Red Eyed Tree Frog Care (Agalychnis Callidryas)

Animal Learns
13 min readDec 13, 2023

Red Eyed Tree Frog Care (Agalychnis Callidryas)

Optimal red eyed tree frog care mimics their tropical rainforest habitat with lush greenery, misting, and a diverse insect diet. Often called the red-eyed leaf frog, the beautiful red-eyed tree frog is indigenous to the lush rainforests of Mexico, Central America, and Colombia.

One of the world’s most exquisite and brilliant amphibians, these arboreal frogs are distinguished by their remarkable coloring, which includes bright red eyes, vivid green bodies, blue limbs, and orange toes.

Often known as the iconic neotropical exotic frog, they have emerged as the face of rainforest preservation. These nocturnal animals, which thrive in groups of the same species, become active and noisy after nightfall, and from May to December, their sounds may be heard reverberating through the jungle and keepers’ homes.

Red-eyed tree frogs are typically 2 to 3 inches long, with females being bigger. They have a lifespan of 4 to 10 years. They are rather easy to care for and in high demand as pets, but they may be sensitive, so their setup has to be carefully considered.

Their vibrant green body and darker blue sides, embellished with vertically oriented white markings, are characteristic of their coloring pattern in captivity.

A thorough Red Eyed Tree Frog care includes all the information required for effective pet care, including enclosure size, housing alternatives, heating, lighting, temperature, humidity, décor, and the possibility of bioactive enclosures.


The emerald-colored Red-Eyed Tree Frog’s back glistens with blue stripes and catches the light with flaming “eyes” that are actually patches of skin! Silently gliding through the rainforest, webbed hands unfold and sticky orange feet clutch vivid foliage. An explosion of color amid the emerald maze, nature’s little clown.

About Red-Eyed Tree Frogs

Their vivid red (almost scarlet) eyes are the source of the name “red-eyed tree frog.” In the environment, these tree frogs employ their distinct patterns of body and eye colors to ward off predators and escape awkward circumstances.

In general, red-eyed tree frogs don’t need too complicated of care as long as you’re cautious and knowledgeable. Having said that, a novice frog owner should make every effort to offer their pet the necessities, which include a good substrate, a drainage layer at the terrarium’s bottom, and (of course) consistent amounts of food and water.

We will go over everything you need to know about taking care of red-eyed tree frogs in this comprehensive tutorial. You ought to be able to care for your new pet and build up the ideal environment for a red-eyed tree frog by the time the end comes.

Natural Habitat

The majority of red-eyed tree frogs’ habitats are lowland rainforests that are near bodies of water (lakes, rivers, etc.). Since it is an “arboreal amphibian,” red-eyed tree frogs often live in trees and thick, lush vegetation.

They only migrate to the trees as they become older and more mature, spending most of their tadpole period in the water.

Red Eyed Tree Frog Lifespan

Red-eyed tree frogs typically survive at least eight years in captivity if they receive the right care, but some can live up to twelve years. Red-eyed tree frogs appear to live an average of ten years.

Red Eyed Tree Frog Size

Although size may vary, a fully developed red-eyed tree frog typically measures between 2 and 3 inches. Generally speaking, females are bigger than males, especially as they reach breeding age.

Red Eyed Tree Frog Pet

Red-eyed tree frogs are magical pets. Picture a diamond hidden among emerald foliage, its large ruby eyes flashing in the dusk. Not everyone is a fan of these fascinating amphibians, though.

They seek a verdant, humid sanctuary, a smaller version of their own jungle domain. Imagine hiding places, climbing branches, and a sprinkling shower symphony. They are nighttime predators, capturing insects with their sticky tongues as they resemble hairy shadows against the vivid green of the moon.

Taking care of an amphibian requires dedication and a ten-year journey. However, there is an incalculable payoff for the committed few. It is a daily source of wonder to watch them climb, croak, and bathe in the dappled sunshine flowing through their green environment.

