Plakat Koi Betta Male (Betta splendens)

American-Bred Fish

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The plakat koi betta is one of the color and fin types that has been selectively bred over a number of generations. Plakat refers to the tail type, in this case it means a short tail, which is about the size that a wild betta would have. The koi refers to the solid blotches of color that these bettas exhibit all over their body, and all the way into their fins. To be called a koi betta, the colors must be solid.

Bettas are one of the oldest aquarium fish to ever be kept. With an extensive history that is just as long as goldfish or koi, these fish were originally found all over the Malay peninsula, as well as further north and east into Thailand, Cambodia, or Vietnam. Over thousands of years, the people in the area bred the prettiest ones to each other until the resulting fish no longer looked anything like their drab wild counterparts, with bright colors on them from tip to tail, and oftentimes even multiple colors!

Betta splendens in the wild inhabits still or slow-moving shallow waters, and sometimes even in roadside ditches and puddles. The water tends to be fairly acidic, especially in the dry season when there is a lot of organic matter that is dissolving into the water, making a large amount of tannic acid. However, during the wet season, monsoon rains come and mountain runoff causes the water parameters to shift drastically and constantly. This, along with the bright colors and manageable size and care, have made bettas a very popular fish for everybody, beginners and advanced fishkeepers alike! These easygoing fish are best kept in a tank that is at least 5 gallons or so, with some plants and some driftwood to keep them comfortable and provide some cover. You definitely do not want high flow in the water, since bettas are not the best swimmers, as far as fish go. This does not mean that you want stagnant water, however, and you should still have a filter that is properly rated to handle the size of the aquarium you decide to keep your fish in. BETTAS ARE NOT TO BE KEPT IN SMALL CUPS OR BOWLS.

Betta splendens typically gets to 2½-3inches, and ideally is kept in soft water that is also acidic, but due to the generations of tank breeding, they are no longer picky at all about water parameters, provided you have a seasoned tank that can handle the waste your fish produce. The bettas that we have are all tank bred, and can be kept in a much wider range of pH and water hardness, able to thrive in both hard and alkaline water. It is important to note, however, that these domesticated bettas are prone to having issues when their water is kept below 73 degrees for an extended period, and ideally you would want to maintain them in the 75-78 degree range. These fish ship individually bagged.

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American-Bred Fish

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