Net brush algae eater - Crossocheilus reticulatus - DNZ
  • hardworking algae killer
  • interesting social behavior
  • suitable for beginners
  • suitable for community tanks

Net brush algae eater - Crossocheilus reticulatus - DNZ

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Product information
Net brush algae eater - Crossocheilus reticulatus - DNZ
With their voracious appetite for brush algae, net brush algae eaters are a true enrichment for every aquarium! Healthy plants remain intact - with this industrious workhorse even the most algae-ridden tank shines again in no time in new splendor! In addition, this group fish is very interesting to observe and make even again desire for green stuff! - Garnelio
Water values: soft to hard
Final size: > 12cm
Temperature: 25-30 °C
Behavior: Active
Feature: Algae eater
with fish?: Yes, with peaceful fish
Aquarium size: 400/450 l (approx. 150cm)
Fish group: Barbs
Diet: limnivorous - growth eater (algae)
Visual effect: Swarm behavior
Origin: Asia
with shrimps?: with dwarf shrimps, offspring is not eaten
Planting possible?: Yes
with snails/shells?: Yes
with dwarf crabs?: Yes
Difficulty: 1 - Simple
with large crabs?: No
Breeding: heavy
Pelvic region: Center
with crabs?: No

As their name suggests, net brush algae eaters, Crossocheilus reticulatus, are highly valued fish in the aquarium trade as brush algae destroyers, which are often used as a cleaning troop, especially when all other anti-algae cures have been unsuccessful. Net brush algae eaters are schooling fish and originate from oxygen-rich and cool flowing waters in central and eastern Thailand, but also in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and southern China.

By the way: Our net brush algae eaters are German offspring that you get - and not wild-caught! As peaceful by-fish they are perfectly suitable especially for larger aquariums, which keep them permanently free of brush algae and can be socialized excellently with almost any other fish.

Net brush algae eaters feature a torpedo-shaped body with a gray-brown base color. The shading of their scales creates a net-like pattern, which is one of the factors that influenced their naming. The fins are transparent to yellowish, and there is usually a black spot on the root of the tail. External sex differentiation is difficult. Since they grow to between 15-18 cm when fully grown, their keeping is suitable in aquariums with an edge length of 150 cm or more.

Net brush algae eaters are usually bred only commercially, we have no experience about the breeding process . Probably they are free spawners, which do not breed.

Crossocheilus reticulatus should be kept in rather larger aquariums from 150 cm edge length. As in their habitat they like a certain current, which serves their well-being and provides them with sufficient oxygen. The substrate does not play a major role, as the animals do not prefer any particular water zone. Nevertheless, the aquarium should be densely planted in places, as the fish mainly look for food on these, but also allow swimming space. They can be maintained without problems at a pH of 5-8 and at a total hardness (GH) of 5-15 ° dGH. They like a temperature between 22 and 27 °C.

These very peaceful fellows can be easilysocialized with other fish such as catfish, livebearers, angelfish, tetras, dwarf cichlids and barbs if their water parameters are suitable. In general, the Net Brush Eater should be kept in large groups of at least 7 animals if possible, otherwise it will become stressed and can quickly become ill. Since it is busy all day, nothing should stand in the way of socialization with dwarf crabs , as a vegetarian it will leave dwarf shrimp, Amano shr imp and fan shr imp unmolested.

As a vegetarian, the net brush algae eater will search for brush algae in the aquarium and eat these populations in a short time, sparing healthy plants. Once it has done its work, it also feeds well on food tablets and food chips, as well as vegetable chips , such as pumpkin or zucchini chips, but also on over-broiled vegetables such as spinach, nettles or cucumber.

Our feed recommendation: For this aufwuchs feeding proboscis barb the NatureHolic Catfish Feed is perfect for all aufwuchs feeding sucker catfish in the aquarium. It is a balanced tablet food that will not cloud the water and the fish will happily eat. The catfish tablets also contain NatureHolic active ingredient complexes, which provide the barbs with everything they need for a strong immune system, healthy growth and great, contrasting coloration. As a snack, supplementary food or vacation food we recommend the vegetarian CatfishPlates.

Our plant recommendation: Use for planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planarians and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend for fish keeping the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Scientific name:Crossocheilus reticulatus
German Name:Reticulated brush algae eater
Difficulty level:for beginners
Origin/Distribution:Southeast Asia, Bali, Indonesia, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia
Coloration:torpedo-shaped body with gray-brown base color, scales show reticulation pattern
Age expectancy approx. 10 years
Water parameters:GH 5-15, pH 5-8, temperature 22-27°C
Tank size:150 cm and up
Food Herbivore, vegetarian catfish chips, food tablets, scalded vegetables, vegetable chips
Breeding not breedable
Behavior peaceful
Group size at least 7 animals
Further information Ten typical aquarium fish for beginners and alternatives to them, Tips for acclimating fish to the aquarium, Feeding aquarium fish properly - cheap food and what it can do
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23  beantwortete Fragen

Net brush algae eater - Crossocheilus reticulatus - DNZ

Net brush algae eater - Crossocheilus reticulatus - DNZ

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Question: "Kann man sie auch im Diskusbecken 600 ltr. einsetzen?"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Peter, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Ja, die Tiere können mit Diskus gepflegt werden. 

Question: "Hallo. Wie verhalten sich Netz Pinselalgenfresser gegenüber Schnecken? zB. Dominoschnecken oder Helmschnecken."

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Andreas, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Die Tiere können gefahrlos mit Schnecken vergesellschaftet werden. 

Question: "Haben grossespinselalgenproblem,aber mein Becken ist nur 1,2m lang,welche algenfresser kann ich nehmen? Und vertragen sich diese mit Barsche! Danke"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Sylvia, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Mit Netz Pinselalgenfressern bist du da genau richtig, sie vertragen auch härteres Wasser, werden groß genug um sich auch in Barschbecken durchsetzen zu können und fressen sehr fleißig Algen.

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