Dionaea muscipula, Venus flytrap. Dionaea muscipula Low giant
Dionaea muscipula Low giant

Dionaea muscipula

Venus flytrap
Family: Droseraceae
USDA Zone: 7-10?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapSmall plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeKeep soil moistOrnamental foliageWhite, off-white flowersFlood tolerant plant

The Venus flytrap is a small herbaceous wetland plant characterized by unique hinged clamshell-like traps that spring closed to catch unwary insects. Venus flytrap grows from a fleshy white rhizome which gives rise to 4-6in rosettes of reclining leaves. Each leaf consists of a relatively broad petiole (leaf stem) and a leaf blade which is modified into the trap. The perennial Venus flytrap blooms in May and June with white, five-petaled blossoms which are held a few inches above the foliage. Caring for Venus flytrap in cultivation is not too difficult, and they require no major difference to general Carnivorous Plants care. A common Venus flytrap soil mixture is 1 part sphagnum moss peat to 1 part sand, and they can be grown on the tray system - taking care to ensure the water is suitable. Venus flytraps require at least three months of cool dormancy, and will tolerate light frosts. Venus flytraps require a substrate that is constantly moist and an atmosphere with at least 80% relative humidity. They can tolerate brief periods of flooding and drying out. During the growing season, keep the planting medium constantly moist. During the winter, keep it just barely moist. Never water with anything but rain water.

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