Finished Models – Renegade Command Squad

With this post, we will have caught up with my collection – or at least, how it was when I took those family photos of my collection back in August. Now of course, I have painted other stuff in the months since, but it’s still a nice mini-accomplishment to have written up the majority of my collection. 🙂

So, let’s finish this off with the final (for now) unit of my Renegade army, my Command Squad.

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My inability to hold my phone steady is a source of constant irritation.

These guys were a hell of a lot of fun to paint, and often pull overtime as other units when I don’t want to field an actual Renegade Command Squad. As with my psykers, I did virtually no customising on the original build, other than to decorate the commander’s base a bit – the sculpts are distinct and pretty enough as it is, and one of the perks of a Forgeworld army is that I don’t really need to worry about everyone else having the same models as me.

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I didn’t really change up my painting much with the squad mooks either, although I did really enjoy playing around with the different ways of doing grey on them. I feel like the boots, tunics, hoods and armour all look distinct and of different textures, despite being… well, grey.

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I did have quite a bit of fun with the plasma gun, too. Painting OSL effects on to midtone greys was a lot easier than doing it on black and brass power armour, and I really feel like the glow came off nicely here. The relatively subtle glow on the plasma gunner’s boots also really helps make his base a part of him, and I’m really proud of how nicely the orange corroded metal came out.

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I’m a tiny bit sad I didn’t brave doing freehand on the banner, but honestly the flat red flag works nicely, I think. I’m quite happy with the (by my standards) smooth blending on the back of it, and the relatively subtle blood flecks on it add quite a bit. Also, I’m unreasonably happy with the banner bearer’s right gauntlet. Look at that layering!

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The commander though, in my opinion, steals the show. I’m really happy with how the skin turned out, and the off-white armour was a treat to work on. I’m a little sad that I apparently forgot to attach a cable from his chain..arm to the power pack on his belt, so his right bicep looks a bit odd and he has what can only really be described as ‘a thing’ covering his backside now, but it’s a minor grumble.

The addition of the guard helmet was a touch I quite liked, too – I like to think this commander turned up on the flanks of some loyalist guard, cut down a supposed ally and tore his helmet off, signalling the moment to unveil his unit’s betrayal. The narrative works better if we ignore the human skull impaled on his pauldron, but oh well.

The eyes aren’t the best I’ve done, unfortunately, but I kind of get a Chaos free pass here – the fact that one is bulging out of its socket kind of adds to his dead-eye stare. I am rather happy with the gore – I think I got the amount just right, and it really looks like it’s splattered up his breastplate from a close-range kill.


So, that’s it! My renegades have been documented in there entirety, at least when all these photos were taken. That said, we do have loads more painting projects to talk about – here are some WIP tasters of the stuff I’ll be writing about over the next few weeks or months:


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Stay tuned, and Happy New Year!

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