Thus, if you’re prepared to take on the role of rainforest protector and furnish this colorful stage for these emerald acrobats, the red-eyed tree frog may be the enthralling friend you’ve been looking for.

Red Eyed Tree Frog Care

Setting up a red-eyed tree frog Habitat

When building a habitat for a red-eyed tree frog, there are a lot of factors to take into account. It should go without saying that the most crucial thing to keep in mind is that red-eyed tree frogs feel most at ease in settings that closely mimic their native habitat.

Although it may seem difficult, we will go over what you need to know in this part. The temperature, materials, substrate, and tank size are a few of the most crucial factors to take into account. Here’s a closer look at how to put up a red-eyed tree frog setup:

The Vivarium

Due to their tiny size, red-eyed tree frogs are sometimes housed in cages that are far too small for their requirements. A frog terrarium that is at least 15 to 20 gallons in size should be home to at least one adult tree frog.

Red-eyed tree frogs require a habitat with greater height than breadth since they are normally found in the canopy of rainforests. We use the 18 x 18 x 24 Exo Terra Terrarium as the preferred environment for red-eyed tree frogs.

In the event that you decide to purchase your frog a companion in the future, it can accommodate a second red-eyed tree frog and gives excellent height, which tree frogs adore.


The least expensive and most easily cleaned substrate is a paper towel. It lacks elegance and needs to be replaced every day. Topsoil is a typical substrate that gives the cage a realistic appearance. To avoid the build-up of germs and fungi, soil has to be thoroughly changed out every two weeks and spot cleaned every day.

Since moistened terry cloth towels are easily interchangeable, they are also used as substrates. But, a few spares are required, and it is best to wash and dry the towels without using fabric softener.

Dechlorinated water must always be used to wet the substrate. Chemically dechlorinated or “aged” tap water is safe to drink. Steer clear of distilled water since it lacks minerals.

Filling the Tank

It’s critical to provide your red-eyed tree frog with a cozy and safe home by adding plants, branches, vines, and logs. Tree frogs, being arboreal creatures, really value the ability to climb all around their enclosure.

Red-eyed tree frogs tend to benefit most from broad-leaved plants. The following species are some that we suggest:

  • Alocasia
  • Philodendron
  • Anthurium
  • Birdsnest
  • Chlorophytum

Remember that they are real plants, and that means they require light of some kind to stay healthy.

Exo Terra artificial plants are really great if you’d prefer to go with artificial plants that don’t need any maintenance. My personal favorites are Phyllo, Scindapsus, Pandanus, and Exo Terra Mardarin.

Red Eyed Tree Frog Diet and Hydration

The right kinds of food must be given to your tree frog in order for it to stay healthy over time. Regretfully, it can be a little trickier than simply tossing in a handful of crickets every now and then.

Everything you require to know about the nutrition, hydration, and supplements of red-eyed tree frogs is provided below:

The majority of the red-eyed tree frog’s diet consists of insects. Several bug species are suitable for frequent feeders, including the following:

Crickets are the primary staple.

Dubia Roaches — sometimes

Silkworms (sometimes)

Hornworms (sometimes)

Probably the most important essential for your red-eyed tree frog will be crickets. They work well for all ages of tree frogs and are affordable and easily accessible. Every two to three days, feed 3–6 insects to each frog.

It is crucial that you give your crickets a full day to “gut-load” them before giving them to your tree frogs. Gut-loading is the process of giving your crickets nutritious food before your frogs consume it.

Diet Supplementation

Proper diet supplementation with calcium and vitamins is crucial for optimal health and bone development in your red eyed tree frog care routine. Adding vitamin D3, calcium, and multivitamin pills to your red-eyed tree frog’s food is a fantastic method to maintain their health. We advise adding a combination of Repashy Calcium Plus, Repti Cal with D3, and Rep-Cal Herptivite to your tree frog’s food as supplements.

