Tag Archive | Shirley the Loon

DVD Set Review: Tiny Toon Adventures – Looney Links!

And then…it was over…well, not quite over, but as over as one can expect from-

Oh, alright. With the recent release of the Looney Links DVD set, the gang of Tiny Toon Adventures now have (almost) all their half-hour antics on DVD, time-capsuling an era that signaled the resurgence of Warner Brothers as an animation powerhouse, thanks to the likes of executive producer, Steven Spielberg. (note: the keyword in that previous sentence, was ‘almost’).

However, the hope that many had that the series would be given a dignified exit on DVD, hasn’t come to pass.

As I noted in my review of the previous DVD release, Crazy Crew Rescuesit seemed that Warner Brothers was only interested in releasing this set just to complete the previous volumes that had come out almost 4 years prior. The Looney Links set also suffers from the same half-@$$ed presentation, of minimal disc art, and DVD menus so sparse, one would have assumed this thing was put together by bootleggers (heck, I think the stuff the bootleggers at comic conventions put together would probably be a step up!).

The most glaring problem in this latest release, has to do with whoever was in charge of ‘quality control.’ It concerns an episode on disc 2, titled Weekday Afternoon Live. Halfway through the episode, it suddenly cuts to footage from another episode, titled Toon TV. As someone who probably watched these episodes several dozen times, it definitely threw a wrench in my viewing.

As of this writing, a small trickle of complaints is happening on the Internet. I’m scheduled to send my copy back to WB, and will update this review when (and if) my replacement set comes in, along with any updated information regarding the company’s intent to rectify the situation.

While most of the episodes are good/passable, there’s a couple that stand out in my mind all these years later:

Toons Take Over – after growing tired with their daily, monotonous comedic antics on Tiny Toons, Buster, Babs, and Plucky have had it. Taking a page from most Hollywood types being typecast, they decided to write/produce/direct/star in their own cartoon.

The Horror of Slumber Party Mountain – Elmyra gets her ‘inner-Elvira’ on, hosting a screening of The Horror of Slumber Party Mountain, in which Babs, Shirley the Loon, and Fifi le Fume’s slumber party in the scary woods is ruined by Buster, Plucky, and Hamton. However, they are soon to discover something lurking in the darkness.

Another notable segment deals with one more remembrance by Plucky Duck, as we get Baby Plucky being taken to play ‘Minister Golf’ by his Dad. Hilarity ensues showing the trials and tribulations of parenthood, but Baby Plucky’s swan-song isn’t as good as his previous two appearances.

Visually, I loved the gags in the episode titled, The Return of Batduck. Plucky attempts to get Tim Burton to cast him in the next Batman film (this episode was made in 1992), and the episode is chock full of visual gags based on Burton’s work. Even the music of the episode reflects Danny Elfman’s sensibilities at times. There’s even a rather dated gag showing Sean Young crazily trying to get Tim to consider her to play Catwoman (note: that gag is based on a true incident involving Young).

One would hope the series would have gone out in style with its cast. Instead, the series ended with the rather mediocre, It’s A Wonderful Tiny Toons Christmas Special. The story just doesn’t feel ‘all there,’ but what really will stand out for viewers, is Buster Bunny’s voice (even I was puzzled when I heard it in 1992).

Apparently, Charles Adler (who voiced Buster Bunny throughout much of the series) had creative differences with some of the staff, and resigned from his part as the series drew to a close (for more information on this, please refer to the following interview with Tom Ruegger).

In the end, Looney Links is one of the first DVD sets I’ve reviewed that I just can’t bring myself to recommend. It’s like trying to put your hand in a crocodile’s mouth: you do so at your own risk. This is given the fact that the second disc in the set seems to be processed incorrectly, and we don’t know how many ‘bad discs’ have been sent out, or what the spread of WB Home Entertainment’s plans will be to rectify the situation.

For now, heed my words…you have been warned.

*UPDATE 7/6/13* – Well, I received a package back from Warner Bros today, with a note claiming they have included a replacement disc. After checking out the episode Weekday Afternoon Live again, I found that this replacement disc also had the same issues as my previous one. As it stands, I’m waiting to hear about what the next course of action WB will take regarding this.

*UPDATE 7/24/13* – Third disc’s the charm, apparently. After I emailed Warner Bros after the last disc I received, they acknowledged that there was an error in the process, and that I’d be sent a replacement asap. The disc arrived the other day, and Weekday Afternoon Live is now playing in all its glory.

At this point, I can’t be sure if the company has recalled the Looney Links DVD sets that were sent out or not. But, I would like to give a little PSA to those of you who buy or have bought this set, so you can be sure your disc is right.

This is the image 12 minutes, and 23 seconds into the episode, Weekday Afternoon Live. After it fades to black, watch for the next image (which should be one of the two following images).

If the next image is this (looking like the previous one, just cropped closer), then your copy is as it should be.

If the next image is this (looking like the previous one, just cropped closer), then your copy is as it should be.

 If it is followed by this image (from the episode "Toon TV") , contact Warner Bros to get a replacement disc.

