October 13, 2012

Yesterday there where two episodes so her we go!
Season 1 Episode 2: Cool Change:
Thats right, the FIRST episode with Sara Sidle. Yes, I know i have used this picture before but its the only one i have. We all know what its about, so i am gonna move on to the second one.

Season 6 Episode 3: Shooting Stars:
Ah, I originaly forgot what this one was about, and theres that episode 3 again! Haha, Ok so this epidode is freaky. But Grissom is wearing his famous hat. Oh, but no GSR.
<- There is that picuter of the hat
Alians, thats kinda what its about. Well, the people thought that they would be taken to the alians after drinking some posine.

October 14, 2012

Season 5 Episode 3: Harvest:
Another epsode 3! This one is about a girl who gets 'kidnaped' and they find her dead. again not one that i really 'like'. But there is a bit of GSR but not really a lot. it was in the scene where Grissom and Sara were going through their victus computer and they start flirting.

Season 11 Episode 4: Sqweegel:
God, when i first saw this one i got scared, which hasnt happened in like 4 years. Gosh, this is the weirdest episode ever.
3 victums
3 different reasons get hurt
2 dead
1 kid with no mom
1 kid dead
The kid with no mom is the one who gave this killer his name. I will always remember the ending where the killer says 'I am no one'
he gave the name Ian Moon to the guy who made his suit. This episode is the weirdest one ever.

So tomorrow and Tuesday there are only two episodes together so i am going to put them together in one 'Daily CSI' and Wednesdays second episode which is the newest one will be blogged live again, only during the comirsals. I will check with the Writers room on twitter tonight and see if they are live tweeting again. I will post what i know as soon as i get a reply. M'kay Bye!
Today in CSI history Warrick Brown passed away. At a young age of 37, today he would be 41 years of age. He is dearly missed.
In other news, today is also the day that the episode 'Homebodies' from season 4 aired. This episide had an old woman locked in a closet and mumified. It is also the episode where we see Sara crying in her county issued crime lab Tahoe, in the end, because a rape victum was killed on her way into her own home by the same people who had as Sara said 'gang raped' her. Great episode? I'd say so, but it was also a sad one. Seeing Sara upset is so sad.
Guess what tomorrow is? If you guessed that it was the airing of the newest season 13 episode, Code Blue Plate Speical, then you are correct. I got inside information from Shane Sandures on twitter that this episode is personal for Sara. Aparently one of the 8 murder victums was one of Sara's only friends. I am glad to report that the CSI writers room, Director Louis Milito, and writer Andy Dettmann, all on twitter, will be tweeting LIVE at 10 pm EST(for the east cost airing). I wonder if we will see some Grissom in the episode, dont you? Oh how much do you miss Grissom? Coment on facebook or just on here.
Like my facebook page, and follow me on twitter and tumblr links will be posted below. Night my CSI FANatics. haha, have a great night, see ya tomorrow.