Spotted Orange Seam Pleco - Pseudancistrus sp. L122
tropical fish

Spotted Orange Seam Pleco - Pseudancistrus sp. L122

User submittedBy: ILuvMyGoldBarb

 L200 - Hemiancistrus subviridis
Hemiancistrus subviridis - Copyright

Species Name: Pseudancistrus sp. L122

Common Names: Spotted Orange Seam Pleco

Synonyms: None

Family: Loricariidae

Order: Siluriformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Max Size: 15 cm / 5.9 inches

Environment: Fresh Water

Origin: Venezuela - Orinoco, Middle Orinoco River.

Temperament: Spotted Orange Seam Pleco (L122) is an excellent community fish. They are very peaceful, even with conspecifics; these fish can be kept in pairs with no trouble.

Company: An excellent community fish. Not appropriate for a more aggressive tank.

Water Parameters: pH 6.0-7.0, temperature 24-28 ° C / 76-82 ° F

Aquarium Setup: Spotted Orange Seam Pleco (L122)  is an excellent fish for a planted tank setup. They enjoy having driftwood in the display. If driftwood is present, this fish will likely spend most of it's day either attached to the driftwood or very close to it.

Feeding: These Plecos are excellent algae eaters. The Spotted Orange Seam Plecos (L122) are primarily herbivorous in their diet, a diet that includes lots of algae. If insufficient algae is present, zucchini or cucumber should be used to supplement their diet.

Breeding: Not bred in captivity.