Scissortail - Rasbora trilineata Rasbora trilineata


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Scissortail - Rasbora trilineata

Species name: Rasbora trilineata

Synonym: Rasbora stigmatura

Common name: Scissortail

Family: Cyprinidae.

Order: Cypriniformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 8 cm / 3.5 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: South eastern Asia.

Temperament: Peaceful

Company: Rasbora trilineata (Scissortail) make a good addition to any peaceful community aquarium.

Water parameters: Temperature 23-25°C / 73-78°F; pH 6.6 – 7.0

Aquarium setup: Rasbora trilineata (Scissortail) should be provided with plenty of open swimming space and a tight cover or it may jump. These fish should also be kept in a group, ideally as large as possible. Recommended a tank of at least 25 gallons.

Feeding: They accepts most foods, but frozen and live foods are far preferred.

Breeding: Female Scissortails are slightly rounder when viewed from above. Pairs of fish make spawning runs through thickets of plants and the eggs that are scattered attach themselves to leaves. The parents should then be removed otherwise the eggs will be eaten. The fry will hatch after 28-30 hours but will not be free swimming until 3-5 days at which point feeding should begin, newly hatched brine shrimp and other small live foods are best.

Rasbora trilineata - Scissortail picture
Picture of Scissortail - Rasbora trilineata. Copyright

Scissortail - Rasbora trilineata picture
Rasbora trilineata - Scissortail picture. Copyright

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Scissortail - Rasbora trilineata