Ryukin Red and White 8-10cm

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Red and White Ryukin Goldfish Fish Profile – Care Sheet

The Ryukin Goldfish is an egg-shaped variety of goldfish. The body is short and stubby. Their extremely high back, which is often described as a dorsal hump, starts in the neck region and gives the Ryukin’s head a pointed appearance. The beautiful Ryukin Goldfish are a Japanese version of the Fantail Goldfish. They were developed from the common Fantail Goldfish. Like their Fantail counterpart, they are one of the more rounded or egg-shaped fancy goldfish. Ryukin Goldfish are recommended for the beginner, but like all the goldfish with this rounded body shape, they can be susceptible to swim bladder problems.

Scientific Name
The Ryukin Goldfish (Carassius auratus gibelio) is a goldfish belonging to the family Minnows and Carps.

Natural Range and Origin
Ryukin Goldfish is a fancy Goldfish type which has a wide range of habitats across the waters of the European continent, running west to east from England to Russia, north to Scandinavian countries.

Maximum Size and Longevity
Goldfish are capable of reaching the grand old age of 20 years and attain a length of between 12 to 30cm, depending on variety.

Water Quality
Enjoys soft neutral and slightly warm water:
Temperature: 15°C – 20°C is the ideal range, however they can tolerate temperatures outside of this range. Outside of this range however, they can become stressed and more prone to illness.
pH: 7.0—7.5
General Hardness: 150 ppm.

A good staple food for goldfish is a high quality floating granule. The small size is best, as this assures all fish get their fair share. Feeding floating granules, two to three times a day, in the right quantities is one of the major factors in keeping goldfish healthy and active. For variety, occasionally substitute flake food, and, more importantly, some vegetable material.

Goldfish are best kept with other Goldfish, in a tank or pond. A good rule of thumb to minimise aggression is to keep straight tailed fish together with other straight tailed fish, and fantailed fish with fantailed fish. They make perfect addition to any tank!

Colour and Varieties
Goldfishes comes in different varieties of colourations: orange, red, white, red-and-white, blue, black, black-and-white, black-and-red, natural, and chocolate coloration. Scalation may either be metallic, nacreous (calico) or matte. Ranchus with pale-yellow bodies and bright red heads are rare

Small goldfish are difficult to tell apart. Larger fish at about one year old can be distinguished fairly easily. Males develop small white tubercles along the leading edge of the pectoral fins. When in breeding condition the tubercles can also be noticed on the gill plates.

General Information
Goldfish are hardy, colourful, easy to care for and the ideal beginner’s fish. They make a perfect first pet. As experience and interest levels grows, their fascinating history and wide range of varieties also ensures that they are highly prized by the enthusiast.


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