Taxon profile


Argus Fish
Scatophagus argus (Linnaeus, 1766)

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Chordata - chordates »  class Actinopterygii - ray-finned fishes »  order Acanthuriformes »  family Scatophagidae - scats »  genus Scatophagus

Scientific synonyms

Chaetodon argus Linnaeus, 1766
Ephippus argus (Linnaeus, 1766)
Scatophagus argus argus (Linnaeus, 1766)
Scatophagus aetatevarians De Vis, 1884
Chaetodon atromaculatus Bennett, 1830
Scatophagus argus atromaculatus (Bennett, 1830)
Scatophagus bougainvillii Cuvier, 1831
Scatophagus maculatus Gronow, 1854
Scatophagus argus ocellata Klunzinger, 1880
Scatophagus ornatus Cuvier, 1831

Other names

= Butter Fish

= Common Scat
= Leopard Scat
= Spotted Butterfish
= Spotted Scat

Least Concern LC


Scatophagus argus - Argus Fish

Author: Zita Bukovská

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