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Product Details


2cm - 3cm

Care Level




Water Conditions

Meet the charming Corydoras Similis - a delightful addition to your aquarium. Explore care tips, ideal tank mates, and more.

Detailed Product Description:

Introducing the Corydoras Similis, a petite and charming catfish species that will add both personality and practicality to your aquarium. These delightful fish are not only easy to care for but also social and peaceful, making them an excellent choice for aquarists of all experience levels. Dive into the world of Corydoras Similis and explore their natural habitat, ideal tank conditions, compatible tank mates, feeding habits, and overall care requirements.

Habitat and Natural Range:

  • Corydoras Similis are native to the upper Amazon River basin in South America.
  • In the wild, they inhabit slow-moving streams, rivers, and flooded areas with sandy or muddy substrates, and they are often found in groups.

Tank Conditions:

  • Optimal tank size: A 10-gallon aquarium or larger is suitable for a small school of Corydoras Similis.
  • Water temperature: Maintain a stable temperature between 74-78°F (23-26°C).
  • Water pH level: Keep the pH between 6.5 and 7.5.
  • Water hardness: Slightly soft to moderately hard water with a dGH of 2-12.

Tank Decoration:

  • Provide a sandy or fine gravel substrate to mimic their natural habitat and protect their delicate barbels.
  • Live or artificial plants and driftwood can be added for aesthetics, but leave open areas for swimming.
  • Good filtration and water circulation are essential for maintaining water quality.

Tank Mates:

  • Corydoras Similis are peaceful and social fish, making them an excellent choice for community tanks.
  • They can thrive with other small, peaceful fish like tetras, rasboras, guppies, and other Corydoras species.
  • Avoid housing them with larger or aggressive species that may stress them.

Feeding Habits:

  • These catfish are omnivores and readily accept a variety of foods.
  • Offer a diet that includes high-quality sinking pellets, live or frozen foods like bloodworms, daphnia, and occasional vegetable matter.
  • Feed them 2-3 times a day, providing only what they can consume in a few minutes.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Regular water changes (10-15% weekly) and water parameter monitoring are crucial to maintain water quality.
  • Maintain good filtration to ensure clear and clean water for your Corydoras Similis.
  • These catfish are best kept in small groups of 4 or more, as they are social by nature.


  • Breeding Corydoras Similis in captivity is possible but may require specific conditions.
  • Provide a separate breeding tank with soft, fine substrate and ample hiding spots for the eggs.
  • Stimulate breeding through water changes, increased temperature, and a balanced diet.

In summary, the Corydoras Similis is a charming and practical addition to any aquarium, bringing its endearing behavior and ease of care to your aquatic world. With their peaceful nature and compatibility with a wide range of tank mates, these catfish are a fantastic choice for aquarists looking to create a harmonious and engaging community tank. Elevate your aquarium experience with the delightful Corydoras Similis.

Corydoras Similis 2.5cm

SGD 7.20

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye

Suitable Tank Mates for Corydoras Similis 2.5cm