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Sciaenochromis fryeri is a cichlid which is living all around the lake in all kinds of environments as long as there are rocks in itīs neighbourhood. This species is a carnivore, itīs living on young "mbuna" and "utaka".

The male has a beautiful steelblue colour with a white spot on his head, the female is gray. In my aquarium the male is near 20 cm, the female 12 cm.

The couple in my aquarium behave quite peaceful and they swim around through everything without apparently having notice of what happens around them. Usually they hold up at the edge of the rocks. They haven't had any interest in eachother so far so there hasn't been any offspring yet.

They eat almost everything, there is always enough young fish in this aquarium where they can feed on however the normal food is eaten by them as well.

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