Page 97 - Encyclopedia of Aquarium and Pond Fish, 3rd Edition
P. 97


          Citharinus citharus             Semaprochilodus taeniurus       Distichodus sexfasciatus
         Lined Citharoid                 Silver Prochilodus               Six-Striped Distichodus

           ORIGINS  West Africa, where it ranges from Senegal   ORIGINS  South America, where it is found in Colombia   ORIGINS  Africa, occurring in the Zaire basin and also
           through to the Nile basin.      and in the Rio Purus in western Brazil.  in Angola.
           SIZE  20 in (50 cm).            SIZE  12 in (30 cm).             SIZE  10 in (25 cm).
           DIET  Vegetable matter and live foods.  DIET  Mainly vegetable matter.   DIET  Vegetable-based foods.
           WATER  Temperature 73–81°F (23–27°C); soft to hard   WATER  Temperature 73–81°F (23–27°C); soft to hard   WATER  Temperature 73–79°F (23–26°C); soft to hard
           (50–150 mg/l) and neutral to alkaline (pH 7.0–8.0).   (50–200 mg/l) and acidic to alkaline (pH 6.0–7.8).  (50–150 mg/l) and acidic to neutral (pH 6.5–7.0).
           TEMPERAMENT  Peaceful shoaler.  TEMPERAMENT  Peaceful shoaler.   TEMPERAMENT  Nonaggressive.
                                         The Silver Prochilodus has random spots on the   Orange
                                         rear of its body, and striped markings on its tail;   background   Tail turns grayer
                                         the pelvic fins are reddish. The stomach consists    color  with age
                                         of two parts; one of these parts contains little
                                         more than mud scooped from the substrate and is
                                         thought to help in digestion. These fish are able
                                         jumpers. They put their ability to good use in the
                                         wild, leaping over obstacles as they migrate
                                         upstream to spawn.
         This fine-scaled characoid is silvery in color, with                             Unfortunately, only
         a steeply curved topline. The dorsal fin is located              young Six-Striped Distichodus have the attractive
         just below the highest point on the back. Young                  striped patterning and red fins, with the adults
         Lined Citharoids may sometimes display horizontal                being much plainer. Initially, the young fish may
         black stripes on the body. The Lined Citharoid                   be confused with the Long-Nosed Distichodus
         is a large species and is usually kept in groups.                (D. lusosso), although their snouts are rounded
         Although it typically grows to a much smaller                    rather than pointed. They tend to be destructive
         size in aquariums than it does in the wild, it still             toward plants growing in the aquarium, but Java
         needs a sizable tank.                                            Fern (Microsorum pteropus) is usually ignored.

          Distichodus affinis
                                                                           A VEGETARIAN DIET
         Silver Distichodus              The relatively small size of the Silver Distichodus
                                         means that this fish is suitable for a community   Browsing on plants calls for strong jaws that
           ORIGINS  Africa, occurring in the lower part of the    aquarium. There are three very similar Distichodus   can cut through leaves and young stems
           Zaire basin.                  species, all of which have red fins and a black spot   without difficulty. A relatively wide gape is
           SIZE  5 in (13 cm).           at the front of the dorsal fin. This particular   also helpful when it comes to swallowing
           DIET  Vegetable-based foods.  Distichodus can be distinguished by the fact that its   plant matter. In the case of the Silver Dollar
           WATER  Temperature 73–81°F (23–27°C); soft to hard   dorsal fin is shorter than its anal fin. All Distichodus   (Metynnis argenteus) seen here, the bottom
           (50–150 mg/l) and acidic to neutral (pH 6.5–7.0).    have similar care requirements. Their breeding   jaw acts as the main cutting blade, slicing
           TEMPERAMENT  Nonaggressive.   habits have yet to be documented in any detail.  upward against the more rigid top jaw.
                                                                           Internally, the digestive system has to be
                                                                           adapted to processing large quantities of
                                                                           food with low nutritional value. In order to
                                                                           obtain enough nutrients, vegetarian species
                                                                           must eat more frequently than their
                                                                           carnivorous counterparts.

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