Dusting your frog’s crickets is one method of adding nutrients to its diet. Use a spray pistol to lightly spritz your crickets before feeding time. After that, put them in a little paper or plastic bag and top with some calcium powder. Gently shake the bag until the crickets appear to be well covered.

Here is a sample feeding schedule for your red-eyed tree frog:

The eating pattern of a red-eyed tree frog varies according to its size and age. As a general rule of thumb:

Younger than three inches:

  • Period: Every day or every other day.
  • Food: two to three tiny crickets, fruit flies, or other small insects.
  • Advice: Before feeding the insects, dust them with a calcium and vitamin D3 supplement.

Adults (more than three inches) and subadults:

  • Period: Every two to three days.
  • Food consists of 1–2 earthworms, 4–6 medium crickets, 2–3 giant crickets, and other insects of a similar size.
  • Advice: To guarantee a well-rounded diet, provide a range of insects.


By sipping and absorbing moisture via their skin, tree frogs maintain their fluid balance. A big, shallow water dish in your frog’s habitat is the greatest method to keep them hydrated. Your frog should be able to comfortably fit within the dish if it is broad enough.

It should also be shallow enough for your tree frog to comfortably lounge within without needing to swim. As a general rule, when a frog is at rest, the water level should not be higher than its mouth. Every day, the water dish has to be cleaned and replenished.

Using only dechlorinated water in your tree frog habitat is also crucial, for both misting and the water bowl. Avoid using tap water as it frequently includes chemicals that are harmful to tree frogs, such as chlorine. Bottled water in a gallon jug can last for a very long time.

Lighting and Heating

When setting up a red-eyed tree frog habitat, you’ll want to make sure you don’t forget the lighting and heating elements. These are important to recreate the light and warmth they would experience in their native rainforests.

Here is everything you’ll need to know about red-eyed tree frog lighting and heating:


Recently, many owners of red-eyed tree frogs have begun to recommend UVB lights for their frog enclosures. Because it aids in the manufacture of vitamin D3, which is necessary for calcium absorption, UVB is essential for tree frogs. Tree frogs are vulnerable to Metabolic Bone Disease in the absence of UVB rays.

The Zoo Med ReptiSun 5.0 T5 is the ideal UVB lamp for red-eyed tree frogs. Since tree frogs don’t require a lot of UVB light, a little lightbulb should be plenty sufficient. Don’t forget to give them plenty of shade.

For extra warmth, you should add a “heat” lamp of some kind to one side of the terrarium in addition to a UVB bulb. Red-eyed tree frogs thrive on 6500K LED bulbs, which will also be quite beneficial if you intend to preserve real plants.


It is easy to keep red-eyed tree frogs in ambient temperatures between 76 and 82°F. The low point of the nighttime temperature might be 72°F. Tank heaters installed on the tank’s side make it simple to heat the enclosure.

You may also use heat tape, heat cable, and other heating techniques. The use of basking lights is not advised. A thermostat should be used to regulate the temperature, and a thermometer placed at the substrate’s level should be used to check it.

Sphagnum moss is a great technique to keep frogs wet, but be sure to replace it often and arrange it somewhere so the frog won’t unintentionally swallow it while trying to eat.


In particular, humidity is critical for red-eyed tree frogs. Humidity is vital to their comfort and well-being because it is native to Central American rainforests. Maintaining your tank’s humidity within the intended range is also crucial.

Humidity Requirements

Understanding humidity levels is key to creating the ideal environment for red-eyed tree frogs. Fortunately, a digital hygrometer makes this task simple to do. Avoid using dial hygrometers since they are often quite inaccurate.

The ideal humidity range for red-eyed tree frogs is between 70 and 80%. Misting your setup is the greatest approach to increasing the humidity level. Use pure water to mist the tank twice a day until the appropriate percentage of humidity is reached.

Since licking leaves and sticks is how red-eyed tree frogs obtain the majority of their water, be sure to spray every branch and ornament in the enclosure.

