Giant Danio (Devario aequipinnatus)


I began keeping giant danios back when my largest tank was a 30 gallon tall. I got them to create more motion and excitement in my tank, whose other residents tended to be slower moving or usually out of sight. Everything I’d read described giant danios as fast, mid-level swimmers who need other giant danios to bully and race.

The giant danio makes a beautiful schooling fish, especially if they have ample room to swim. These are some of the quickest and most active schooling fish I’ve ever had the pleasure to home. While most sites online recommend 30 gallons for a school of them, they seem to absolutely love the extra space in my 150 gallon. If kept in a 30 gallon or similar sized tank, try to use an extra-long if possible. Giant danios are quite active and need lots of swimming room!


Giant danios reach about four inches in length when full grown. As they age, my danios have also shown changes in facial features. Most noticeably, the areas around their eyes become more pronounced and darker in color with age.


I love the beautiful yellow-orange markings on the sides of giant danios. Each fish has a distinct pattern of markings that help me tell them apart, though making out the patterns when they’re darting around is rather difficult.


My group of eight danios eat pretty much anything I add to the tank. They enjoy flake food, pellets, veggies, blood worms, and everything else I’ve ever added. My group of giant danios would also follow behind loaches and other bottom feeders, waiting to snag stirred up bits of food. Because they are quite resourceful and seemingly always hungry, many of them have developed decent sized bellies.


I’ve never had a giant danio jump out of my tank, but every site on them tends to mention needing am aquarium lid. I have no doubts that these sleek and powerful fish could easily jump out of a tank if they wanted, so am glad I’ve never had to experience that.


I highly recommend this hardy and active fish to those with a compatible aquarium setup. Especially if not kept in a decently sized group, they can antagonize other fish. They also will eat readily, so shy fish might need special accommodations or experience stress if homed with giant danios.

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