Daffodil Cichlid (Neolamprologus pulcher)

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The Daffodil Cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher (previously Lamprologus pulcher) is an ideal cichlid or for any aquarist to keep. It is a hardy African cichlid with an elegant, graceful appearance. The light tan body is is adorned with a lyre shaped tail and blue tipped fins extending into with long flowing filaments. it is washed with hints of yellow and bluish spots and has two crescents just behind bright icy blue eyes. It is also known as Daffodil II, Daffodil Princess, and Princess of Zambia.

The Daffodil Cichlid is almost identical in appearance to its popular relative the Fairy Cichlid Neolamprologus brichardi. However the Fairy Cichlid has bluish gray fins and can be identified by the black stripe running from the eye to the gill cover and a yellow spot just above it. These markings are absent in the Daffodil Cichlid though it has the two crescent shaped markings behind the eye, and its fins are yellowish.

A school of these beautiful fish makes an elegant display. With its color, form and adaptability, it is a great choice for both the beginner and advance aquarist. It is moderately easy to care for as long it has the proper sized aquarium and the right tank mates. They it will adapt to a wide range of water conditions and eat a wide variety of aquarium foods.

This pretty cichlid is not shy about swimming out in the open. But they do like an aquarium with lots of rock formations creating caves for retreating. A sandy substrate is best because though they are not avid diggers, they may dig out spawning territories around decor. Plants are not essential but if you should include them they won’t harm them.

These are a schooling fish that pair off only to breed, so are actually best kept in a group. They are generally peaceful and non aggressive with their own kind. They are not inclined to quarrel with others except when spawning, and then are very territorial. They are best kept in a species tank, or a group of these fish can be kept in a good sized aquarium with other similar types of Lamprologine Shell-dwellers. Other good tankmates are a large school of Herring cichlids of the Cyprichromis genus like the Sardine Cichlid Cyprichromis leptosoma, as well as the Goby Cichlids, Julidochromis species, and Tropheus species.

Though the Daffodil Cichlids spend a good deal of their time spawning, they are a secretive shelter spawner. You may not even know they have spawned until you see small fry darting about. A pair of Daffodil Cichlids will spawn again and again. The older fry will help protect the younger ones, thus various ages of fry will be present in the same tank. This is an example of “stepped breeding”.

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Video of Daffodil Cichlid (Neolamprologus pulcher)

Infographic of Daffodil Cichlid (Neolamprologus pulcher)

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