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Water Conditions

"Looking for a vibrant addition to your aquarium? Meet Corydoras Robustus! With its striking colors and playful nature, it's a must-have for any fish enthusiast."

Detailed Description:

Introducing Corydoras Robustus - A Delightful Addition to Your Aquarium

Are you searching for an eye-catching and lively fish species to enhance the beauty of your aquarium? Look no further than Corydoras Robustus. This captivating fish with its vibrant colors and playful nature is a must-have for any fish enthusiast. In this detailed description, we will explore the water conditions, tank mates, feeding habits, and care required to keep Corydoras Robustus happy and healthy.

Water Conditions:
- Temperature: Corydoras Robustus thrives in tropical temperatures ranging from 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 26°C).
- pH Level: Maintain a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5 for optimal health and well-being.
- Water Hardness: This species prefers moderately hard water with a hardness level of 5 to 15 dGH.
- Filtration: Efficient filtration is crucial to maintain water quality and provide suitable conditions for Corydoras Robustus. Consider using a sponge or canister filter.

Tank Setup:
- Tank Size: A minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended for a small group of Corydoras Robustus.
- Substrate: Use fine-grained sand or smooth gravel as the substrate, as these bottom-dwellers love to dig and sift through it.
- Decorations: Provide ample hiding spots using driftwood, caves, and plants, ensuring there is enough open space for swimming.
- Lighting: Moderate lighting is ideal, as excessive brightness may cause stress for these shy and nocturnal fish.

Tank Mates:
- Peaceful Community Fish: Corydoras Robustus is a peaceful species that coexists harmoniously with other small and non-aggressive community fish like tetras, guppies, and rasboras.
- Avoid Aggressive Tank Mates: Keep them away from aggressive or fin-nipping fish that may cause stress or harm.
- Suitable Bottom-Dwellers: Since Corydoras Robustus is primarily a bottom-dwelling fish, it thrives alongside other bottom-dwelling species such as loaches or small catfish.

Feeding Habit:
- Omnivorous Diet: Corydoras Robustus is an omnivore, and its diet should consist of high-quality flake or pellet food suitable for bottom-dwelling fish.
- Supplement with Live or Frozen Food: Enhance their diet with occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia to provide essential nutrients.
- Feed in Small Portions: Offer food in small portions multiple times a day to prevent overeating and ensure they receive adequate nutrition.

- Water Quality: Regularly monitor and maintain water parameters like temperature, pH, and ammonia levels. Perform regular water changes to keep the tank clean and the water quality optimal.
- Gentle Handling: Corydoras Robustus has delicate barbels, which are sensory organs resembling whiskers. Handle them with care to avoid damage to these sensitive appendages.
- Observation and Interaction: Spend time observing your Corydoras Robustus to ensure they are behaving normally and interacting with their tank mates. Note any signs of stress, illness, or abnormal behavior.

In summary, Corydoras Robustus is an excellent addition to any aquarium, providing vibrant colors, playful behavior, and a delightful presence. By maintaining suitable water conditions, choosing appropriate tank mates, providing a balanced diet, and practicing proper care, you can create a thriving and captivating environment for these fascinating fish. Enjoy the beauty and charm of Corydoras Robustus as they bring life to your aquatic oasis.

Corydoras Robustus

SGD 49.44

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Suitable Tank Mates for Corydoras Robustus