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Protomelas similis "Likoma"

Protomelas similis is living in shallow water, in areas with vegetation and they can be found in the entire lake. The examples shown here were caught near Likoma Island with the exception of the one on the first picture, thatīs an F1 offspring example.

The males of these species can grow to about 17 cm in the lake. In the aquarium however they can grow taller because of a good feeding. The males can then grow to about 20 cm, females grow to about 16 cm.

Protomelas similis is a quiet, peaceful cichlid which can be hold best with multiple females in a large tank with a lot of swimming space. Mbunas are generally too aggresive for this species.

In the lake they are feeding themselves with leaves of plants like Vallisneria.
In the aquarium they are comfortable with any food. They take everything they get offered, like spirulina pellets, mysis, artemia, cyclops and shrimp-peas mix. Food rich of algae like spirulina pellets or flakes is very important to them so this should not be missing on their menu.