If it is followed by this image (from the episode “Toon TV”) , contact Warner Bros to get a replacement disc.

As stated above,  this lapse in quality by Warner Bros definitely makes me wary regarding recommending the set. I’ve decided to include the above information to help many fans of Tiny Toon Adventures, in hopes that if you do purchase Looney Links, your episode collection is as perfect as possible.

Retro Recaps: Tiny Toon Adventures – Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian

Retro Recaps is where we will look back at old television episodes from the past, and analyze their story, content, and much more.

To some people, the only thing better than having a favorite television show, is hoping in some way that you could infiltrate it, and do something truly awesome. Hence, people who think they have an awesome idea for an episode, would write or type it out, and send it off to the studios, eager to hear back that their brilliance was rewarded. However, this almost never happens. Fanmade scripts are often tossed aside (hey, the actual scriptwriters gotta eat, y’know!). But, in 1991, a series of amazing circumstances actually brought one of these fanmade scripts into the proper hands.

Renee Carter, Sarah Creef, and Amy Crosby were three girls who loved the Tiny Toon Adventures series, and in their free time, concocted a script titled Buster & Babs Go Hawaiian. A one-in-a-million chance event ended up delivering their script into the hands of Steven Spielberg at Amblin Entertainment, where it was seen as potential story material!

The girls were flown out to California in February of 1991, where they met Steven Spielberg, and even had a story session with the show’s writers to tighten up the material. Also a bonus, was that like many of the staff, they ended up being caricatured in a small scene in the episode (though they do not provide their own voices). An article in People Magazine, also mentions that they were paid pretty well for their concept, which originally went from an offer of $250, to $3900 (and to 13-year-olds, that was a lot of money back in 1991!). You can find another article about the girls in the archives of their hometown newspaper, the Hampton Roads Daily Press. Simply Click Here.

A caricature of the three girls, that appeared after the title card of the episode.

Though they got a lot of press in some of the big entertainment magazines, I first heard of them at that time when they appeared in an issue of the magazine, Disney Adventures, which also featured a picture of the girls with Steven Spielberg. I’ve since lost the issue, but I remember the fact that these girls not two years older than me wrote for one of my favorite animated shows at the time was definitely something.

Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian didn’t appear on television until November of 1991, and much how each episode was developed around a central theme, the story written by these 13-year-old girls was the glue that held it together. So, let’s get a little introspective with Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian.


The episode starts with a title card showing Hampton J Pig in an Errol Flynn-like production titled, Fleche de Lard. In a dark castle, we see the evil Lord Sebastian intending to take the female love interest, Lady Mae, as his bride. However, his plans are thwarted when Sir Hampton the Prudent arrives. Vanquishing the slobbering foe, Hampton is just about to kiss his beloved, when…

…Buster and Babs appear, stopping production, and upset about the day’s episode containing both a mediocre script, and no starring roles for either of them! Leaving Hampton in anger at being denied a starring role (“I even got the girl!” he pleads), the two rabbits go to the scriptwriters, but find no sympathy.

They then decide to go straight to The Big Guy, and burrow their way to an undisclosed studio in Hollywood.

“I can fly! Look ma, no wires!”

We next get a few shameless caricature/cameos. First up is Robin Williams as Peter Pan.

Close behind is Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook (albeit sounding and looking more like his character Raymond Babbitt from Rain Man).

These two cameos were like ‘coming attractions,’ as Hook would be released in theaters almost a month after this episode first aired.

Even with their star status, Buster and Babs are unable to get permission from the guard to go through (even though he lets a familiar-sounding rabbit named Roger pass!), so, they burrow their way underground, and into the lobby of Spielberg’s production company, Amblin Entertainment.

We get another series of cameos in the Amblin lobby. Impatiently waiting to see Steven, are Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown, George Lucas in a Darth Vader suit, and Broadway producer Andrew Lloyd Webber in a cat suit (because he produced the Broadway show, Cats…get it?).

(On a side-note, I just recently discovered why Webber is in the lobby. At the time of this episode, Webber was working with Spielberg and his Amblimation Animation Studios in London to adapt Cats for the big screen. One1more2time3’s Weblog has plenty of details and art of the animated film that didn’t make it out of the gutter)

Eventually, Buster and Babs pop up in Steven’s office, only to be met by a loud “Get out of here you no good vermin!”

However, it’s soon seen that Spielberg is talking to a video game he’s playing.

The two get his attention by (accidentally) pulling the game’s plug, and plead their case that they want a decent script. It is then that Steven gives them the script written by the girls. Simply based on the title (after all, who reads scripts these days?), the two agree to do it.

After leaving the offices, the two get to work reading the script, and Buster soon starts to panic. Apparently, some of the episode will take place on an airplane, and Buster has a contractual stipulation that he doesn’t do plane scenes, on account of his fear of flying.

Calling up the girls, he’s pulled through the phone to one of their bedrooms. The girls discuss his concerns, but claim that stipulation or not, they won’t change the scenes.

With that formality out of the way, the episode gets started, with Buster and Babs checking their luggage at the airport (checked/eaten by Dizzy Devil).

