reality; yes, I realise that things have to be compressed in a novel, but so much of the testimony was inadmissible.

I could go on, but I have to say this is a book I had to force myself to finish (mainly because I wanted to see if what I'd predicted would actually happen).

If the author sees this, if you're going to write something with lawyers, please have a lawyer review it. Of course courtroom scenes will have to be condensed, but there was so much wrong with the portrayal of lawyers that it was distracting.
Profile Image for Leona.
1,226 reviews
October 28, 2022
The Good Wife is a gripping and twisty thriller which had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. As soon as I started reading this book I was completely gripped and pulled in by this story. The characters in this book can you trust them or not ? I for sure didn’t know who was telling the truth and who wasn’t . Another thing I loved about this book was as well as the domestic scenes we also had some legal drama which was really interesting and really increased my love of this book. I’ve not read this author before but I most certainly will read more .
Profile Image for Christy fictional_traits.
187 reviews194 followers
October 14, 2022
'The Good Wife' is a thriller about a good wife, in fact, a wife who'd like to be perfect but often doubts her capabilities as a wife and mother.

When Cassie learns that her husband Theo has been accused of murdering a beautiful, young, local nanny, shock opens the floodgates of suspicion and distrust flows through; drowning their foundling marriage. After all, even though Cassie is at the top of her career as a corporate lawyer, she's married to an ex-rock god. But Cassie didn't make all those sacrifices, climbing the corporate career ladder, just to lose it now. She is a lawyer after all. And she is a 'Good Wife'.

Ellery Kane's novel is what thrillers are made up of: lies, secrets and haunted pasts. The 'Good Wife' slowly unpacks the lives of its two central characters in a dual timeline that jumps from present to past. The book also paces between their daily lives and courtroom drama. Although I believed the final reveal was a little light on believability, the 'Good Wife' is an enjoyable read overall.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review this book.
Profile Image for Katie Cole.
93 reviews
July 27, 2023
Very predictable! Exact same plot as perfect marriage but not as well written
Profile Image for Melissa Suslowicz Bartz.
427 reviews9 followers
September 16, 2022
My Review:
Loved, loved, and more loved!!!!! I couldn’t believe that shocking ending. I knew something was up the whole book but I didn’t know it was that. It was like wow what I’m I reading. I have to say though that my favorite thing about this whole book was that part of it was a courtroom drama. I haven’t read a book like that in ages. I really miss reading those types of books. I haven’t read this author before but I’m so happy that I picked this one up. I even ditched my current read when I saw this one was available. The blurb is what drew me to this book but that story line and that heart attack of an ending kept me engrossed. As I read each chapter I wanted more and more. The time passed by so quickly and by the time I was done I had no idea whether it was morning or night. I couldn’t put it down for the life of me. I do have to say that this is one of my favorite reads of the year so far. It had everything I look for in a great book. Great characters, great plot and of course a great ending. I look forward to reading more of this authors books.

In conclusion, the plot, the characters and all the twists in this book made this book an enjoyable read. I would definitely recommend it and happily give it 5 Hearts❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Janalyn Prude.
3,327 reviews93 followers
October 31, 2022
Corporate lawyer Cassidy Copeland is married to Theo and they have a daughter they both love named Abby. They live in a suburb of San Francisco called Strollervill he is an ex-rockstar and a stay at home dad when a new nanny named Elise starts working for the Hamiltons ,Theo feels bad to see her sitting at the park alone and the other mothers talking about her so he befriends her when he learns she was good friends with his wife in high school he surprised but when she keeps trying to insinuate her self into his life Cassidy insists he puts a stop to it. When Elise is found murdered and then the dumpster behind Theo‘s studio he is blamed for the crime. Cassidy says she will defend him but how can she when she doesn’t trust him herself? Compared to the thrilling Book the summary is horrible but just know there was a lot of moving parts in this book and they all get put into their place by the end and they have so many OMG moments this is a very well put together thriller and mystery and one of the best I have read this year. I have read ElleryKeynes books before but I must say this is my favorite this is a truly stellar book what more can I say it’s a definite five star read! I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
Profile Image for Priya Shrinath.
370 reviews20 followers
September 30, 2022
The Good Wife by Ellery Kane is a domestic suspense thriller with a whodunit mystery and several sketchy characters and lots of twists. You'd never know what happens behind closed doors of a perfect looking family!

I loved the way the book started with a bang. Straight to the point, the tensions arises right from chapter one and the author makes sure you're hooked.

Ex rockstar, now stay-at-home dad Theo Copeland and his corporate lawyer wife Cassandra are happily married with a cute girl and everyone's talking about them in the cozy neighbour they live in. Until one day, a local nanny Elise Sterling is found murdered outside Theo's studio and suddenly he's the prime and only suspect. When the police come knocking at their home, everything is shattered and dangerous truths are about to come out.

Told from both Theo and Cass's POVs we get several interesting intakes on their lives and you can't really guess anything until very late into the book. Did I deduce the ending sooner? Yes. Was I still invested in the story? Hell Yes. Solid writing and there were still several developments that I didn't see coming. A pacy popcorn thriller that I read withing a few hours!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 135 reviews

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