Ammannia Senegalensis Red ( sold as emersed growth)


Availability: In stock

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Ammannia senegalensis has a leaf that is curved in a downward fashion in an arch. In order to achieve strong shoots the substrate should be nutrient rich, like Grow-Pro for plants, and it needs very strong lighting. Five to eight strong specimens, 1 bunch from us, can be used for the mid-ground area to help accent the shades of green aquarium plants. Ammania Senegalensis does much better in soft water. Can withstand temps from 53.6 to 86 degrees. Optimum growth temperature is 71.6 to 82.4 degrees.
Sent out right now with emersed growth. Plant will be green with large leaves. Once you plant it submersed in your tank, it will not take long to turn a nice red under high light. The leaves will also become narrow. This growth will only take around a week or two.
Do not let this plant break the waters surface. When it does it will put all of it’s energy into submersed growth and shed it’s immersed growth.
  • Common Name: Red Ammannia
  • Family: Lythraceae
  • Native To: East Africa
  • Lighting: Medium-High
  • pH: 6.5-7.5
  • Growth Demands: Moderate-High
  • Growth Form: Stem
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • True Aquatic: Yes
  • Placement In Tank: Background
  • Available As: Bunch
Weight 0.5 lbs
Identifier Exists