Making their way onto the plane, Buster’s aerophobia isn’t helped when the in-flight meal is served by Plucky (a choice is provided of grey lumps in brown sauce…or brown lumps in grey sauce).

Upon arrival in Hawaii, the two are greeted by Shirley the Loon, and Fifi la Fume, who greet them with a traditional lei welcome (with optional flower-killing guilt provided by Shirley).

It is shortly after this, that they find all their money is gone, but Buster has a silver lining to this problem: an Acme Express Gold Card! They attempt to rent a limo to get to the hotel…

…but quickly change their mind when they find out Elmyra is manning the rental car desk!

Flagging down a taxi, Babs asks Buster how he got a credit card. Buster claims that it isn’t his…it’s Bugs Bunny’s!

It is then that Bugs makes a small cameo, first shocked at this revelation, and then voicing his displeasure upon finding the empty card slot in his wallet.

We return to the story, with Buster and Babs checking into their hotel, where they are greeted by Go-Go Do-Do as the Concierge, being his usual wacky self.

After his harrowing experience on the airplane, all Buster wants to do is relax, but Babs pleads with him to go sightseeing. He gives in, and they go on a helicopter tour of the island’s volcanoes. While Babs enjoys it, Buster copes with the situation as best as he can.

After getting his land legs back, Buster decides to hit the beach nearby and go surfing. While catching some waves, he has a close encounter with a shark (actually, Elmyra with a fake fin on her head, requesting Buster ‘play Treasure Island’ with her).

The scene later cuts to Buster and Babs attending a luau inside an active volcano. Naturally, the volcano ends up exploding, pitching our two rabbits out to sea.

A cutaway shot shows our two rabbits adrift in the volcanic aftermath, before Buster spots land in the distance!

And with that, the (unnamed) director of the episode yells “Cut,” and the production of Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian is complete.

Steven Spielberg and the girls show up in a golf cart afterwards, with Steven thanking the two rabbits for their hard work. He also presents them with a new script the girls have written: Buster and Babs go to Mars in a Rocketship!

As Steven and the girls speed away, Buster’s aerophobia comes back, but he is soon snapped out of it when Bugs Bunny appears…

…and presents Buster with a large credit card bill that the two rabbits racked up in Hawaii!

Realizing they need to get away, Babs grabs Buster, and the two hightail it to a nearby rocketship, heading off to Mars (with Buster inside nervously repeating how much he hates flying).


And that was Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian.

While the episode isn’t the most solid episode of the show, there’s still plenty of fun little entertainment cameos here and there, not to mention that the episode also is the only time in the history of the show, where Steven Spielberg voices himself. All his other ‘appearances’ are voiced by Frank Welker (who in some episodes, does a pretty good job getting down some of Steven’s nuances). Still, I think hearing Steven Spielberg saying “Get out of here you no good vermin,” is one of the wildest things he’s ever uttered. One can only imagine what the recording session was like.

I will admit I truncated a few scenes in the episode (yes, I’ve become what I’ve feared most: a condenser!), such as a parody of the American Express Travelers Checks commercials, and a ‘special report’ segment where a man explained about Q-tips.

When putting together this blog post, I did wonder what became of the three girls. I did a small Google search, but came up with next to nothing. In their People Magazine interview, Amy Creef and Sarah Crosby spoke of their dreams to become singers, while Renee Carter said she would love to work for Warner Bros Animation. According to IMDB, Renee has done a couple other projects in Hollywood, including serving as executive producer on an animated short, titled The Bed Bug Thing.

In a way, the episode was like those old tour-de-force celebrity production numbers, where you got alot of famous faces together for a big production. Warner Bros attempted such  a mish-mash with the main Looney Tunes characters with Space Jam, and Looney Tunes: Back in Action. However, even Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian stays short and sweet, while those movies ended up seeming like a long schlep to get through.

One sad note has been how Warner Bros has treated Tiny Toon Adventures over the last few years. The studio started releasing the series on DVD, but only got as far as releasing two volumes of the first season. Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian appeared during the show’s second season, and as of now, there’s been no word if we’ll see any more volume releases. Warner Bros did the same start-and-stop routine with Animaniacs, which only got as far as Season 3. I say it’s a sad note, because one could easily imagine these girls (now grown women) eagerly purchasing the DVD set, and showing friends and family how they made it on television!

*Update* When I first wrote this review, I had no idea that Warner Brothers was in the process of readying Season 2 of the series for DVD release! Now, Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian, and 16 other episodes of Tiny Toon Adventureshas been released on the DVD set, Tiny Toon Adventures – Crazy Crew Rescues! Needless to say, a DVD review for it was in order. Click Here to read some of my thoughts on it.

At the end of each episode of “Tiny Toon Adventures,” a joke credit would often be inserted. Sharp-eyed viewers had just a few seconds to read them, before they disappeared. The joke credit for this episode seems to indicate that the episode’s creation was a one-time occurrence. (Note: The joke credit ‘tactic’ would also be employed in the closing credits of “Animaniacs” and “Freakazoid”)