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Dennerle mittel 2022


Vallisneria australis ‘Gigantea’

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 200 cm Growth
Family: Hydrocharitaceae
Species: Vallisneria
The giant Vallisneria is a highly variable aquatic plant that is native to Australia. Its long, narrow leaves can reach gigantic proportions under good conditions - up to 3 m in length is not uncommon. Giant Vallisneria is very popular for use in discus aquaria and aquaria for East African cichlids from the Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. These fish need harder water, which can be a problem for a lot of plants. Vallisneria australis ‘Gigantea’ actually prefers it.

Vallisneria spiralis ‘Tortifolia’

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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A decorative, dwarf species with tightly coiled leaves, forms large groups via runners, undemanding.

Vallisneria spiralis

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 100 cm / schnell Growth
Family: Hydrocharitaceae
Species: Vallisneria
Vallisneria spiralis is another classic aquarium plant. This undemanding aquatic plant produces ribbon-like leaves between 0.8 and 1.5 cm wide. Leaves sometimes reach up to 1 m in length. Care and cultivation are easy, and these plants are ideal for creating a living green backdrop. Runners that grow in the front area should be removed regularly. The species name "spiralis" refers not to the leaves, but to the spiralling flower stalks. This is also an ideal plant for cichlid aquaria.

Microsorum pteropus

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 40 cm Growth
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Species: Microsorum
The Java fern is the most popular type of fern for aquatics, and is widespread in tropical Asia. This species varies widely and displays a number of different leaf shapes and sizes. Its undemanding nature makes it the perfect plant for beginners. It grows best when the rhizomes are anchored to rocks or driftwood. Low to medium lighting is completely sufficient, although it also grows well under strong lighting. Older leaves can sometimes produce plantlets that can easily be cut away and reattached in another place using a piece of thin fishing line.

Nano Stone with Java Moss

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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specially developed for Nano streams, natural decorative element

Nymphaea red

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 50 cm / schnell Growth
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Species: Nymphaea
Red Tiger Lotus is widespread across tropical Africa, where it inhabits various bodies of water, including temporary pools and lakes, and flowing water. It has a tuber for storing nutrients and robust floating leaves. Its most attractive feature is the submerged juvenile leaves that do not reach the water surface. Of the two colour forms, this red variant is most popular among aquarists; the green version is hard to find commercially. Tiger Lotus is generally undemanding; older, larger leaves should always be removed at the base of the tuber.

Ludwigia arcuata In-Vitro

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Licht Icon 18 - 26 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 30 - 40 cm / schnell Growth
Family: Onagraceae
Species: Ludwigia
Ludwigia are stem plants beloved by aquatics hobbyists and have been cultivated for decades. Ludwigia arcuata is native to the US where it prefers humid marshland. It is known as the most delicate species for life under the water. Its emersed stems are usually pure green; submerged stems are usually brown to red. "The stronger the light, the more intense the colours" - the general rule of thumb also applies to these plants. Cut the stems down to the lower third and you will soon be rewarded with a number of new shoots.