Echinodorus ''Tricolor''

Echinodorus ''Tricolor''

Echinodorus ''Tricolor''

Echinodorus ''Tricolor''

Family: Alismataceae
Continent: South America, Cultivar
Country of origin:
Height: 20-40 cm
Width: 15-30 cm
Light requirements: low-very high
Temperature: 22-30 °C
Hardness tolerance: very soft-very hard
pH tolerance: 5-8
Growth: medium
Demands: easy

This is a cultivar, a hybrid between several Echinodorus varieties. The new
leaves are slightly reddish, with spots when they form, but soon turn golden,
while the oldest leaves are darker and green. The veins are lighter, giving rise
to the name ''Tricolor'' - ''Three colours''. E. ''Tricolor'' is a
speciality originating from the Czech aquarium plant nursery Rataj.

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