Aulonocar  Kandeensis
  This Peacock is from the Kande Island, it resembles the Myalundi except it has a white stripe running down it's head.The nick nmae in the trade there called Blue Orchid peacock.  Will reach 4 inches,in the aquarium 6",females 3". Females are more silvery colour than othere Aulonocara females. Kandeenis is from the Chitande species, They are also known for large brood of fry at least 100 or more..     Picture is comeing soon.
Aulonocara Kornelia
      Kornelia peacock is onlyfound on Chizumulu Island, one of the Island in the Lake Malawi., the males reach 4" and females 3".In the wild they eat small invertebrates in the sand. They are part of the Staurtgranti group species. There trade name is Blue Gold peacock.
   Breeding: Males defend their territories at the edge of the sand and rocks of caves.
Aulonocara Usisya Steveni
                        The Steveni was found on Kande Island , The males reaches 4 inches but in the Aquarium they can reach to 6 inches. They are a very nice peacock to have in a aquarium.Steveni is from the family of Stuartgranti  some trade names are Flavescent peacock, neon flavescent, Usisya Aulonocara Steveni or just Steveni peacock. all the same family but with different variant of morph color.
Aulonocare Stuartgranti  Species
My Neon Flavescent
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