Red Eyed Tree Frog feeding


Feeding Frequency

Prey Size

Additional Notes


Every day

Tiny fruit flies, springtails

Dust feeders with calcium and vitamin D3 supplement

Juvenile (❤ inches)

Daily or every other day

Small crickets, fruit flies, bean weevils

Gut-load feeders with fruits and vegetables

Subadult (3–4 inches)

Every 2–3 days

Medium crickets, waxworms, roaches

Offer variety of feeder insects for nutritional balance

Adult (>4 inches)

2–3 times per week

Offer a variety of feeder insects for nutritional balance

Monitor weight and adjust feeding frequency as needed

Age matters: The feeding schedule for your red-eyed tree frog will depend on its age.

Juveniles (under 3 inches): Feed daily or every other day.

Adults (over 3 inches): Feed every 2–3 days.

Monitor your frog: Observe your frog’s feeding behavior. If they reject food or don’t seem interested, adjust the feeding frequency or try different feeder insects.

Red-Eyed Tree Frog Facts

  • Glamorous gems: Named for their ruby eyes, red-eyed tree frogs have bright green skin with blue and yellow stripes. However, their crimson eyes might be a surprising defensive maneuver meant to surprise attackers!
  • Master of disguise: Their superpower is their ability to blend in. Skin creases resemble leaves and have the ability to remain still, turning into living emerald statues.
  • Nighttime ninjas: Their playground is the canopy of the jungle. In the dark, sticky tongues capture innocent creatures like lightning bolts.
  • Acrobatic marvels: Their sticky toe pads and webbed feet enable them to climb trees and other obstacles with ease. They leap powerfully, sending themselves flying into the air like little green missiles.
  • Rainforest symphony: Emerald jewel-like eggs cling to leaves above the river. Tadpoles are little creatures that develop and squirm until they are miniature acrobats prepared to join the symphony of birds in the canopy.
  • Heroes of Conservation: Their green kingdom is in danger due to deforestation and the pet trade. However, we can guarantee that their future jumps and croaks fill the jungle for future generations by becoming knowledgeable about them and supporting conservation initiatives.


Red-eyed tree frog breeding is a delicate dance, a complex performance fashioned from whispers in the jungle and careful attention to detail. Extensive study and planning are essential prior to the show.

A large, lush stage that emulates the enchantment of rain showers and provides green platforms for their emerald gems is necessary for a healthy, harmonious marriage. Watch the eggs shimmer like dewdrops as you witness their courting ballet, and then carefully lead them to a different nursery.

Modest wonders are nourished here by modest feasts and pure water. Be prepared with mossy ladders for their big premiere as they squirm and transform. But keep in mind, that becoming a parent is not required.

Love your frogs for who they are, and if they have babies, take care of them by finding them good homes. Because the welfare of the frogs is the greatest showpiece and source of acclaim in this lush theater.

Red-Eyed Tree Frog Poisonous

Red-eyed tree frogs are not poisonous to humans! Actually, most people agree that they are kind and harmless amphibians. Like many frog species, they have skin secretions that are somewhat poisonous, but not powerful enough to hurt people. The primary purpose of these secretions is to repel predators by making them taste terrible.

As a result, you may conveniently take care of your red-eyed tree frog by keeping it clean and tidy. However, you should always wash your hands after handling any amphibians since their skin may contain germs that are safe for them but might be dangerous for us.

“While the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not poisonous, understanding potential risks and ensuring proper red eyed tree frog care, including hygiene and appropriate handling, is essential for maintaining their well-being in captivity.”


Are red-eyed tree frogs poisonous?

Nope! They are safe for humans even though they have light skin secretions for protection.

Do they make good pets?

They can be, but they’re not for beginners. Specialized cages and high humidity levels are necessary for their upkeep.

What do they eat?

They forage at night and use their sticky tongues to feast on insects like flies and crickets.

How long do they live?

With proper care, they can hop around for 10–15 years!

Are they endangered?

Although the pet trade and habitat degradation are dangers, conservation initiatives are aiding in their protection.

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