Native plants Garden

Native plants of Singapore

Crinum Asiaticum

Sepals and petals are lance-shaped and white.

Sepals and petals are lance-shaped and white.

Crinum asiaticum

 Common name: Poison bulb, Spider Lily


Growth requirements (including habitat)

It is best planted in full sun or in light to medium shade. The plant flourishes in a well-drained, moderately moist soil.


Habit (Herb/ Shrub/ Treelet/ Tree)

It is a bulb-bearing herb up to 1.8m tall with a rosette of leaves at the top of its stem. Its stalkless leaves have leaf blades that are lance-shaped, light-green with prominent parallel veins and many cross veins.  Its sepals and petals are lance-shaped and white.   Its fleshy fruits are irregularly-rounded and 1-5 seeded.



It is commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant for beds and borders. The plant is used medicinally for treating breast infections and wounds, haemorrhoids and inflammation, as a diuretic, as a poultice for closed fractures, contusions, rheumatism and sprains, to aid getting rid of excess water from the body and for easing childbirth.


Interesting Information

Crinum lily is susceptible to several insect pests including the caterpillars of the moths, the lily borer and the lily caterpillar moth.





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